Mu Feng knew very well that as long as he released his abilities a little here, or just let go of "playing", he would be able to plunge the entire United States and even the world into another subprime mortgage crisis.

The current timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is 2008, which means that before the plot of Iron Man 1 happened, it was during the subprime mortgage crisis around the world.

After this year, Wall Street financiers are less free.

If Mu Feng adds another fire to this subprime mortgage crisis, he might even provoke a third world war! But in this Marvel world full of bulls, ghosts and snakes, I can't say for sure.

He Shi Shiran walked into the New York Stock Exchange. This old building is full of people all the time.

Mu Feng's clothes and face are a bit abrupt and out of place here. He doesn't look like he's here to play stocks, but he looks like he's here to play in the gym.

Mu Feng fiddled with the fake Reality Stone in his hand, but the eyes looking at him disappeared in a few seconds. And soon, a well-dressed securities manager rushed in front of him.

"Mr. Mu, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, we have a little more things here."

"It's okay, I can afford it." Mu Feng showed a generous smile

Now, he is a talented Chinese investor with assets of tens of billions of dollars. He graduated from MIT as a top student. He has obtained a number of doctoral and master's certificates in high-energy physics, particle physics, advanced mathematics, etc., and holds a number of epoch-making Technology patents, and most importantly, he is rich.

It took him about twenty seconds to get these.

The power of reality stone to turn false into false is so powerful, of course, it depends on whether you can use this power skillfully.

Creating matter out of nothing is the most stupid, but if you mobilize data, replace memory, and change the memory details of no more than 3,000 people, it will not cost much energy.

Just like Odin erased the existence of Chu Zihang, the seemingly incredible ability, at its root, is the combination of fine operation and ability.

If he wants to, Mu Feng can get more money than this, but money is not the most important thing, what matters is the identity that can participate in this 'plot'.

As the most senior VIP, Mu Feng was quickly invited to the VIP room. An ace stockbroker hurried over and extended his hand to Mu Feng with reverence and excitement.

"Hello, Mr. Mu, nice to meet you!"

"Ah, I'm also very happy to meet you... Kevin." Mu Feng glanced at his brand name and smiled.

"Then without further ado, let's get right to the point. Kevin, I have a fund that I need your help with."

"What exactly do you do?"

"Short Stark Industries."

Kevin was stunned for a moment. His husband took out his ears to make sure he heard correctly, and then looked at Mu Fengdao in disbelief.

"Mr. Mu... Are you sure you want to short Stark Industries?"

"Yes, as high as the bar is, give me a lift. In short, I will go all out to short Stark." Mu Feng crossed his fingers and said lightly.

Kevin was silent for a moment, his professionalism told him that this was a proper deal, but his professional ability made him ask this for the first time

"Do you... have any inside information?"

What kind of group is Stark Industries? To put it bluntly, this is an epoch-making giant arms trust enterprise.

Since the 19th century, the head of the Stark family, Isaac Stark, has developed a series of electrical and engineering technologies, accumulated a lot of wealth and established Stark Industries, while his son Howard Stark quickly took advantage of World War II. Since the development of the company, Stark Industries can be said to be the world's first-class arms company.

How strong is this first one? The second-ranked Hammer Industries was established almost with the tacit approval of the military and the joint support of politicians from both parties, but its enterprise scale is almost five times worse than that of Stark Industries.

It is rude to say that Stark Industries is a super-giant military-industrial enterprise that violated the antitrust and antitrust laws, but even Roosevelt could not start to split Stark Industries at the beginning.

No way, who made Howard really talented!

Even if he can't be as famous as Einstein, Howard's technological talents and his analysis of the universe's Rubik's Cube have allowed him to win epoch-making technology for Stark Enterprises.

The most important thing is that he is a special advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D., and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s power in the United States and good cooperation with the military allow Stark to retain its powerful monopoly technology under the anti-monopoly act. .

And Howard's heir, Tony Stark, is even better than the blue. This prodigal son who is always in love with lace news entered MIT at the age of 14, took over the billions of his parents' fortune when he was a minor, and inherited his father's powerful Weapons development technology, cooperation with the military has made Stark Industries' stocks soar, especially recently he is preparing to carry his newly developed Jericho missile with his friend Colonel James Rhodes, the Secretary of Army Weapons Development. Reached an order worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

It can be said that all investors in the market have always been optimistic about the future of Stark Industries. Even in the context of the subprime mortgage crisis, Stark Industries' stocks are going against the current, and even big investment banks such as Goldman Sachs have declared. Stark Industries' stock is an unmistakable 'safe haven'.

