Sergey Frankimir was forced to kneel to Schneider, including the soldiers behind him. He raised his head and saw a pair of eyes that seemed to be killing people.

There is also Professor Schneider in front, dressed and like a Frankenstein, and the heavy breathing sounded down the pipe of his neck, giving a very steampunk taste.

"Who sent you here?" Professor Schneider said coldly

"Сукаблядь!" Colonel Sergey returned a classic scolding

Professor Schneider wasn't angry either, he just waved at Manstein, who immediately took out a Veritaserum from Shanruliu.

Sergey glanced at the small bottle with disdain, Veritaserum? It wasn't as good as vodka when he was training at KGB!

However, just after he was forced to drink the bottle of Veritaserum, Sergey immediately found in horror that he seemed to be in the worst "half-dream state".

Schneider narrowed his eyes, this Veritaserum is not something as simple as an anesthetic. This is an alchemy potion produced by alchemy, and the torture efficiency is as high as 90%.

"Say, who sent you?" Schneider repeated his question again.

"Mr. Spencer..." Sergey murmured, shaking his big head

"Why attack us?"

"Because Mr. Spencer Lizardmen have...hope for Umbrella to rise again."

Guderian and Manstein looked at each other, a bioweapon thinker would find a way to save his company from their hybrids?

Could it be that they plan to study dragon blood zombies? This, seems, a bit... isn't it a special code Deadpool!

"Do you have anything to do with the Neon Division?" Schneider asked the most concerned question

"No... what is that?" Sergey rolled his eyes and muttered to himself

"Then how did you cut our power off?"

"I do not know……"

Professor Schneider paused and frowned.

"Then how many people did you send here?"

Sergey stammered and repeated the military arrangements for the attack on Kassel. To be honest, it could not be said that it was a huge number.

According to the standards that have been eliminated, except for the human soldiers of the special response force, the number of BOW has been eliminated almost, except...

"Triangle Tracker? What is that?" Schneider frowned

"I don't know either..." Sergey muttered to himself, staring at the misty research.

"It's what Mr. Spencer's guests brought...the finished product transplanted on to the scraps sent by the main laboratory in Paris."

"He seems to have a certain intelligence, and... some powers that can't be explained by common sense."

"Power that cannot be explained by common sense? Be specific!" Schneider frowned

boom! ! ! ! !

A dark shadow flew out from the rising mist, or to be more precise, was thrown out alive.

The students in the power armor who were in charge of protecting the two professors flew out and took the thing. Only then did everyone see clearly that... it was actually a power armor that had been cut in half!

On the armor plate made of the secondary Luna titanium alloy, there was a slashing gap that was visible to the naked eye and extremely ferocious.

There is only half of the half-breed left in it. Naturally, it can't be dead, and many people have recognized the identity of this guy.

The name is second, the important thing is that this guy's word spirit is the bronze throne. Physical defense alone, combined with such a hard and advanced power armor, should not be defeated so thoroughly.

In the fog, a tall figure walked slowly.

The white straitjacket was torn to pieces, the hive rocket launcher on his shoulder was also smashed, and the cannon on his empty right hand was missing.

These are all the results of the mixed-race driver driving the power armor just now. It seems that he only lost a little.

But Isabelle, who hid to see all this, knew that it was not the case.

The pale-faced girl hid behind the pillars of the school building, knowing that she had only survived because the monster didn't bother to kill her. And what happened just now, she will never forget for the rest of her life.

Just when the power armor-clad senior shattered the monster's weapon and tore off his straitjacket, thinking that he had won a big victory.

With only one knife, this monster only needs one knife to kill it with one blow!


Not much to say, all the heavy weapons that had just been collected and assigned to the students fired at the monster's body at the same time.

The large-caliber anti-tank low-shaft armor-piercing projectiles, high-explosive rockets, Stinger missiles...

The roar and explosion enveloped the monster in an instant, but it was blocked or exploded several meters in front of the monster. In the smoke of gunpowder, the monster with the triangular helmet was like an irresistible giant, walking slowly and resolutely.

The straitjacket on his body has been completely torn, and what is exposed is a pair of muscles like cast steel, and the huge yellow crystal inserted into his chest.

The dark golden blood flowed along the dense blood vessels of his body, and the powerful force of galloping drove an invisible momentum that seemed to linger around him.


