Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1231: Do you want to be Huayang county magistrate?

   Chapter 1231 Do you want to be Huayang county magistrate


  Man Bao poked his head out of the house, only then did he see Fu Xianling standing under the window worrying.

  He had just been rejected from the staff, and he was in a bad mood. When he got home, he wanted to talk to his daughter, but Man Bao happened to be in the house.

  Man Bao was curious: "Why was it detained?"

   County magistrate Fu shook his head and sighed: "I have inquired with the officials of the staff department, but they were very busy and didn't tell me."

  After talking, looked at Man Bao.

  Fu Wenyun said to her father through the window: "Has my father ever wanted to ask her father-in-law to help us?"

   County magistrate Fu frowned, "We went to the Yamen two days ago and left the house under your name."

  It is fine to ask earlier or later, but it is obviously inappropriate at the moment.

  Furthermore, Madam Fu was a little worried, "You said, did your in-law’s collision offend the queen mother, so..."

  Man Bao said: "Impossible, now the queen mother is seriously ill, how can she have the time to take care of these things?"

   County magistrate Fu's eyes rolled and said, "The lady is very sick?"

  Man Bao nodded, "It's not light anyway."

  After all, she is sitting in Ji Shitang, and Ji Shitang also has a doctor Zheng in the palace. The information on this aspect should be well informed.

  Combined with what Bai Shan and the others said when they went home, Man Bao blinked and said, "Could it be that the staff wanted to change the position for Master Fu?"

   County magistrate Fu immediately brightened his eyes, "What do you say?"

   "Because of the case of King Yizhou, there are a lot of vacancies in Chaozhong, especially in Jiannan Road. After all, the adults have served in Luojiang County, and it may be possible to be transferred back."

  Fu county magistrate was like a lightning strike, "Again, go back to Luojiang County?"

  Fu Wenyun heard that the voice was wrong, and immediately said through the window: "Father, Man Bao means going back to Jiannan Road. You have ascended to Changshi, so you won’t return to Luojiang County again."

   County magistrate Fu breathed a sigh of relief, then his eyes rolled and his mind became alive, "I heard that the magistrate of Huayang County has done a great job this time and will be transferred back to the capital..."

  Although the magistrate of Huayang County is also a county magistrate, half a level lower than his long history, this is the magistrate of Shangxian. If it is done well, it will be Sima, Changshi of Shangzhou in the future...

  This is much more convenient than his current long history of Xiazhou, and life will be much better.

  Man Bao thought about the temperament of Tang County magistrate. I am afraid that the next magistrate will not be so easy to do, and Fu County magistrate may not be able to suppress so many powerful families in Yizhou City.

  The officials and the imperial court would not let Madam Fu go to Huayang County as long as they were not blind.

  But after looking at the magnificent magistrate Fu, Man Bao said nothing.

Fu Wenyun also thought it was impossible for her father, but she didn’t say anything. Instead, she quietly entrusted Man Bao to inquire about it, “You know a lot of people, and help my father find out what happened. Other things offended Shangfeng’s deliberate hang-off, and we knew it, so we could deal with it early."

  Man Bao responded and said with a smile: "Second sister Fu, don't worry, I will ask Bai Shan to help me when I turn around."

It’s best to ask Liu Huan about the official department, because the household department has the most dealings with the official department.

Liu Huan didn’t ask his grandfather after receiving Bai Shan’s entrustment. Instead, he went to his elder brother Liu Yi. He was the most informed about this kind of news. It's very convenient to do clerical work in the staff department.

   Liu Yi inquired out after a day, and when he saw his stupid brother turned around happily, he ran out, and asked, "Where are you going?"

   "I'm going to find Yinor, we are going to the racecourse to watch the horses today."

   Liu Yi frowned, "Didn’t you step on the snow?"

   "It's not that I want to buy it, it's Bai Shan and the others. Let's follow it for reference." After that, he ran away.

  Liu Yi didn't stop him. After shook his head, he also went out to find friends to drink and talk about poetry. But before he left home, he was called to the study by his grandfather.

   Liu Shangshu was very satisfied with this grandson, so he did not coax him like he coaxed Liu Huan, and said straightforwardly: "Tang Zhihe is going back to Beijing."

   Liu Yi blinked, and then he chanted back. He should also enter the Criminal Department when he came back. What does it have to do with him?

  Liu Yi thought about it here for a while, and he hesitantly asked: "The magistrate of Huayang County..."

  Liu Shangshu nodded slightly and said: "I talked to Li Shangshu, he thinks you are a plastic talent, maybe you can give it a try."

  This Li Shangshu is of course not from the Ministry of War, but from their staff.

  Inwardly, Liu Yi was a little unwilling to leave the capital. The main reason was that his relatives and friends were in the capital. He was alone when he went to Yizhou.

  He is not like Tang Zhihe, there is a Yang Heshu nearby.

   "Grandfather, isn't Yizhou a hot potato nowadays?"

Liu Shangshu glanced at him and said: "What hot potato, it is obviously sweet and sweet, the king of Yizhou is gone, the mountain above your head has gone to a mountain, I have inquired with Master Tang, Tang Zhihe is very good at being a man, he In a letter to your Majesty, you want to put all the confiscations in the hands of the county government. Now only a part of the confiscation of the Yizhou Palace is distributed to the deserters scattered into Yizhou, and a large number of refugees have not been resettled."

  Liu Shangshu said: "You have taken this position, and you can start to arrange this when you are in office. You can not only win the hearts of the people, but also make achievements. Do you think it is sweet?"

"But wouldn't this offend a lot of people?" Liu Yi said, "I heard that this time even the Ji family's property has been seized. When I get to work, they will definitely take it away. No?"

   Liu Shangshu heard the words, frowned slightly, glanced at his grandson with disapproval, and said, "Then do you want to give it or don't you want to give it?"

   Liu Yi was silent for a while and then said: "I don't want to give it."

"Then don't give it," Liu Shangshu looked a little better, and said: "If you want great achievements, how can you not pay a big price? Know why you only entered the imperial court two years younger than Tang Zhihe Yang Heshu, but they have never been there. Go fast? It's because you are too restrained."

   Liu Yi lowered his head to admit his teaching.

  Liu Shangshu said: "If you want to go, I and Li Shangshu have agreed to recommend you upwards, and my Majesty wants to see you when I look back."

  You are all talking about it, can I still not go?

   Liu Yi slandered in his heart, and responded with a low voice.

  He was about to quit, but faintly felt that something was wrong. He raised his head and said, "Grandfather, when is Tang Zhihe so understanding? He gave such a big credit to his descendants."

  He coughed lightly: "He is not afraid that his successor will take the property he copied back to be a friendly local gentry and rich?"

   Liu Shangshu raised his eyelids and said: "So the incumbent has to carefully pick and pick."

  Liu Yi:......Co-author pit is waiting for me here.

  He stared and said: "In just a few years, Tang Zhihe has become so powerful?"

   Liu Shangshu said: “I’m afraid this is not Tang Zhihe’s handwriting. During this time, Yang Heshu has also been helping with post-war affairs in Yizhou City.”

   Liu Yi will understand.

  He couldn’t help but mumbled, “I really don’t understand why he wants to be a magistrate of the next county.”

However, Liu Shangshu sighed in his heart, "This is Yang Changbo's cleverness. When he returns to Beijing this time and rewards him for his merits, I am afraid that his merits are still on top of Tang Zhihe. Not only is it full of capital, but the children of all the families will take it out for a walk. For a walk, there is almost no one who can compare with Yang Changbo."

   See you at six in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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