However, Mu Feng wants to short such a high-quality asset. In Kevin's opinion, either he has lost his mind, or... what inside information does he have!

"Oh, Kevin, you know it's very dangerous to orchestrate such a billionaire with a deep military background."

Mu Feng took a sip of coffee, shook his head with a smile, and crossed his fingers.

"Looking at our years of friendship, I can only tell you, Kevin. If you want to follow up with me, I have no problem. But I hope this time you short, you have to do it generously."

"Generous?" Kevin was stunned again

"Yes, generously, without any cover up, tell everyone that it is me who is shorting Stark Industries."

Mu Feng's smile is malicious and pleasant

Although the time of arrival is the point where he and Tony Stark can become 'good friends', Mu Feng has no intention of holding Stark's stinky feet.

According to the route he chooses in the future, he is afraid that he will not deal with these superheroes with excess self-awareness. What should he say about his own positioning... Probably Lex Luthor.

And shorting Stark's stock is the most profitable behavior for him.

Stark Industries is a huge interest group, but Tony Stark owns 57% of the equity ratio that perfectly achieves absolute control.

It can be said that Stark Industries is completely Tony's plaything, and it is impossible to use ordinary methods to get a hand in it.

So, shorting Stark's stock is imperative.

The first opportunity to go short was undoubtedly when Tony was kidnapped by the terrorists of the Ten Rings Gang, and the stock price of Stark Industries suffered a cliff-like drop. At that time, Mu Feng relied on the short-selling funds to gather idle stocks. when.

But this is not the only opportunity. Obadiah himself is secretly shorting Stark's stock, and in order to ensure that he can win 100% of the controlling stake in Stark Industries after shorting, Obadiah released it. a lot of their own stocks.

The first time it was estimated that the old man could not be eaten, but the second time, with Tony's willful announcement to close the arms division, Stark Industries' stock will usher in another cliff-like decline.

At that time, it was when Mu Feng followed up and bought Stark Industries, a 'junk stock', with his abundant funds.

If the plan goes well, Mu Feng at that time can at least buy more than 30% of Stark Industries' stock - to ensure this, he even made S.H.I.E.L.D. have no free time to enter in advance.

After all, Nick Fury, the corrupt miser, made a lot of money from Stark Industries...

This plan is not grand, but it is a dangerous challenge for both the trader and Mu Feng.

Kevin's expression was very shaken, he seemed a little hesitant, and the hands on his knees trembled slightly.

Not everyone in the financial industry has the courage to short a big company, especially a big company that sells arms.

You must know that business wars are often not achieved in the most brutal ways as described in the novels and TV series.

For example, inviting your competitors to fly on a Turkish plane is the most unpretentious new behavior in business warfare.

"Kevin, I won't force you to do this, but think about it, if you make this order, your reputation in the industry will be completely destroyed."

Mu Feng patted Kevin on the shoulder and said lightly

"It's not easy for a stockbroker to succeed in such a downturn. Don't you know how introverted the industry is now?"

"Perhaps you can expect to learn from the wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort? It's not that easy to go through the loopholes in the stock exchange, Kevin, it's a matter of luck in the financial industry to get out."

"How old are you Kevin this year? You should be transferred to the public relations department in the next two years. Your salary will be greatly reduced by then. Think about your children's annual tuition in aristocratic schools, your wife Your brand-name bag, your Ferrari, these all cost money to maintain."

Kate's expression turned blue and purple, but in the end, he nodded fiercely

It's not scary to die, what's scary is to live without money!

Kevin is a standard American middle-class, with a certain amount of savings and a good salary, leveraging the leverage to borrow money from the bank to live a "rich" life for himself.

However, if the balance of loan repayments is disrupted, this good life will burst like a bubble in the little mermaid, and if it is worse, if his wife divorces him, he may have nothing.

Kevin decided to use all his savings to follow Mu Feng Stud!

"We'll be fortunate enough to see Tony Stark's arrogant stinky face looking distraught."

"Director! We have found three monsters raging in New York, and they have all been brought under control."

