Wu Mian was observing Mu Feng, and Mu Feng was also observing him.

There is a problem with Taisuke Zeyong, Mu Feng thought.

The guinea pig, who was released by him and hid in the corner of the school, sensed that the owner of the drop of blood was within ten kilometers. At this time, Taisuke Zeyong was injured and went straight to the school, which is very abnormal in itself. .

Immediately after he realized this, he controlled the guinea pig into a state of suspended animation.

Think about it from another perspective, Taisuke Zeyong, who is so ignorant and incompetent, how could he be so eager to go back to school to lose face and then come to school?

Mu Feng weighed the problem and decided to keep an eye on this guy.

But even if there is any problem, he wouldn't dare to do it to himself in broad daylight. If it's a human, he can strangle him with half a hand, but if it's a ghost, he won't have an advantage in the daytime.

Even if the worst thing is that the 'ghost king' pretends to be the 'ghost king', unless he is not afraid of the black cauldron of a nuclear explosion, this guy won't do anything to him in public.

In short, even if there is a problem, then even the school will give it to him directly!


ps: daily ticket request

Chapter 126 20. Shuzhiyuan

"Xuzhiyuan... I never thought in my life that I could get into this school."

In the clean and tidy campus, Xiaosaki, wearing a conservative black tunic dress uniform of Shuchiin Academy, and carrying a small schoolbag, said with emotion.

Look at the quaint teaching building, the high-value statues, and the towers in the distance. This Shuchi Academy may not be bigger than the campus of Fengzhiyuan, but it has a taste of being a master everywhere.

This private Shuchiin Academy can be said to be the place where neon gathers the most people. As a consistent school, it includes kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school and high school. The deviation value of high school is as high as 77. In addition, the principal has a recommendation The special power of many world-renowned schools including Stanford, the well-deserved Neon No. 1 High School.

As an institution that educated nobles and samurai families in the past, even now that the aristocracy has been abolished, this school can be said to be a well-deserved aristocratic academy.

In this school, the children of doctors and lawyers can only be regarded as the poor class. As a 'pure hospital', that is, most students from elementary school, junior high school to high school, many families are entrepreneurs with assets over 100 million, even if they enter halfway. Many of the students in the 'mixed courtyard' are wealthy family members.

Families who are rich, powerful, and eager to rise in class will try their best to send their children in, and the two conditions for entering this school are that you either have excellent grades, or the family is powerful and direct. In, the two must go together.

Even if the high school in Shuchiin had the worst grades, it would still rank among the top in other schools.

Therefore, most of the students here are the true masters of wealth and power, and their grades are exceptionally good, which makes the rat people tremble.

The class solidification of this country is vividly reflected in front of this academy. The higher classes are grouped together, trading with each other, and colluding with each other. Even if there are common people who are lucky enough to make a fortune, in front of these higher capital groups who collude with each other, they can only The result of being able to bow down as a minister and launch an impact is either to be absorbed or to die without a place to be buried.

Classes don't rise that easily, especially in this country. The upper level is dominated by the four chaebols, the political arena is stagnant, and the political organs are reduced to playthings in the hands of the chaebols, and the way to rise has long been blocked.

The best example is that in this Shuchi Academy, the students of the mixed school are lower in class than the students of the pure school. The kind of hard worker who earns the respect of all by himself.

All of the above are information from Kosaki and that game friend.

To be honest, there is not much value at all, and Xiaosaki didn't come here to study, and she didn't want to breathe the air with so many people here.

She was afraid that she couldn't help but screw the heads of these idiots.

When Mu Feng asked her to sneak in to investigate, she also specifically asked her not to do anything. If you mess around in the backyard of the neon upper class in the future, you have to be conscious of being hunted down by the whole neon upper class.

In other words, if you want to do something, then simply do it a little bigger, and directly kill the top group of people in this school. It’s better if you can even blast the school for me, otherwise you don’t come to see me.

That's right, Mu Feng really said that, Xiao Saki always felt that when he said this, he had been restraining his urge to blow up this school...

"Hair ok, school uniform ok, camouflage ok too!"

Kosaki looked at himself with satisfaction. For the sake of safety, he pretended to be a little bit. Although he only used his ability to stimulate his body to grow for a few years in advance, he shouldn't be able to see it...

With full self-confidence, Kosaki took the steps to find the goal——

Half an hour later, she was back in place.

