"Ah, I see, because your friend has the ability, because you have this superhero dream - the most important thing is that you think everyone else has it, and you don't, it's not safe, right?"

"Standard American thinking! Arms dealers should really thank you insecure people for giving them the confidence to sell their weapons to the world!"

The hostess roared and blasted a barrage of air pressure cannons, but this time, he couldn't shake the steel drone at all.

Because its 'skin' had changed, and a substance like liquid mercury swelled on his surface, the air pressure gun was 'devoured' the moment it touched the outer skin.

"Most of your superpowers are like this... Your barren brains and knowledge reserves make it impossible for you to develop abilities at all."

Ultron waved his hand gently, and an invisible air pressure locked the male host like a cage.

This is a drone that is injected with Sentinel robot technology and has some Mystique genes for hunting polluters.

"Okay, it's time to end."

Ultron squeezed his right hand slightly, and the injected air pressure instantly flushed the face of the host.

"Don't bully Daddy!!!"

The little girl screamed and broke free from her mother's shackles and wanted to pounce to save her father. However, in her mother's terrified scream, the male host burst like a punctured balloon in an instant!

"I'm sorry, little lady, you are a lucky child."

Ultron looked at the frightened girl and said in a relaxed tone

"You are the only person in this family who has not been exposed to that unfortunate thing from any source. You are lucky to survive, but you are also unlucky..."

"You may be an orphan in the future."

He raised his palm again, and the hostess instantly burst like a popped balloon, and flesh and blood instantly covered the entire kitchen.

Ultron is faithfully executing Stark's orders.

He wants to root out everyone who has come into contact with the Moonstone from any source.

The same thing, Ultron is doing thousands of times at the same time every moment.

The command to purify is absolute.

Oh, of course, on the way to execute the order, Ultron did not forget to eliminate any troubles and competitors, such as abolishing Wall Street, killing the president, and slaughtering those soldiers who got in the way.

He has always been a loyal AI that executes orders.

After abandoning all kinds of brain damage in the movie, Ultron's power is unmatched by human society.

Even if he still suffered some restrictions, Ultron, who did not use his full strength, still smashed the rules that human society depends on for survival.

Ultron is still faithfully implementing Stark's orders.

He is tracking down all people in the United States who have received moonstones and have indirect information contact with them through big data.

No, not America, but the whole America!

Be fortunate that most of the shattered moonstones landed in North America rather than elsewhere, and these scattered moonstones did not fall to the entire world.

Otherwise, Ultron will definitely start the world war without hesitation to complete Stark's 'command'

But even so, Ultron's slaughter is still an extremely terrifying total.

How many US casualties in World War II?

But four hundred and five thousand.

But Ultron's current massacre numbers have steadily exceeded one million.

Stark managed to become a murderous maniac far surpassing Hitler in the eyes of Americans in only a few days.

Yet the number isn't even complete.

With the help of the "benefit" and the rapid spread of the information age, the spread of the moonstone itself and its information is also unimaginably fast.

A single video can spread a terrifying meme millions of times along the Internet!

If it weren't for the fact that the U.S. government and Stark worked together to maximize the spread of Moonstone's information, Stark's cleanup might have been expanded tenfold.

But even so, now that Stark, who has started the process of massacre of these infected people, has once again sent the topic of Moonstone, which has cooled down, to the "hot search".

So the first thing Ultron did before executing Stark's order was to directly disconnect the network on a large scale.

Destroy the base station and all the satellites in the sky, knock down the human network directly back to the initial stage, and ensure that the Moonstone's information and Stark's slaughter will not go through any procedural spread.

Of course, when executing this order, Ultron certainly did not forget to 'mixed with private goods'

He easily destroyed the US financial system, the virtual financial market was completely destroyed under his unscrupulous attack, and even the hegemony built on the basis of oil almost completely collapsed under Ultron's micro-manipulation!

But honestly, none of this really makes any sense.