Schneider's face is very ugly. It's not that he has never dealt with Deadpool, but the intensity of this is obviously beyond the line.

M78 Nebula

Just relying on a 'dust-free place' to block such a large-scale bombardment, the strength of this word...

The triangular-headed stalker suddenly stopped and raised the huge slashing knife in his hand.

He slightly raised the head wrapped in the triangle helmet, as if taking a deep breath. Professor Schneider's face changed and he roared loudly.

"Come on, get out of the way!!!!"

The huge slashing knife fell heavily, the huge yellow spiritual stone on his chest shone with brilliance, and the invisible huge Qi slash fell like a giant pillar, cutting a gap of 100 meters in front of him!

Even though the mixed-race reaction was fast, there were still a few people who didn't have time to dodge and slashed into minced flesh with a sword on their backs. Sergey and his party, who were kneeling on the ground, died without a burial!

No, that knife was even aimed in the direction of Sergey!

Being able to act on his immediate controller without hesitation shows that this monster is not under control at all, he just pretends to be controlled by someone!

"Heh." He slowly put the giant cutting blade on his shoulder, and a hoarse and deep sneer came from under the helmet.


M78 Nebula

ps: Ask for tickets every day!

M78 Nebula

ps2: Speaking of which, how about my next volume of dungeons...

Chapter 59. Infiltration and Sovereign Power

Wesker actually didn't know what the yellow crystals next to him were.

After all, this is a bunch of things that modern technology can't parse out of the substances in them. The substances that make up these things can't be found on the periodic table of elements, and you can't even understand the trace elements that make up these things even under a microscope. What is it.

He only knew that this was something called a 'spirit stone'.

This is a gift from his partner, like the guardian spirit 'Ouroboros' that surrounds his body and hides within him, allowing him to master this body and shape-altering ability. thing.

There is no doubt that this is very unscientific, and it simply subverts Wesker's normal three views since birth. But he accepted it quickly, and used the power with ease.

He has never been a man who likes to break the casserole and ask to the end, as long as the goal can be achieved, it doesn't matter how things are.

After confirming that Sergey's side had attracted almost all the existing attention on the ground in Kassel, Wesker did not hesitate to remove the appearance of this disgusting Spencer and head towards his destination. set off.

He came to the library, and even the library was abnormal for this evil lizardman school. The neat cherry wood bookshelf is full of monographs with gilded titles, and the wide cherry wood desk is lit with green lamps, but no one is there. The names of those monographs look frightening, "Dragon Genetics Research", "Dragon Skeletons: The Hyper-evolution of Reptiles", "Dragon Sacrificial Ritual"...

Wesker grinned, there are actually giant dragons in the world, and a group of 'dragonborn' who have been secretly studying them for hundreds of years.

Thinking about it this way, the plan that I originally formulated to use the virus to clean the entire human race to screen out qualified people was really too stupid and too ignorant.

But it's nothing. Wesker can't do anything else, but he is full of humility when it comes to being able to bend and stretch and make up for his own shortcomings.

The scarlet Ouroboros swirled around him, transforming him into an old man who couldn't get older in the blink of an eye.

This is a character called 'Mr. Turing', the elder of the secret party, and a member of the Cassell school board.

Wesk is not sure if this Mr. Turing is the Turing in history. In short, this identity is enough to turn him into a human-shaped black card and unimpeded in the 'ice cellar' area.

He opened the secret door of the library as instructed, and stood silently in front of the huge steel door.

Norma's light swept across his body, the appearance of ouroboros disguised is absolutely perfect, voice, fingerprints, pupils, and even genes will complete the perfect disguise.

After a "beep", I heard a slow, mechanical movement from the metal door, the twelve wrist-thick latches were slowly retracted, and the twenty-centimeter-thick door slammed open.

The gate has passed.

It is impossible for Norma to doubt the identity of a secret party elder, and in fact it does not have this authority at all. Compared with the high-level pass card like the 'Black Card', the existence of the secret party elders is written in a part of the underlying data of Norma, a level that even Norma cannot defy.

The corridor is covered with metal plates in all directions, and the red lights all the way to the end are dense as thorns of infrared rays. The distance between the two beams is only **** wide. Density has no dead ends at all.

