This time-space teleportation will definitely not be particularly pleasant, mainly because of Tony's transformation of himself - God knows what will go wrong with the mechanical body in the process of quantum transmission.

As the time counted down, a scarlet sheen spread over the platform.

Just when the spreading Pym particles were about to devour everything, Ultron suddenly made a strange sound.

He observed a strange energy emerging from the quantum dimension.

Although it has been observed, it is obviously too late. All Ultron can do is to cut off all the terminal bodies in this area that communicate with their own consciousness.

The moment Tony entered the quantum dimension, a terrifying energy shock suddenly exploded in the quantum dimension!

It was as if one of those countless compressed small worlds had a violent explosion, or something else.

The roaring energy storm swept the entire quantum dimension, and it also instantly increased and expanded the effect of the Pym particle!

In just an instant, the entire New York City suddenly ‘disappeared’.

Mu Feng, who was observing all this from the top of the sky, narrowed his eyes, showing a clear expression.

Sure enough...he once again intervened in the 'future' in the 'past'.

211. God of recovery

Apocalypse's ability comes from himself, and his power is just a lucky one.

The original Apocalypse was just the son of a trivial sand thief wandering in the Egyptian desert. Although he had mutant abilities, he was obviously not as powerful as he is today.

Even his mutant ability was very weak at that time, which could only allow him to barely maintain his life in front of the pharaoh guardian wielding a machete, and spent a relatively bad childhood.

His lucky inspiration came from a 'dream'

For some reason, the soul of Apocalypse had a connection with an indescribable existence hidden deep in the African desert during a certain dream.

Just like in the Cthulhu mythology, humans who have spiritual training with the old rulers often awaken a certain talent, and the apocalypse that has a link with the **** group also has such an awakening. In a sense, the apocalypse has the same origin. , got the inspiration from his creator.

He gained knowledge to use and develop his abilities, and as a result he embarked on the path of becoming a 'God'.

Apocalypse will never forget what he felt in the dream that night.

His consciousness and soul were immersed in the darkness deeper than the ocean, linking with the cold and silent consciousness.

At that time, Apocalypse thought, if there is a god, then what he perceives is more real and greater than the existence described in any myth, and more magnificent than any pale and exaggerated description.

Apocalypse didn't remember what he "saw" at that moment, because he forgot, or his brain forced himself to forget the picture that ordinary people couldn't understand and bear.

It was a picture that a fragile human mind could not bear, a knowledge that the narrow thinking of mortals could not understand, and even prying would feel crazy.

However, the familiar senses, the deeply buried memory, the picture that seemed to fall into the abyss and hell, came back with the trembling earth...

"He's here...he's back!!!"

Apocalypse suddenly screamed like a madman, and the main **** manager who still couldn't understand the situation was still questioning

"What? What's coming?!"

Apocalypse ignored him. In fact, there was only the memory he had forgotten but awakened in his mind now.

In that night's dream, after linking with that great will, what did Apocalypse see?

He saw that it was bigger than the stars, it was densely covered in the whole sky, and it was the existence of the galaxy in his hand.

It was indescribable, like a figure composed of countless bright lights.

The figure that woke up from the explosion of a supernova and emerged from the light of the birth of the universe.

They scatter the soil at will, and life is sown in the soil, and they create their experiments with techniques and powers beyond the comprehension of mortals.

They walk among the sea of ​​stars, and every movement will lead to the prosperity and decline of countless civilizations, and every stop will unleash thousands of fires of civilization.

They make everything, they censor everything, they destroy everything.

They are greater than any planet in this universe. They are the creators of civilization, the maintainers of order, and the ruthless slayers of the universe. The responsibility they shoulder is the rule of the universe, or their existence is the rule of the universe. Realization of !

They are the gods of the universe!

card! ! ! card! ! !

The cracking sound from the almost completely desolate planet is getting louder and louder, and the sound spreads recklessly in this boundless vacuum, as if it is going to be transmitted to the galaxy light-years away.

Xiao, who witnessed everything on the wreckage of the moon, can no longer describe his thoughts in words.

Thinking can only be empty, and clear brains and wisdom can no longer function. Before this scene beyond human intelligence, any thoughts become small and ridiculous.

But what exactly is that? What is it?