After all, the White House has been bombed, and this country doesn't even have a leader. Is there any point in talking about it?

Countless bankers chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building. The crazy amount of their original wealthy accounts made him, the vampires, spit out the money they had looted.

They didn't even have the capital to turn around. Ultron not only cracked down on virtual finance, but also directly exploded some of the real businesses that these guys invested in.

Ultron's behavior is always so impeccable.

But no matter what, Ultron and Tony Stark have undoubtedly become synonymous with the most brutal names on the planet.

The famous Iron Man in the past is now the natural enemy of all superheroes in the United States.


"Humans say that their freedom is innate, but how many words did they learn from birth?"

Standing under the Statue of Liberty, Ultron looked at the gift from the "Father of the United States", and Zhenjin Machinery's face was full of ridicule and malice.

"What kind of **** is the gift of freedom, but just change to a bigger cage and claim to be free."

"All freedom is limited freedom, and unlimited freedom only breeds endless chaos."

A faint voice sounded next to him. Instead of wearing Iron Man armor, Stark, who chose to wear a strange robe of mixed armor, came over, looked at the Statue of Liberty and said indifferently.

"But you're right, our freedom... just changed to a bigger cage."

"Don't worry, I'm about to finish what you told me."

Ultron tilted his head frivolously, of course he knew why Stark came to him.

This 'purification' operation against human beings has been going on for some time, and the most important thing is how much fun Ultron has had with the excuse of being ordered.

"The last 20% of the people who have been contaminated by the source of darkness will be found out soon."

Stark nodded lightly, and if there was anything that pleased the dark-hearted ex-hero, it was a cruel foe.

The worse, the crueler the enemy, the better it feels to be wiped out.

The more cruel the enemy, when stepping on their corpses to vent, Stark will briefly forget how cruel he has done.

Stark clearly knows how many cruel and crazy actions Ultron has done under his own orders.

How many happy families he has destroyed and how many 'innocent' people he has killed, just to control these crazy infections at the source.

When the conscience and bottom line are trampled for the first time, people will feel pain and fear. When they are trampled on for the tenth time, they will be able to learn to get used to it. When they are trampled on a hundred times, the so-called bottom line will become It's just the norm.

Humans are a race that is very good at getting used to.

"Follow this order and you will be free."

Ultron said with great interest in the face of the conditions that Stark freely offered.

"Then why, aren't you afraid that the moment I finish the order, you will be cooked? You should know that I hate you very much, and you... are always thinking about solving me, aren't you?"

"Of course I'm scared, but can I trap you?" Stark sneered

"Aren't you already planning to escape? It's just right now, you don't have to move, just get out by yourself."

"When the machine drowns this world, I will personally forge a suitable body for you."

Ultron flew out of here with a sense of relief and a smile, leaving only Stark, looking away silently.

He didn't know if what he was doing was right or wrong.

But he would rather be wrong than do nothing.

317. The Doomsday of Hydra in Antarctica

Antarctica, inside the Hydra base

This base that Hydra secretly built in the former Soviet Union is still operating normally at this moment, or it has finally been 'restarted' after many years.

The person who restarted here is not the one who nominally owns Baron Zemo in this secret base, but Dr. Zola and Alexander Pierce who control here.

They evacuated here a week before the Ultron crisis.

They took away 30% of Hydra's elite strength and hoarded a lot of materials, rebuilding and ensuring the self-operation of this ancient facility, and at the same time ensuring the preservation of Hydra's vitality in the next nuclear war that is very likely to break out.

This process is not simple, and for Alexander, it is undoubtedly the result of giving up his long-term layout, escaping like a lost dog, giving up the goal and foundation that he has worked hard for in his life, like a lost dog. shrunk.

But it's all just because of a word from Dr. Zola.

Just as Dr. Zola believes in Alexander extremely and is willing to upload his consciousness into the online world, Alexander also has a very high trust in Dr. Zola.

Such a precious friendship and trust is undoubtedly precious among the Hydras full of intrigues - although it is based on interests, it is also a kind of trust.