But at the moment all these tight monitoring systems are shutting down for him, the infrared lights go out one by one, the cameras are turned off, and the red lights turn green one by one.

In a few seconds, the tunnel was fully opened, and the green light all the way to the end.

Wesker's eyes swept across the passage, and with Dura's eyes that he often arranges such deadly traps, lethal high-voltage static electricity, hundreds of thousands of volts, spread over the entire passage on those metal plates. Of course, because of his permissions, these things are all turned off.

boom! ! !

There was another trembling roar outside the library, and Wesker narrowed his eyes and entered the passage.

Looks like it's time to hurry up.


That monster is definitely not a biological weapon!

Embarrassed and difficult to get up from the ground, Schneider gritted his teeth and looked at the monster in the triangle helmet. The familiar bloodline summoning and the word spirit of the dust-free land undoubtedly belonged to Deadpool!

Is Deadpool strong? Strong is not strong.

Deadpool is a race, a category, which refers to all races that have accepted the dragon's blood but have exceeded the safe concentration and reduced their soul and body to dragon servants and puppets.

In other words, Deadpool is the 'family' of the Dragon Clan. And this kind of family often has huge differences according to the level of the superiors to which they belong.

Like the dragon attendant 'Samson' who was lurking in the Three Gorges Dam, the dragon attendant who is the king of bronze and fire has the ability to merge with the immature Norton and directly use the dragon king-level word spirit: Candle Dragon's ability.

And the next-level Deadpool is undoubtedly the 'Odin' in Greenland, a half-blood king who has embarked on the road to becoming a god.

It is still doubtful whether that thing counts as a Deadpool, but his ability to control and push those Deadpools is unquestionable, and most of the monsters Cassell has run all over the world to deal with are also Deadpools.

There are not so many sleeping dragons waiting to be slaughtered by the hybrids in this world. Since the Black King fell from the Ice Sea Throne, when the dragons inexplicably declined, the rulers of the former world were almost dead.

In most cases, this group of dead servants who have inherited the dragon's blood are causing chaos all over the world.

For Schneider, he has naturally seen those dead servants who are too powerful. Those monsters are definitely beyond the scope of normal students, and even the elites of the executive department have to be prepared to suffer heavy losses but gain nothing.

The monster in front of him may be Deadpool, but Schneider feels that it must be mixed with something else - this reminds Schneider of a **** who had experimented with a large number of elite mixed-race blood from the Gattuso family not long ago!

The monster slashed Sergey with one blow, and he didn't seem to have any intention of continuing to pursue it. Just carrying the big knife and watching them calmly.

Manstein, who has been maintaining the serpent, immediately noticed something was wrong.

"No! Library—the door over there is open!"

Manstein's face changed greatly. If the most dangerous and important place in Kassel was, it would undoubtedly be the ice cellar!

There are not only a large number of dragon relics, alchemy equipment, but even a large number of imprisoned dragon creatures and even the sleeping dragon itself.

And more importantly, there is the most precious keel cross there!

Dragon King Norton and Dragon King Constantine's keel cross was attacked and robbed by thieves a year ago. The secret party has always wanted to save them in another place, but many things have been delayed until now.

And to be honest, there are few places in the world that are safer than the Kassel Ice Cellar. That thing is not well preserved, but something big will happen!

The keel cross is the corpse of the Dragon King, and it is only equivalent to the sacred relic of the dragon family, the **** souvenir package of the dragon family. As long as the environment is suitable, that thing can even radiate the surrounding life on a large scale to forcibly create a group of 'families'.

"Quick, go to the ice cellar—"

Before Manstein's words were finished, the triangular-headed monster raised his hand and it was a knife. The terrifying power was mixed with the use of the word spirit of 'dustless land'. The huge and invisible air blade was directly where they wanted to leave. A huge gap opened.

But there is no way, the ice cellar must not be lost! The remaining drivers wearing power armor rushed forward without hesitation to stop the monster's movements.

The third-year students took this opportunity to rush to the library area, but the monster used the huge slashing knife to deal with the power armors, and raised his hand in the direction of the group of students.

boom! ! !

The violently blasted air exploded in the mixed-race group, and even the mixed-races who had experienced a hundred battles felt overwhelmed by the strength of this word.

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