Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1223: The importance of money

  Chapter 1223 The importance of money

  Bai Shan almost smashed the door before calling out Man Bao.

  As soon as she opened the door, she met everyone's worried eyes. Bai Shan also put away her ferocious expression, and immediately asked softly: "Man Bao, what's wrong with you?"

  Don’t blame them for worrying. It’s getting dark now. Bai Shan and the others knocked on them once after Shen Zheng came back from school. She didn’t answer, and Bai Shan went to do his homework by herself.

  After he finished his homework, he and Bai Erlang discussed the Xiangjia story with Xiang Mingxue. She still couldn't come out in the house until it was about to eat dinner.

Bai Shan knocked on the door, but she still didn't say anything. This situation has happened before. According to her several explanations afterwards, he thought she was addicted to the case or medical book again, so he didn't worry much and asked the kitchen to give She set aside a meal and went for it.

  Waiting for everyone to eat and drink, and chat for a while, seeing that the sky is about to get dark, the room must have been dark enough to see nothing, but Man Bao still did not move.

  Everyone panicked, and Bai Shan came to knock on the door and almost smashed the door.

  Seeing Man Bao’s haggard face and his eyes flushed a bit, everyone couldn’t help but raise their hearts. Are they crying?

  Mr. Zhuang looked at her eyes carefully, and felt that it was not like crying, but rather red eyes.

  He glanced at the dim room behind her, frowning and said: "Even if you are addicted to books, you should turn on the lamp, so you don't take care of your eyes. Be careful not to see it in the future."

  Man Bao wanted to say that her eyes were red not because of blackness, but because she had to connect her hamstrings.

  That thing was much harder to pick up than she thought.

  Like an open abdomen, although the internal organs are also very dangerous, there is a danger of bleeding at any time, but they are so big, this time when the hamstrings are connected, she knows what blindness is.

  The anthropomorphic model is set according to Xiang Mingxue's data, so the situation on its ankle is the same as Xiang Mingxue's.

  Because he was brutally cut off at the beginning, the section was very messy, not only the tendons and ligaments, but also the bones were injured, and the situation was very bad.

  Because the hamstring has been broken for a long time, the wound on the ankle has healed, the scar on the outside looks okay, but the inside is a mess.

Don't talk about her when Manbao was cut. Teacher Mo, who received a video every five minutes, was shocked. While shocked by the brutality of the student's era, he sweated for her, and then persuaded: " It is impossible for you to fix this situation, so give up."

He even suggested: "It appears that the wound is healed, but there is water in it. According to the existing data, this part of the bone is likely to be necrotic. In order not to affect the upper bone, I am finally amputated. ."

  Man Bao was a little unhappy. It was the first time she had seen such a case when she grew up like this.

  How many people have broken their hamstrings in this world?

  How many people who have broken their hamstrings will meet her again, and if they meet her, will they risk operating on her?

  So it's hard to meet, why did she give up?

  Man Bao ignited his fighting spirit and dealt with the accumulation of water first. Generally speaking, he had to wait for the accumulation of water to improve and the body could digest itself before proceeding to the second operation.

  But this is an anthropomorphic model, so after confirming with Teacher Mo that her way of dealing with stagnant water was correct, she performed a second operation rudely...

  Man Bao was completely immersed in his busy schedule. Not to mention his eyes, his neck was about to be broken. This operation took too long.

  She sat at the dinner table and sighed quietly while eating.

  Mr. Zhuang returned to the house to rest after educating his disciples. The elderly can't stand the scare, so he has to use sleep to comfort himself.

  The Xiang family brothers also went back to the house. Over the years, they can finally put down their heartstrings and stay in one place safely. Of course, they need to sleep well.

   Zhou Lijun has been busy for a day. Seeing my sister-in-law is okay, she is just addicted to studying, so she relaxes and goes to bed. She will have to go to the restaurant tomorrow morning.

  Bai Erlang is going to continue his writing career, so at this time only Bai Shan is sitting opposite Man Bao. Seeing her look sad, he asked: "What are you worried about?"

  Man Bao sighed deeply, "I have a big problem."

  She glanced at the door with a probe, and then said: "Xiang Mingxue's hamstrings are not easy to connect."

  Bai Shan looked at her suspiciously, "Aren’t you quite confident before?"

"But I didn't expect the condition in his ankle to be so bad. There was still a 40-50% certainty, now, it really depends on God's will." It also depends on whether she can be on the anthropomorphic model before he takes care of his body. Accumulate experience.

  Bai Shan thought of something, and looked out, then lowered his voice and asked, “Did Uncle Zhou have found any news? Could he still see the situation in his ankle?”

  Man Bao:……

  She opened her mouth and didn't tell him that Keke is not her father, ghost or something, she has never seen it when she grows up.

Seeing that she hadn't denied it, Bai Shan said with bright eyes, "Uncle Zhou was really a weapon for you to learn medicine. No wonder your medical skills have improved so quickly."

  He said that Man Bao was not convinced, "My medical improvement is fast because I am smart, studious and hardworking. It has nothing to do with my uncle and my relatives."

  Bai Shan glanced at her and said, "Why is it okay? You can see the patient's body through Uncle Zhou. Isn't this the equivalent of seeing the lesion all the time?"

  Man Bao thinks too, this is really a convenience brought by Keke, but... "This is not visible all the time, there is a price to pay."

  There are a lot of points for each scan.

  Bai Shan became nervous and asked, "What is the price? Is it bad for your body? Or is it bad for Uncle Zhou's soul and body?"

  At the last sentence, he also lowered his voice as much as possible, only the two of them could hear it.

  Man Bao shook his head sadly and said, "No, it's money."

  Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s just money, what I thought it was, we won’t make any more money without us.”

  Bai Shan thought for a while, went back to the house and took out a box, opened it to Man Bao, and it was filled with heavy, yellow, orange, and orange gold. “Not a lot, let’s use it.”

  Man Bao stretched out his hand to hug the box, and retorted: "Give it to me? Isn't that bad? After all, no merit is not guaranteed..."

  Bai Shan: "...Lent it to you."

  Man Bao put the box on the table.

  Bai Shan gave a light cough, looked around, and asked in a low voice: "Isn't Uncle Zhou here?"

  Man Bao opened his eyes to tell the truth, "I'm not here." He's never been there.

Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief and whispered, "Isn't it easy for you to make money? Since Uncle Zhou can find all kinds of exotic flowers and weeds, wait until next spring you ask him to find some precious flowers such as peonies and bluegrass. Then you can make money. You can use me first."

  Man Bao pushed back regretfully: "Forget it, I still have it now."

  People want points, not gold.

But gold is also good, she is planning to collude with the little **** who guards the flowers and plants in the Queen’s Palace these two days, oh no, it’s a friendly exchange, let him accidentally damage one or two plants when he is serving the flowers and plants, and then she will be researched. Research.

  These all require money.

No way, she still pretends to be the little **** next to the prince when she enters the palace. Every time she goes to see a doctor in the queen palace, everyone else hides from a distance, and she never sees the princess Mingda who has promised her flowers and hassles. .

See you tomorrow



  (End of this chapter)

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