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Chapter 182 We must die together

After the birthday party, Changan sorted out the birthday gifts and looked at the gift list again, feeling that he needed to find a butler.

Now that you have received the gift, you will need to buy and send gifts during the New Year and holidays in the future.

There are about thirty families on this gift list, and all of them are from a higher level than my own family, so I have to prepare about thirty gifts for the holiday.

However, if you send a gift and the other party doesn't return the gift, it means that the other party disdains your friendship and you don't need to send it again in the future. This is a favor.

Chang'an scratched his head, feeling that the tens of thousands of taels of silver he earned were nothing.

It’s no wonder that the sixth-rank officials don’t even have many servants next to them. The wife and daughter in charge have to do embroidery to supplement the family income. If the official family has a weak family background, it is impossible to survive in a place like the capital, let alone go out to socialize.

Two days later, Chang An took Lian Xin and Xiao Ju to visit the Golden Jade Treasure Shop in order to gain knowledge and identify the value of the birthday gift so that he could repay the gift in the future.

Myolie Li left it to her mother, Jiang Ruyi, to help take care of the backyard vegetable garden.

Chang'an also made an appointment with Zhang Yuyan and asked her to teach him how to identify the quality of objects.

So the two girls each took two maids and rode a tricycle to the agreed place.

This is a jade shop with a dazzling array of jade ornaments and jewelry, as well as some raw ores.

Like turquoise, lapis lazuli, carnelian, malachite, cat's eye, agate, soapstone, amethyst, hibiscus stone, calcite, etc., they are colorful and very beautiful.

Changan simply couldn't move his eyes away.

On the other side, there are milky white and moist mutton-fat jade, green jade, and lake-colored Xiuyan jade.

When she asked about the price, she felt even poorer.

With all the money I had saved, I couldn't afford to buy a few pieces of good-quality jadeite and precious stones.

Sure enough, the rich and the poor are incomparable to a real aristocratic family. If someone just takes out a few jade ornaments from the warehouse, you can't afford them even if you use up all your wealth.

Chang'an glanced at Zhang Yuyan and sighed in his heart.

No wonder Mrs. Lu wants to please the twelve-year-old daughter of the Hou family. If her son marries such a young lady from a noble family, his descendants will also benefit from it.

Chang'an had stayed in the Marquis Mansion for a year and had seen the furnishings in other people's houses. Even a double-sided embroidered Kang screen was inlaid with jade, not to mention those exquisite gold and jade ornaments.

Finally, Chang'an bought two boxes of transparent glass carvings, also called medicinal jade, in the shapes of cicadas, toads, dragons, snakes, cows, sheep, pigs, and little dolls.

They are all about the size of an egg and are relatively cheap. They come with two sticks each, so you won’t feel bad even if you use one and throw the other one away.

She gave Zhang Yuyan a box and bought another box of Xiuyu beads in poor condition with holes for strings, and planned to take them back to weave some strings to hang around her waist.

Pearls are unaffordable because a first- or second-class pearl the size of a fingernail costs one or two thousand taels of silver.

Third- and fourth-grade pearls are not cheap either. Even pearls the size of red beans cost dozens of taels of silver each.

Last time, the princess also gave her a box of pearls, which were the size of mung beans and irregular in shape. They could only be embedded in jewelry or clothes and shoes, or ground into pearl powder and applied to the face.

Zhang Yuyan thanked him and bought some pearl flowers to give to Chang'an.

Afterwards, the two went to visit a silk shop and a grocery store.

Chang'an bought a lot of colorful silk threads for knotting, and he also bought some wood soapberries when he saw them.

When Changan returned home and looked through the gift list again, he realized how valuable the box of gems given to him by Mrs. Cheng was.

If they were all sold, it would cost at least several thousand taels of silver.

Chang'an picked up each gem and looked at it carefully, but he was thinking about Mrs. Cheng's family background.

Mrs. Cheng seems to be the wife of the Zhenguo general. According to Yipin's imperial edict, her husband's surname is Ming and he is also a member of the clan.

This means that Mrs. Cheng's husband is actually the second son of a certain county prince.

Changan frowned.

What virtue and ability do I have that can allow a general and his wife to give him a generous gift?

Also, isn't this general who is in charge of the country not in his father's fiefdom?

When Chang An told her question to Nanny Wu, Nanny Wu smiled and said: "General Zhenguo was sent by King Yan to serve the late emperor. After the late emperor died, he never returned to Yan."

Chang'an suddenly realized: "That's it."

It seems that his own father is guarding Yandi, right? Could it be that Mrs. Cheng gave this generous gift for the sake of her biological father?

No, no! It's because I think too much.

It should be that Mrs. Cheng had a good relationship with Princess Rui, so she gave herself a box of gems.

He was friendly with Princess Rui and the second son of King Yan who commanded hundreds of thousands of troops.

Changan shuddered violently.

The feudal king cannot have close contact with the feudal king, otherwise he will be punished.

But since everyone lives in the capital, it would be strange if they don't interact with each other.

Could it be that the imprisonment of King Rui and his family was actually related to King Yan?

Chang'an slammed the box shut, fear suddenly rising in his heart.

My own car dealership has been too ostentatious recently, and it is a partnership with Princess Rui. Everyone should know that the car dealership makes a lot of money.

If the emperor noticed this, wouldn't he be in trouble?

Changan frowned and thought about it all day, then told the little goldfish about it in the evening.

"Song Xiyue said that in the future Prince Rui's family will be imprisoned by the emperor, and I cannot tell Princess Rui about this directly. Now Prince Yan's second son's wife has sent another box of gems. They and I are already like grasshoppers on the same rope. Yes, what should I do?"

If he had known that the capital was so dangerous, he would have returned to his hometown, but it is useless to go back to his hometown now, because his father is in Yandi, and he is still in charge of thousands of households in the fifth rank. Once the King of Yan rebels, his family will be a fish on the chopping board, and he will run away. Can't run away.

As for why Chang'an didn't think that King Rui would rebel, it was because King Rui didn't have the strength, and he was just an unlucky guy who was implicated.

The golden little goldfish swung its tail and thought for a while, then said: [In that case, you might as well take your mother to find your father. If you are caught for treason, your family will die together. 】


Are you talking human language?

You are still so young, why do you want to die?

The little blue goldfish laughed non-stop: [Don’t be afraid, little Changan, you can come back to us when you die]

Before he finished speaking, it was slapped into the water by the tail of the golden little goldfish.

The golden little goldfish smiled and said: [Don't listen to Lao Wu's nonsense, you won't die. If King Yan succeeds in usurping the throne, your family can also be crowned, right? 】

Chang'an shook his head quickly: "I don't want to be knighted, I just want my father to be safe and well, and our family to live the life of a wealthy family together."

She had read in Little Goldfish's storybook that every dynasty change meant a bloody storm, and the people were displaced and sometimes even lost their lives.

I don't want to live like that, it's terrible.

[Humanity is greedy, it just doesn’t happen if you don’t want it. ] The little goldfish sighed: [Let nature take its course. 】

Chang'an said with a mournful face: "Don't let nature take its course. We must remove the godmother's family."

King Rui and the emperor were brothers, so even if something happened they would not be executed, at most they would be imprisoned, and the little princess was a girl, so she would not be implicated.

But how innocent is the Zhongqin Hou Mansion? Once something like that happens, Mrs. Shizi, Zhang Yuyan and Zhang Yao will all be behind bars.

[How do you want to pick it? 】The little goldfish is curious.

Chang'an: "Let me think about it." (End of chapter)

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