At nightfall, Agent Hill hurriedly brought Fury a piece of news that was barely good news.

"Only three?" Fury frowned, pacing back and forth.

There are fifteen SHIELD agents who have been turned into monsters, which means that there are still twelve bombs left unexploded!

"Our people are doing all they can to track down their whereabouts."

"Forget it, what about the loss?"

Agent Hill paused and said in a relatively low voice

"We... lost a total of thirty-four people."

Nick Fury's face twitched and turned a little darker. Thirty-four S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, even if most of them were secret service personnel, was a big enough loss!

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s standard for selecting internal agents is often to require applicants to pass the study and graduation of S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, so their human resources are extremely valuable, far from being comparable to cheap goods like the CIA!

"What about the... corpses?"

"It has been transported back to the research base, and Director Alexander specifically came forward to receive the corpses. Also, he said that he would take care of the White House affairs and let you do your best to solve the current problem."

"It's hard for him." Fury sighed, and felt so ashamed that his old boss had to wipe his **** at his age.

But this time, it cannot be said that it was all at a loss.

If nothing else, the remains of the monsters alienated by the agents are materials with extremely high research value. Since the successful case of Steve Rogers, major companies and governments in the United States have been working **** the research of super soldier potions. The variety of derivatives that it has spawned can be described as a large number.

However, many of the effects of those derivatives are not satisfactory. Either the effect is worse, or there are some defects that are difficult to ignore.

There is no doubt that this kind of technology that transforms people into Hulk-like is definitely not mature, but in an instant, people are alienated into monsters that can confront a team with heavy firepower. This technology is probably better than super soldiers. Medicines are also precious.

After all, there is no shortage of people in this world, and the cheapest people are people.

"Let Agent Patton and the others work overtime for a while. The most important thing is to catch Sitwell." Fury rubbed his temples with a headache.

Unlike the few monsters who can confront a fire team head-on, the monster Sitwell turned into is obviously stronger.

And in terms of the few words he showed, I'm afraid it's not much different from Hulk. Let it run around and God knows how many people it will kill.

"By the way, Coulson, are you sure the man never came out after he entered that apartment?"

Fury looked at Coulson next to him and frowned slightly.

"Yes." Coulson pondered his words and replied

"But Director, I don't think he's really a member of that 'Kama Taj' organization. I think this is most likely the useless news he released to confuse us."

"Whether it is or not, just check it out." Fury waved his hand.

"Wait until Agent Patton and the others come back, Coulson, you can go with them."

Coulson and Hill quickly left Fury's office, and the black gravy, as always, returned to his computer and opened his secret account.

Some time ago, a consolation fund for the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. issued by the World Security Council has arrived.

In order to deal with the threats of this world, he, Nick Fury, forced himself, a scumbag who failed high school mathematics, to learn economics and finance.

Although most of the fake accounts and asset transfers were done by professional accountants like Hill, Fury would be proud of himself to see that he had made so much money in just two decades.


"Huh?" Fury was stunned for a moment, and said suspiciously in front of the red and green lines in front of him.

"Someone is shorting Stark?"

7. Proud genius and secret hand

"Tony! Someone is shorting our stock price!"

Obadiah, holding a tablet, hurried into Tony's office, and then saw his nephew who was accompanying several hot Victorian girls with water guns.

Tony, who was enjoying himself, obviously didn't hear Obadiah's voice, and the CEO of Stark Enterprise had to increase the volume helplessly.

"Okay, Obi, it's not working time."

Tony looked at his elder a little unhappily, but he obediently put down the water gun and walked out of the pool

"Listen Tony, there's a lot of money pouring into the stock market right now shorting our company..."

"Ha! There's a Wall Street moth?" Tony interrupted Obadiah, pouring a glass of whiskey in disdain

"How many times has it been since I was twenty-one, Obi, is there any need to tell me such a thing?"

"This time is different, Tony." Obadiah frowned.

"The one who shorted us was that investment genius, your alumni at MIT, that..."

"That what? Jarvis, get the information that Obi said."

Tony casually picked up the tablet next to him, looked at Mu Feng's information on it, and put it down.

"I don't know, I don't remember."

Tony's memory will only be reserved for valuable knowledge, respectable scholars, and a small part for beautiful and **** hot girls.

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