Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 1201: care

   Chapter 1201 Caring

  Lao Liu, Mrs. Zhuang, and Zhou Wulang came with gold and silver, and rushed to the backyard to see that the children were all right, which was relieved.

  Lao Mrs. Liu’s eyes were a little red, and she reached out and hugged Bai Shan and said, “It’s fine if it’s okay, it’s okay.”

  Wu Lang also checked Man Bao, and found that she had no other problems except that her clothes were wet and her face was a little pale, and she was also relieved.

  Bai Shan saw that the Jiading who escorted them in was carrying a knife and blood was still on his clothes. Even Wushu Lang had blood stains on his body, so he asked, "Grandma, what's the matter?"

  Lao Mrs. Liu smiled and said, "It's okay."

   Mr. Zhuang said quietly: “Some gangster brought a knife to break into the house. Fortunately, Mr. Tao from the Criminal Department brought people in time. We are fine, but the family still injured several family members.”

  Man Bao asked: "Fifth brother, are they okay with sixth brother?"

  Friday Lang said: "It's okay, we are all hiding behind, there are officials and family members, we are not injured."

   is not a small shock, after all, it’s the first time I saw someone kill someone when I grew up. Some time ago, Beijing Qiu killed a group of prisoners, and many people went to watch the excitement, but none of them dared to watch it.

  Bai Shan pursed his mouth and clenched his fists: "Why is this, is King Yizhou crazy?"

At the side of   , Lieutenant Jingzhaofu remembered that he had forgotten to tell them, "King Yizhou is gone."

  All the teenagers opened their eyes together.

   Then, the hearts of Man Bao and Bai Shan settled down. They looked at each other without saying a word, and made a wish in their hearts, "I hope that Lord Tianzun will protect you, and the King of Yizhou will resist to the end and will not surrender."

  Lao Liu and Yin or Feng Zongping thanked them humanely, and then went out to thank the passers-by and righteous men who saved them.

  According to what Bai Shan said, all those who offered help were given ten golds, and those who were injured would be given ten golds. They also paid for the medical expenses this time.

   And those who helped a lot were given ten more golds. At that time, the assassination was in full view. Everyone would see who did the most and who did the least, and it was not difficult to distinguish.

  If the gold brought was not enough, she exchanged it for silver. When it was not enough, Mrs. Liu took the name of the Bai family and went to the silver building for temporary loan.

  Now the Bai family is well-known in the capital, and it is for this money. Yinlou is willing to borrow money, no one thinks that the Bai family will not be able to pay back the money.

  Lao Mrs. Liu took the people who received the bounty from General Liu Gui to send away one by one, and asked the doctor to bandage the injured, and also asked someone to send home the inconvenient people.

  In fact, she did not use her to send it. The family of those people heard that they had made so much money, and they had already rushed with their families.

  Ten gold, that is one hundred taels, ordinary people can't make this money for several years.

  How dare they go home alone with money?

  Naturally, if you have a family member, you should ask someone to go back and tell him to come and take him home. Those who are far away from home directly took the money and called a few acquaintances or fellow villagers. After giving the money, they planned to walk together on the road.

As a result, a few horse-drawn carriages rushed forward before the people finished walking, and they stopped in front of the drugstore. Before they stopped, they jumped off a few young women in Chinese clothes, and the first one watched. Without even looking at Mrs. Liu, he ran directly into the medicine shop, with a pale face, and grabbed a busy medicine boy and asked, "Where is the little son of the Yin family?"

  Yaotong recognized the young woman and immediately pointed to the backyard.

  The woman ran to the backyard immediately, saw Yinor at a glance, and then rushed to hug him, "Brother, where are you injured?"

  Yin may be touched by the woman up and down, a little embarrassed under the gaze of his friends, he held down her hand and said: "Sister, I am not injured."

  The voice hasn't died yet, the second sister and the third sister also ran in, all looking like the sky was about to fall, and they were going to touch them around him.

His second sister wiped her tears and said: "It scared us to death. We heard that you met an assassin at home, and ran to Xiangguo Temple without stopping, but when we got there, they said that you have come to Jishitang... …"

  His eldest sister has already gone to trouble Jingzhao Mansion, "How can there be gangsters on the street at the feet of the emperor? How do you manage Jingzhao Mansion?"

  His second sister nodded repeatedly and turned to ask Changshou, “Why do you take the young master there in such a crowded and dangerous place of Xiangguo Temple?”

  Yin may quickly said: "Second sister, Xiangguo Temple is a Buddhist temple, how can it be dangerous? I am going to pray for the Buddha today, and he can't be my lord for longevity."

   said to his elder sister again: "Elder sister, this is not to blame Jingzhao Mansion, this is an accident, no one wants it."

  What's more, Jing Zhaoyin is their father, blame Jingzhao Mansion, and finally Yu Shi took it seriously. Isn't the impeachment of their father?

  Sister Yin asked, "Where is the assassin? But then, who is so bold and dared to assassinate in the street?"

  Captain Jingzhaofu finally could talk, and said, "The assassins are all dead."

  Sister Yin asked sharply, "Dead?"

  Bai Shan was about to speak, Yin Or turned his head and glanced at him, and shook his head slightly with the hand that pressed him.

  Sister Yin narrowed her eyes when she saw her, and asked: "Why, Young Master Bai knows about these assassins?"

   Yin or said: "The assassin won't report his family, where will he know?"

  Bai Shan said, “Although he didn’t report his family, it should be because of me. I’m really sorry.”

  After saying this, he got up and apologized to everyone.

   Yin glanced at Bai Shan disapprovingly.

  Bai Shan felt that it was impossible to hide it, so he might as well be honest.

  The three sisters of the Yin family didn't like the three of Bai Shan very much, and they were even more disliked at this time.

  Sister Yin opened her mouth and was about to talk, and the third sister Yin, who had been silently wiping her tears, pulled her sleeve and shook her head slightly.

   Thinking of Yin or the maintenance of his friends, she snorted and turned her head away.

  Yin was relieved to see that her sisters didn't say anything bad.

Feng Zongping watched from the side with gusto. Yi Ziyang couldn't see it. He stretched out his foot and stepped on him. Then he recovered and immediately stepped forward to complete the battle. "Sister Yin is relieved, Yin may just be a little frightened, not hurt at all. Sorry, you see, I was even slashed."

Sister Yin's face looked a little better, and she said to Yin, "Brother, let's go home soon. Grandma is still worried at home. She was going to come here in person, but she is getting older and we are afraid that she will be stimulated. Did not agree."

  Yin might get up, nodded to Bai Shanhe Manbao and said, "Then I will go home first, and if you have anything to do, ask someone to call me."

  Sister Yin prayed in her heart: Don’t look for it anymore.

  Bai Shan nodded with a smile, and wanted to send them out, but Man Bao held him down and said: "You rest, I'll send it."

  People who have suffered internal injuries must move less.

  Bai Shan didn't insist, Man Bao sent them out, and Mrs. Liu and others naturally followed and thanked them. After watching them go away, they were relieved.

  The person who happened to receive the reward was almost gone, Mrs. Liu also breathed a sigh of relief, and reached out and took Man Bao’s hand back to the backyard.

   See you at four in the afternoon



  (End of this chapter)

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