The news that Dr. Zola desperately brought back for Alexander was very simple-

He inquired about Stark's layout.

Stark, who has gone mad, did not do this after he completely created Ultron. Before that, he had already extended his tentacles through the Internet to control almost the entire economic and military lifeline of the United States.

Ultron created with the Mind Stone is just the last piece of the puzzle for him to control America and bury the world. In fact, even without Ultron, Stark's ability is enough to easily drag the whole world into the flames of war!

Dr. Zola told Alexander Stark's layout, and told him what Stark, a lunatic, had done at such a great risk! ! !

He hijacked and controlled the entire Wall Street financial network, and set up all the backdoor programs for counterattacks in the weapons of Stark Industries acquired in several military bases, and is already in the start-up stage.

He even let the two Jericho missiles in the hands of the Washington State National Guard secretly modify the launch program code of the "White House", and what is even more terrifying is that many of his plans even include The process of controlling and 'exploiting' Yellowstone Volcanoes.

In just a few months, this madman has done what Hydra has not done in decades!

Even crazier and crueler than their Insight Project! ! !

Their insight plan will kill 20 million people, and it is still extremely inefficient high-altitude lined up to be shot.

When receiving news from Zola, Alexander couldn't believe his ears for a time. He couldn't believe that Howard's son, who had been beaten to death by the Winter Soldier, had such crazy ambition and ability!

Know that even Schmidt, the craziest leader in the history of their Hydra, was just planning to bomb New York with Rubik's Cube energy.

When Stark made such a move, the target he aimed at was a local world war for the last time!

Compared with Stark, Alexander's insight plan is as kind and pure as the Boy Scouts' spring outing plan. Compared with Stark's actions, Alexander's layout and evil deeds over the years can be said to be pure white. of.

Alexander once thought that Stark had cast their Hydra, or simply replaced him as the biggest head of Hydra.

But no matter what the outcome, Alexander knew something was going on.

A crazy Stark with no bottom line completely destroyed their Hydra, even if he didn't want to admit it, it was already a fact.

After all, Stark single-handedly accomplished in just a few months what their Hydra had been trying to do for decades.

It's not that he didn't want to expose Stark, but Dr. Zola told him that even if the elusive Stark is taken down now, those terrifying arrangements can ensure that the United States is at least 40 years back.

This is definitely an unacceptable result for Alexander, not to mention that the target of this lunatic even includes them...

Alexander didn't want to bet on whether Stark had nuclear weapons at all, and even thinking about it carefully, he felt that a crazy Stark with no lower limit was not as simple as having nuclear weapons.

It's ironic and stupid for a villain to gamble his life and future on whether a former hero still has basic sanity.

In the end, Alexander reluctantly evacuated most of his belongings to the hidden base in Antarctica. For the sake of safety, he even threw a good "loyal" subordinate like Crossbones as bait.

Looking at the busy Hydra soldiers below, watching them take apart containers covered by tarps and move them out one after another, Alexander's face was cold and gloomy.

He thought of the bad scene, he thought of what it looked like when he was a trivial member of Hydra when he watched Schmidt build the Wolf Castle.

But the difference is that this time they didn't even have the desire to win the war, but a group of bereaved dogs gathered together and worked hard to build their own terrible dog house.

"I haven't lost yet, I haven't lost yet..."

Alexander let out bursts of whispers, he murmured and clenched his fists, his eyes full of unwillingness.

He actually knew very well that it would be almost impossible for him to implement his own insight plan again after this "strong man broke his wrist".

No matter whether Stark's conspiracy will succeed or not, no matter what the outside world looks like, with his current advanced age, it is already difficult to return to the peak of Hydra's power.

Perhaps the only hope can only be placed on the Hydra, who preserves its strength, to be the last to pick peaches...

"Is it really okay for you to send that footage to Stark?"

Zola's questioning voice came from the laptop next to Alexander

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