Maybe she really doesn't have the talent for finding a way. She couldn't even find the teaching building in such a big school. Now it's still in class, and it seems a bit too conspicuous for her to wander outside like this...

"Then... what are you looking for here?"

A Langqing's voice sounded in the back of Xiao Saki's head. She shook instinctively, turned her head back, and spoke to a girl with a red turban, red eyes and black hair who looked delicate and beautiful.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" The delicate and lovely girl smiled kindly

"That... I want to ask where is the teaching building of the high school?" Kosaki hesitated for a moment, then asked honestly

"Go over there and pass the tower—but, are you a freshman? How come I've never seen you?"

The girl asked curiously, and Saki could only muddle over it incoherently, and then trotted away.

Looking at the back of Kosaki, the girl narrowed her eyes, the friendly smile just disappeared from that face like a torn mask, and said in a cold voice

"Morning, come here."

"Miss Kaguya, is there any problem?"

Behind the pillar, a beautiful girl with a high golden ponytail who was hiding there at some point came out and said softly.

"That girl... is not a student of Shuchi Academy." Kaguya narrowed her eyes and said softly.

"How can you see it?"

"She didn't know me, and she acted a little too flustered, and she was obviously not normal when she was still hanging out in the school during class time."

Speaking of this, Kaguya paused, and the girl's figure that was bulging forward and backward immediately appeared in her mind. She tightened the conservative school uniform of Shuchi Academy to look like a **** dress, especially the rather plump one in the front. For Shuoguo, I was a little unhappy at once.

"And that shameless figure doesn't look like a high school student, let alone a freshman in high school."

"Miss Kaguya, it's not normal if you don't know you, don't you feel ashamed when you say this? It always feels like you're venting your displeasure with Secretary Fujiwara on others... Also, she's not the only one who hangs out during class time. , and us..."

Zaoban complained, but he had already taken out the walkie-talkie

"How is it? Do you want to contact the security office?"

"Let's solve it as soon as possible. The president has been very tired recently, so don't make trouble for him."

Kaguya nodded lightly and said lightly.

Little Saki, who didn't know that she had been exposed, finally found the location of the teaching building, and the get out of class bell just rang, it was the time to end the get out of class.

Xiaosaki took the time to mix into the crowd, and she lowered her head and didn't attract much attention. But this is just her wishful thinking. It is obvious that a large watermelon is suddenly stuffed into this ivory tower full of green apples. It is impossible not to attract attention.

"Second year class B, second year class B... Ah. Found it!"

Xiaozaki hesitated for a moment in front of the classroom and took a deep breath. No matter what, it took a lot of courage to go to a different school to find someone she didn't know.

At this moment, the classroom door was opened, and a blond-haired, handsome-looking boy suddenly pushed open the door.

"Wow..." The boy seemed to be frightened by Xiaosaki. After taking a half step back, he looked at the girl with a mature body and anger in front of him with some surprise, and frowned.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Oh oh oh, I want to ask, is my wife Yoshizhao classmate here?" Xiao Saki squeezed out a kind smile as much as possible, and asked softly

The boy was stunned for a moment, because what he read from Kosaki's smile was not kindness - but the look of a 'big car' in the picture of a child driving a big car!

"Then...my wife and classmate, someone is looking for you!"

The boy hesitated for a moment, but still called for help, only to see that among the bustling dozen or so people in the classroom, a black-haired boy who was looking at a simple book raised his head with a confused look on his face.

Many people in this class seem to have cast their eyes on this boy's words. Judging from Kosaki's experience, he is probably a class leader.

Soon, the eyes of many people in this class were locked on Xiaosaki, and many boys were excited.

"Which class is that girl from? With such a good figure, why have I never heard of it!"

"Lustful oh~~~ Isn't that Shanzhao's girlfriend, or another sister?"

"Impossible, he already has such a beautiful sister, and another one... is it not impossible?"

"What color~ You are not angry~ You are so yellow when you look at things with yellow glasses!"

The topics that these boys talk about are still inseparable from the lower body. It seems that no matter what class, the things that high school students of the same age talk about will not change much.

"Uh... President, do you have anything to do with me?" The boy named my wife Shanzhao came over with a puzzled look on his face. He looked very ordinary, even a little fat.

"It's not me, this classmate is looking for you. Let's talk, I'll go first."

