Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1335: atmosphere

   Chapter 1335

  Bai Shan and Bai Erlang were hiding in the study with Bai Dalang, Man Bao ran over to look for them, and saw that they hadn't even changed their clothes when they went out. They couldn’t help but get angry, “I’ve said that I’m going to Taoist temple today. Why are you not moving?”

  Usually, they should pick her up from her house or meet her at the entrance of the village.

  Bai Erlang hissed, Bai Shan lowered his voice and said, "Cousin Chen's family is leaving today, we are hiding here."

  Man Bao puzzled, "What to hide?"

Bai Dalang gave an uncomfortable cough, and Bai Shan explained: "Yesterday, my cousin and Mrs. Chen went to the Taoist temple, and then turned down the Chen family's marriage. When I came this morning, I ran into my cousin Chen. They were in the front yard, Cousin Chen. His eyes are red."

  Bai Dalang glared at him and warned him to be cautious in words and deeds.

  Man Bao said, "Don’t hide. I didn’t see a car in the front yard when I came here. They must have all gone. My mother and them have already left. Let’s hurry."

  All three of them breathed a sigh of relief. Then they got up, and Bai Erlang invited Bai Dalang, "Brother, you also go to worship Master Tianzun."

  Bai Dalang hesitated after touching his stomach.

  Man Bao said: "Big Brother Bai, don't go. It's quite cold outside. If you accidentally catch the cold, it won't be good. By the way, let me feel your pulse."

Bai Dalang stretched out his hand, Man Bao felt his pulse for a while, looked at his tongue coating and complexion, and nodded: "It's much better. I'll give you a needle when I come back from Taoist Temple. Remember not to eat anything, but only white porridge. ..."

   Bai Dalang listened to the usual doctor's order and nodded in response. He nodded, and Man Bao took Bai Shan and Bai Erlang and ran out.

   "Hurry up, hurry up, I won't be able to catch up with my mother and them for a while."

  Bai Shan said: "I will let Da Ji drive the carriage, so fast."

  The trio of cars were simple, and the speed was indeed much faster. They caught up with Qian and others at the foot of the mountain, and then they took their own things and jumped out of the car and walked up the mountain.

  There are many people who come to the Taoist temple like them. After all, it is about to celebrate the New Year. Everyone is idle at home. In order to seek good luck in the coming year, they will come to the Taoist temple for a walk and worship.

  Bai Shan and the others decided to donate money directly, so they didn’t bring anything, but most of the villagers walking by them held a bamboo basket like Qian’s, which contained millet, wheat or other things.

  But there are very few people like Qian’s who are filled with a basket full of rice and eggs. In these ten miles and eight villages, this gift can be regarded as a generous gift.

  The people who are familiar with the road first went to the main hall to worship the Lord Tianzun, and then they carried their things to find the Taoist Shoucai, and Daoxu was following the Taoist Shoucai to entertain the laymen who came to worship and asked for a sign.

   Seeing Man Bao and Bai Shan three people, he avoided Shoucai Daochang and blinked at them quietly.

  Shoucai Daochang greeted Qian, and saw the things in her basket, his smile on his face became brighter, and he happily took the things and handed them to Daoxu, and then talked with Qian.

  Qian mainly wanted to ask about the family's fortune next year, as well as the marriage of her youngest son and granddaughter.

  Tao Master Shoucai wanted to receive other guests. Knowing that Qian was familiar with Shouqing Guanzhu, he showed her the way and asked her to find Shouqing Guanzhu behind.

  Qian drew on Xiao Qian’s and Da Ya to sign the text, and after taking it, he went back and let other people play by themselves.

  Man Bao rarely drew the lottery, and Qian did not let her do it easily. She was curious about Da Ya’s signature, so she followed. Bai Shan and Bai Erlang followed Man Bao, and everyone went back together.

  Shouqing Daoist received a few more important guests in the back. They were all the same as the Qians, who gave more generous gifts to Daoist temples, or were laymen who were acquainted with Daoist temples.

  Qian is also familiar with them, so he greets them as soon as he enters the door and asks them well, and then talks to the family while waiting for the people in front to sign and sign before they come forward.

Daohe followed Shouqingguanzhu behind and poured tea to several people. This tea was a tea tree they planted on the mountain. It was a bit bitter, but after it was fried, it had a unique fragrance. Daohe liked it very much. I often make tea for the people in Guanli and the guests who come.

  But everyone didn't like to drink this bitter tea at all. Not only the guests, but also the Shouqing watchers didn't like it too much. However, Daohe just didn't make other tea. He said he had to drink it if he was thirsty.

   Seeing Man Bao and Bai Shan, Dao He nodded to them with a smile, went out with the teapot, and called them.

  There are stone tables and benches in the yard, but no one sits outside in the cold weather.

   Tao and put down the teapot, went into the house and took out a set of teacups, and took four futons and put them on the stone bench, "It's too cold, you sit on the cushions."

  He poured tea for them, and the three of Bai Shan took a sip and wrinkled their faces together, "The smell is good, but it is still as bitter as before."

   Dao and laughed: "You taste carefully, are you happy after suffering?"

  Bai Shan carefully tasted the product and said, "Very shallow."

   Tao and then laughed: "The wonderful thing is that this is shallow."

  He looked at the three of them carefully and then smiled: "I haven't congratulated you yet, you have got what you wanted."

  Bai Shan and Man Bao looked at each other and asked, "You all know?"

Daohe smiled and nodded, "I am afraid that all the people in these ten miles and eight villages know it. The place is so small. When the officials from the capital came to plant winter wheat, everyone came and went, and your family even hosted a banquet. Everyone in the village will know about it in two days."

  The mountain village is closed. The news from the outside is rarely heard, and the news from the inside is rarely spread. It is easy for people to conceal one thing together, but it is not difficult to spread one thing.

  Especially these ten miles and eight villages are connected, and they are not far from each other, and they still contact relatives. Such a big event is still a happy event, and can you not know about such a big topical matter?

Tao and Tao: "Now everyone is quietly saying in private that you are the reincarnation of the fairy under the Celestial Seat. Your parents were virtuous in the previous life, and this life is blessed to give birth to you. In the future, when you return to the throne, your parents may also Can you become immortals, otherwise, there are not many righteous men like them in this world, even people in Qili Village are labeled as righteous men."

He smiled and said: "It is not easy for them to hide old things for your parents and protect you from growing up. So now the Gao Yi in Qili Village spreads very well in private. I heard that people in Qili Village now say that it is easier to kiss relatives than in other villages. many."

  Three people:...

  Bai Shan couldn't help swallowing, "Is it able to affect the marriage of the whole village?"

   said and nodded, "This is natural. Your Qili Village has a good atmosphere, and everyone is naturally more willing to get married with people in the village."

  White Jiro asked: "They don't dislike our village for being too close to the inside, too far, too mountainous?"

   Tao and Le, "Don’t dislike it."

  Bai Erlang patted the table and said: "My father really knows the land with his eyes. Back then, there were so many good places to live in Qili Village."

  Bai Shan: "...Isn't the cousin picking the land in Qili Village because it is surrounded by mountains and rivers?"

See you tomorrow

     temporarily answered a phone call, the call lasted forty minutes, it’s too late to add changes today, let’s tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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