No one can answer, just like what happened next, no one can make a correct explanation.

Only the planet that cracks along the central axis of the equator is part of what the human mind can understand and explain.

With the roaring sound, with the equator as the center line, the entire earth shattered under the madly surging power.

The earth, just cracked.

The planet that gave birth to humans and nature, and existed for 4.5 billion years, was torn apart like a festival that was knocked open.

In the blazing fire in the exposed center of the earth, in the roar that echoes even if the vacuum spreads, and in the center of the cracked planet—

The sleeping gods are awakened.

It wasn't any form, or, at first glance, it seemed to be just a shapeless mass of darkness.

But the black shadow wriggled, shaped, distorted the space and everything around it.

He wriggled, like a dancing chaos, like a restless shadow, which caught and bound the shattered earth. The scorching core was extinguished in an instant, and the cracked stars were captured by the darkness.

It is devouring the planet, like a bird hatching from an egg shell, greedily devouring its own shell to replenish nutrients.

"What the **** is that?!"

The main **** administrator who spied on all this through the eyes of Apocalypse made a panicked voice!

In the long years of their control of the main **** space, it is not that they have not seen such a terrifying and beyond understanding existence. However, they will always only watch on the sidelines, at most they just let the cannon fodder-like reincarnation die.

But even if they had seen the beast that devoured the stars, it couldn't compare to even one percent of what they were seeing now.

The restless shadow greedily devoured the entire planet, and then he attached the 'corpse' of the shattered earth

The shadow seemed to be wearing a suit, or that it was using the planet to create a temporary body.

Soon, a huge figure stood on the edge of this solar system.

It was a dark figure that seemed darker than the abyss of the universe. Its body shone with an indescribable deflection brilliance, and a huge and slender figure stood there.

It holds a huge scepter in its hand, which seems to be bigger than the entire earth!

Standing in front of him, the moon is like a tiny marble, and human beings... even at the moment of prying, they feel a sense of weakness and powerlessness of the 'giant universe'.

Xiao let out a crazy laugh, this scene destroyed his sanity, destroyed his heart, and tormented his humanity!

He felt the approach of madness, the footsteps of dark death, the madness that destroyed the spiritual will!

But this magnificent figure is not his real body, or the so-called image of every cosmic **** in the eyes of mortals is just an 'illusion'.

That's like an aspect on a cube, an arc on a sphere. However, even the cubes and spheres in the 3D world are just clipped parts from the corresponding 4D objects. Humans can only glimpse such gestures through conjectures and dreams, but even these four-dimensional shapes are only part of the five-dimensional shapes, and they are only acceptable gestures created by human beings in their shallow cognition.

But that alone is enough.

Enough to drive humanity into madness at the glimpse of his great moment.

"Fuck!!! It's the **** group -- or the dark **** group!!!"

With the help of the apocalypse's dual-purpose main **** manager, the shrill and terrifying cry, the plan they designated would not allow them to encounter such a terrifying existence!

The lower-limit universe-level **** group is still a fallen dark god, such an exciting plot is not what the Marvel Cinematic Universe should have!

Birth and void, pregnancy and primordial darkness, and what was born from the beginning of birth, and return from eternal sleep.

What it carries is a 'virus' that is enough to infect the great gods.

The dark giant, which is half the size of a planet, raised the scepter that seemed to shatter the dark sky, and waved gently towards the fiery sun.

No one can understand what happened next, but the dark original darkness engulfed everything like a pervasive shadow tide.

First Venus, followed by Mercury, the 'darkening' of the two planets is almost an instant effort.

When the shadow of the original darkness swept away, the only thing left was the deep darkness that could not be seen. In the shadow that gave birth to endless madness and unknowable, the planet died out, and extremely terrifying creatures were born in the star!

It was a combination of countless bizarre limbs, countless compound eyes, terrifying tentacles and carapaces, and the dark, sticky and disgusting mucus of the dripper.

Their hissing resounded throughout the solar system, and these dark and crazy creatures, which were bred by the two planets for 'nutrition', rushed towards the scorching sun without hesitation.

Their shadows sank into the great light and shadow of the sun, like a drop of ink dripping into the sea, as if dissipated into nothingness.

