All this happened between the electric light and flint, and the surrounding outer disciples had not yet reacted.

It took a long time before they reacted, their expressions full of shock and disbelief, their mouths wide enough to stuff an egg, and even their breathing became much faster.

They looked at the dead Sun Fan, and then projected their gaze on Xu Mo, with a deep shock and a hint of fear in the depths of their eyes.

Oh, my God?

What just happened?

Xu Mo punched Sun Fan to death?

They only feel their heads buzzing.

You must know that Sun Fan is a nine-fold martial artist of the Quenching Realm, and it is only a matter of time before he steps into the Cave Heaven Realm, and sooner or later he will be accepted as an inner disciple by the Holy Land.

And now Sun Fan, who is in the nine-fold body quenching realm, faced Xu Mo, without the slightest backhand power, and was directly killed by a punch.

This contrast made everyone a little stunned and shocked for a while.

“Hey, you can kill Sun Fan with one punch, is it…”

“Could it be that Xu Mo has already stepped into the Cave Heaven Realm?”

“Xu Mo has been hiding his strength, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, wanting to be a blockbuster!”

“Sun Fan has become a stepping stone!”

The surrounding outer disciples speculated one after another.

“No, no, Xu Mo has no aura entangled around his body, the blow just now is just physical strength, he is still in the tempering realm!” Some thoughtful disciples saw the doorway.

Smashing Sun Fan to death with one punch, how much power does this take?

When did the cultivators of the Quenching Realm become so powerful?

The cultivator’s physical limit strength in the Quenching Realm is 100,000 jin.

It is not necessary to say that in the Dayan Holy Land, even in other immortal holy places, there are very few who can break through to 100,000 jin in physical strength.

Xu Mo’s punch just now had a strength of at least about 100,000 jin.

The crowd was stunned.

They never expected that Xu Mo, who looked like a waste on weekdays, would have such a demonic talent!

“Sun Fan’s cousin is Sun Yuan, a disciple of the inner sect, and his strength has already reached the Cave Heaven Realm.”

“If you let Sun Yuan know that Sun Fan is killed by Xu Mo, it is estimated that he will be angry.”

“Xu Mo is in danger.”


Many outer disciples secretly thought in their hearts that they could already imagine that Sun Yuan would make a move against Xu Mo next.

Although the Dongtian Realm and the Quenching Body Realm are only one big realm apart, they are not comparable at all.

The quenching realm is just to polish the flesh and temper the flesh to the extreme, and in the process of competition, you can only use brute force.


The Dongtian Realm is to open up its own Dongtian, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is absorbed by Dongtian, that is, it nourishes the spirit of Dongtian.

That is to say, the Cave Heaven Realm can invoke the spiritual energy of heaven and earth!

It is not comparable to the quenching realm at all.

In the eyes of many outer disciples, Xu Mo would eventually be wiped out by Sun Yuan!

Not long after, many outer disciples dispersed.

Xu Mo’s eyes were indifferent, sweeping the corpses on the ground, his face was cold.

“I stepped into the quenching realm ten times, and my physical strength was 120,000 jin.”

“You can’t stop this punch.”

Xu Mo said lightly.

“As for Sun Yuan…” Xu Mo’s eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of coldness hidden in the depths of his eyes, “It’s okay if you don’t come, if you come, I want to see if I can hard shake the Cave Heaven Realm with the ten layers of the Quenching Realm.” ”

Breaking through the shackles of the flesh, opening the shackles of the human body, and quenching the ten realms of the body is not just talk.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at Anu.

“You just swallowed the Blood Enhancement Pill?” Xu Mo frowned slightly and asked.

“Yes, just now these people wanted to disturb Gongzi’s retreat, so I just, I just…” Anu lowered his head and squeezed the hem of his skirt with both hands, as if he had done something wrong.

“So you took the Blood Enhancement Pill and wanted to fight with each other? Do you know how powerful the blood enhancement pill is, if you are not careful, you will be supported by qi and blood and die. Xu Mo frowned.

“But… But Gongzi said that no one can disturb the retreat, and Anu is not afraid of his life for Gongzi’s sake. Anu said firmly.

Hearing this, Xu Mo’s heart warmed.

At the same time, he looked Anu up and down with some curiosity.

Originally, he planned to wait for Anu to step into the quenching realm, and then let him take the Blood Enhancer Pill.

If it were other mortals, I was afraid that taking the Blood Enhancer would be burst in minutes.

And yet…

Anu is like a nobody, and the blood enhancement pill is like a mud cow into the sea.

It is worthy of being the reincarnation of a saint-level powerhouse.

“Don’t take such a risk next time.” Xu Mo said gently.

“No, next time who dares to say something bad to Gongzi, I will still have to work hard!” Anu said stubbornly.

Xu Mo shook his head, a little helpless, “Okay, whatever you want.” ”


At this time, Xu Mo’s stomach sounded indisputably, and his old face turned red.

He broke through to the Ten Levels of the Quenching Body Realm, needed flesh and blood more than ordinary martial artists, and was prone to hunger.

“Go, follow me to the back mountains of the Holy Land.” Xu Mo said.

“What are you doing in the back mountains?” Anu asked curiously.

“Eat meat!”


Behind the Dayan Holy Land is a vast primeval forest, in which countless fierce beasts live.


Somewhere in the dense forest, there was a burst of fighting sounds.

I saw a young man, just by relying on his physical strength, fighting back and forth with a red horned pig.

The horned pig is the most common fierce beast in the dense forest, with a horn on the head, extremely fast, strong skin, and extremely difficult to entangle.

Even if it is a nine-fold martial artist of the Quenching Realm, when he meets the Storm Horned Pig, he must take a detour.


Xu Mo seized the opportunity and grabbed a corner of the pig’s head in Storm Corner.


He flipped violently and directly knocked the Storm Horn pig down.


With a punch, Xu Mo smashed the head of the Wind Horned Pig into it, and the Wind Horned Pig twitched a few times, and there was no movement.

“Anu, start working, peel and wash the roast!” Xu Mo said lightly.

He now needs to replenish a lot of flesh and blood, and then he will continue to hunt the beast.

“Okay Childe.” Anu saw Gongzi’s might, and his beautiful eyes starred at the stars.

Soon, days passed.

Xu Mo ate the flesh and blood of hundreds of fierce beasts.

Among these fierce beasts, some of them have strength comparable to the nine layers of the Quenching Body Realm, and some whose strength is comparable to the Cave Heaven Realm, and they have all been hunted and killed by Xu Mo!

At the same time,

Xu Mo only felt that the qi and blood in his body were like a big Jiao, exuberant and hot, and in the fight with the fierce beast, his fighting skills had been greatly improved, and the aura on his body had become fierce.


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