The boy called the president shrugged and ran away as if in a hurry. My wife Zenzhao looked at Saki in confusion, and then asked with a little blushing.

"Um... may I ask if you have anything to do with me?"

"Something." Kosaki pondered the words for a moment, and whispered with a slightly charming smile.

"However, in a quieter place, just the two of us."

——————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————

ps: Ask for tickets every day! ! !

Chapter 127

At the back of the inaccessible teaching building, a plump and attractive black long-haired sister with a slender figure, wearing a tight school uniform with a charming chuckle, in front of a young man with flushed cheeks and too nervous to speak. boys.

This scene fits perfectly in most action movies.

I have to say, men can be really deceiving sometimes.

A beautiful girl can coax a few good words, say a few more good words, and show her weakness, and she can always win a man's heart.

That's what Kosaki thought at this moment.

This little boy named My Wife Shanzhao looks like a virgin at first glance. Although Xiao Saki is not qualified to laugh at him, but looking at his shy and expectant face, Xiao Saki still has a special sense of refreshment.

It was probably because he couldn't raise his head in front of Mu Feng for a long time. Now, when he met such a normal man, Xiao Saki realized that he was so attractive.

Well, there is no need to say more about bragging, Kosaki started to follow the same formula to my wife with the lies that she thought about.

She claims to be a collector of ancient masks, and is very interested in the mask my wife Shanzhao posted on the forum. Could you give him an exclusive interview to talk about the origin and everything about that mask?

Under the temptation of a mature big sister who was not very skilled, my wife, Shanzhao, surrendered in a few seconds, and obediently told everything she knew.

"That mask...is your grandfather's?"

"It can't be said to be my grandfather, it should be said... it's something from a grandfather who is very close to my family."

My wife Shanzhao didn't dare to look up at that mature and charming face, she lowered her head a little weakly.

"Dengzi and I, that is, my sister, were able to enter Xiuzhiyuan because of the relationship with that grandfather. He seems to have a good relationship with my great-grandfather. He often hangs this mask in the bedroom."

"Have a good relationship with your great-grandfather?" Xiao Qi was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously

"That old gentleman has a long life..."

"I don't know how old Grandpa Teriya lived." My wife Shanzhao thought for a moment, and said a little uncertainly.

"I only know that Grandpa Teriya seems to be born before the Taisho era..."

"The Taisho era..." Xiaosaki thought for a moment, and calculated with her somewhat poor historical knowledge that the old grandfather was at least 108 years old.

That is really a long-lived old man. Of course, it is also possible that he is not human at all.

"What kind of person is that?" Xiaosaki thought for a moment, then got closer, exhaled like a blue, and said softly

If it is a person with a good personality, she will try to catch the boy to help her get the mask and take a look. If it is a person with a very strict personality - then it may be necessary to use some abnormal means.

My wife Shanzhao's face is not so much shy, it is better to say that at this moment, she may even think about the name of the child.

"Grandpa Teriya is a very kind person and takes good care of me and my sister... and that stinky boy and Tanyan on the other side, both of us are very much taken care of by him."

My wife Shanzhao's tone seemed very unpleasant when she mentioned that person named Bifang.

"Are you relatives?" Saki asked curiously

"Our family and the Zamen family are cousins ​​of the fourth generation, but we are not related to Grandpa Teriya. It seems that he took care of us like this because our great-grandfather and great-grandmother used to work under Grandpa Teriya."

Having said this, my wife Shanzhao paused, scratched her head, and said a little embarrassedly.

"It is said that my great-grandfather and the grandfather and grandmother of the Zamon family were once samurai under Grandpa Teriya... But according to the story my great-grandfather left behind, they seem to be samurai who killed ghosts."

When he said this, Shanzhao's expression seemed to be quite proud, as if he didn't doubt that the notes left by his great-grandfather were like stories.

"Zhan Gui... Can you tell me in detail?"

Xiaosaki was stunned for a moment, then her expression became serious, and her body pressed into some walls and slammed him against the wall. Shanzhao fell to the ground, looking like he couldn't speak.

At this moment, Kosaki's senses suddenly twitched, she took two steps back and looked to both sides.

I saw two men in black suits who looked extremely serious walking towards her one after the other. From their stance and movements, it was obvious that they were professionals and most likely veterans.

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