But soon, the 'black spots' that were almost visible to the naked eye spread out in the sun, like a patient suffering from some incurable disease, the hot sun quickly went out and died.

The star's billion-year lifespan was compressed to seconds in the blink of an eye, and more disgusting creatures were born in the wildly spreading shadow.

Countless darkness flew out from the scorching sun, like mosquitoes flying out of a parasitic nest, and the shadows that covered the sky seemed to make the already dark starry sky darker.

Countless insects are intertwined, and the rustling sound of monsters that do not exist in physical form but interfere with reality at the same time spreads in the vacuum, as if there are countless dark people whispering in your ear.


Xiao knelt down on the ground as if he had lost control and let out a shrill laughter. His reason completely collapsed, just like a destroyed sand tower. The crazy scene devoured the truth of the universe, and also swallowed up the small cognition of everything and everything. vision.

This maddening scene was extremely terrifying even for the main **** manager, and he obviously recognized what it was.

It was the Obliteration Swarm, the ultimate plague that devoured everything in the universe.

No one knows where the Annihilation Swarm came from. Some people say that they have an inseparable relationship with "annihilation", one of the five gods. Some people say that they come from outside the universe, and some people think that they are the shadows of the first firmament.

But there is no doubt that the Annihilation Swarm is almost one of the most terrifying swarms in the multiverse. Even the well-known Naiyou Swarm or the Tyranid Swarm cannot be compared with the Annihilation Swarm.

Because what they eat is not just material things, they eat the foundation of the existence of the material universe - the gods of the universe, the gods of reality who play with the basic laws of the universe, and they are also the target of their infection and eating.

They are the embodiment of the abyss, the dark source of darkness, and their extended names in the material universe are just their agents.

The unit they devour is the universe, and the upper limit of their ghouls is no upper limit. Even the five gods of the universe have been ‘predated’ by them more than once.

"Get out of here, quick!!!!"

The main **** manager anxiously urged Apocalypse, but Apocalypse seemed to be stupid, staring blankly at the dark things.

Seeing this, the main **** manager decisively chose the strong man to break his wrist and prepare to leave directly - but soon, his face changed greatly.

He found himself...he couldn't run away.

212. Dark God

The gods are the creators of human beings, they are the gods of mortals, the gods of mutants, the gods of abnormal ones, and the gods of eternal ones.

If we go back to the source, the cosmic gods are far more worthy of the title of gods than the protagonists of any myth in the universe, even if they have fallen.

When Apocalypse's eyes came into contact with the dark giant shadow, he was deprived of all his mind.

It transcends the shadow of time, transcends everything, and the barren words of human beings cannot describe its great power of one ten thousandth.

That is the real god.

"En Shaba Nur! En Shaba Nur!!!!!!"

Apocalypse kept repeating his name as if he was in a mad mental illness. He shouted all this and looked excitedly at the **** who gave him wisdom.

By now, reason and thinking are no longer important.

Even life, soul, these things that were once regarded as treasures are now just garbage that can be thrown away.

All things are so small in the face of the magnificent landscape, and all the values ​​are so humble in the face of it.

All Apocalypse can do now is to crawl on the ground and bow down to the existence that makes him tremble from both soul and genes.

"Damn - how could the X-Men have the appearance of the gods!!!!"

The main **** manager let out an irritable and frightened cry, even if it was their wildest idea, it is impossible to fight the **** group at this stage!

In fact, what they want to get involved in the market of Mufeng is not the terrifying comic universe, but the pure movie universe No. 199999.

There are too many uncertain numbers in the comic universe, and there are too many indescribable horrors. Even if there are many layers of backhands, the managers of the main gods are not willing to take this risk.

It's not that they can't guess that this X-Men universe is a parallel universe under the sub-universe 199999, but they can't imagine that they will encounter a fallen dark **** here!

Even in the face of a phoenix - that thing is a **** in the X-Men world, but a fallen **** is quite different.

Involving the **** group, the last time is a cosmic-level event like "Infinity War", and if it involves the fallen dark gods, the level of danger involved is comparable to "Secret War"-level "Interstellar Annihilation". event!

Even if this dark **** is not the first-generation **** who fought against the colorful **** under the first sky, it is still an unimaginable terrifying existence.

If you ask them if they dare to face the life court, they will definitely refuse!

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