Farmer’s Little Girl

Chapter 108: Stir fry

  Chapter 108 Cooking

  The two children widened their eyes, and quickly dug out the other **** pieces. When they were planted, they also marked them in order to accurately find them and water them.

So it’s very easy to dig. I pulled out all the **** pieces, and found that except for one that was dying and did not germinate, the others were all turned black. When you broke it gently, it was broken, and then the inside seemed to be black. Like cotton batting, it was obviously bad enough that it couldn't be worse.

Give it up, Bai Shanbao couldn’t help but tears down one by one. Jiang was planted in his yard. Every morning he would have to look at it when he got up and before going to bed. Feelings.

  Bai Shanbao cried a little bit miserably, his eyes were red and swollen from crying while holding him, and his face was full of tears. Man Bao wiped his tears with his hands full of mud, making him look even more miserable.

   Keke said: "This is too much water. Ask him how much water he has poured."

  Bai Shanbao cried and said, "I want them to sprout quickly, so I water them in the morning, water them after school in the afternoon, and water them before going to bed in the evening. Don’t all the flowers and plants love drinking water?"

Man Bao thinks he is really stupid, "It will die from waterlogging. My family has a piece of land by the river beach. I worry about planting things every year. It is because it is planted in spring. When it rains in May and June, it will be waterlogged. If you grow rice, the rice will be washed away. How can you pour so much water? My **** is planted, and it takes a few days to pour a little water."

  She only watered it when she remembered it. She didn't water it at all when she couldn't remember it. As a result, it all sprouted.

It is impossible for Man Bao to admit that she is a lazy person and has lazy blessings. She thinks this is because she knows a lot and knows how to grow ginger.

   So she took out two more pieces of **** from the system, and said to Bai Shanbao: "Let’s replant it again. Don’t always water it this time."

  Bai Shanbao sniffed, and together with Manbao, they divided the two large pieces of ginger. Oh, no, they were cut into pieces and buried.

  He asked, "What if I can't help but water?"

Man Bao rolled his eyes and came up with a bad idea: "If you can't help it, ask someone to prepare some flower fertilizer for you. Every time you can't help but water it, give it a little fertilizer. Jiang likes fat. ."

  Bai Shanbao didn't know what Huafei was, but thought the name was nice, so he nodded.

  He waited until the next day to find Man Bao with a black face, "The flower fertilizer is a bit smelly."

  Man Bao held his nose far away from him, and asked: "Did you take a bath today? Is it smelly too?"

  Bai Shanbao was angry, so he rushed to hug her, "I don’t smell bad, don’t you know if you smell it?"

  Man Bao was frightened, turned around and ran. The two children ran after me, and they hugged each other happily after a while.

Then Man Bao took him to see **** in their vegetable garden and looked forward to it: "It is sprouting now, and it will grow bigger and bigger in the future. It can be dug out and sold in the summer, and then it will make money. I invite you to eat goose."

  Bai Shanbao is not obsessed with food. After thinking about it, he said: "Then when I make money, I will buy you a good pen."

  The two agreed.

Because Bai Shanbao promised to give her a gift, Manbao realized that the two of them got closer, so he gave him two yam seeds prepared at home, saying: "Yam can also make money, and it's very delicious, my friend Say, it’s more delicious when fried, but I don’t know what fried is, I know stewed."

   "I know, stir-fry, if you want to eat, come to my house."

  Man Bao drooled and shook his head, "My mother won't let me eat out."

  Bai Shanbao rolled his eyes and said, "Then I will let Da Ji come to deliver me the food box tomorrow, and then I will invite you to eat together."

  Man Bao nodded fiercely now.

  Bai Shanbao has been eating and drinking with the students in the school since he enrolled in school. Liu did not want his grandson to be special, for fear that he would be isolated.

  Fortunately, the children in the mountain village have simple minds and have not isolated this kind of thing, at most they are naughty climbing some trees, so Liu will occasionally ask Da Ji to send food boxes to Bai Shanbao to replenish his nutrition.

  Bai Shanbao never protects food. What he thinks is delicious will be shared with his friends. As his tablemate, Manbao eats the most.

  The same is true this time. For the first time, Man Bao knew that the dishes could be fried. She ate with gusto, and said: "I want my sister-in-law to do the same when I go home."

  Bai Shanbao nodded.

  Keko said: "You can't do it at home."


   "Because you don't have a wok at home," Keke said, "You need a wok for cooking, and woks are not cheap. Your mother must be reluctant to buy them."

  Okay, there are so many things her mother is not willing to bear, Man Bao slung her shoulders, so there are more things to buy after earning money, and that is the iron pot.

  For this reason, Man Bao also deliberately followed Bai Shanbao back to his house to see what the iron pan looks like, and by the way, he visited how their cook cooks.

  Man Bao sucked saliva throughout the tour, it was really fragrant. Bai Shanbao was a little hungry when she was taken, and she sucked saliva again and again.

  The chef looked very happy, and every dish was filled with some to give them to eat, so that evening Man Bao went home with her stomach upright and ate too much.

The atmosphere at home was a bit stagnant, Man Bao keenly felt that, he touched his belly and slipped into the main room. Qian stopped talking, beckoned and asked her, "You won’t go to school tomorrow, right? ?"

  Man Bao responded.

   "When is the holiday?"

   "Seventeen, Mr. said, he will come back to class after the Lantern Festival."

  Qian nodded and said, "Hou'er is a young year. Minger, your brother and the others are going to the county to buy New Year's goods. Do you want to go with them?"

  Man Bao has already discussed with the fourth brother that tomorrow he will go to the mountains to dig the fat soil and return to fill their wasteland, so he hesitated for a while or shook his head, "I'm not going anymore, the eldest brother and the second brother will take the fifth brother."

  Let the fifth brother take the sugar for the Fu family.

  Saturday Lang also wanted to go, so Saturday Lang, who had been eavesdropping at the door, also slipped in and quietly stabbed Yaomei’s small waist.

  Man Bao almost rushed into Qian's arms, but fortunately, she stabilized, and said without looking back: "Brother Six, too."

  Qian glared at Saturday Lang, but didn’t stop him, “Okay, then the boss and the second child will take the fifth and the sixth to the next day. There are a lot of things to buy, and two more people can hold them.”

  Since the fourth child lost money in gambling, the fifth and the sixth have grown up a lot. They have been making money for the family in the past few months.

  Friday and Saturo cheered quietly from the bottom of their hearts, and they went out alone while lifting Man Bao.

  Man Bao was carried all the way back to the room by them. When they saw the big head, they immediately got in with excitement.

  Wu Lang glanced at his nephews and nieces, ah, all who came here have a common secret, they immediately closed the door and asked: "Man Bao, how much money have we saved with you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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