In the visceral blood flowing all over the ground and the viscera that fell out, An Yilun also howled and curled up, while Sato, who was bloodless, still maintained that smiling expression.

"No, no, how can this be done? An Yi-kun? You screamed so miserably after suffering such a small injury. Our fighting style is not so simple, right?"

"You jumped too high just now. When Hezi's muscles wrap around his limbs, you have to learn to master the direction and strength of your jumping - after so long, is your injury okay?"

He picked up An Yi Lun without mercy, grabbed his intestines and stuffed it back directly

"If our internal organs are exposed or broken, we must 'clean' them out or stuff them back in time. Hurry up, didn't your health bar only deduct a little?"

"No, I can't take it anymore, I'm quitting..."

An Yilun also begged with tears in her eyes, but Sato continued to 'train' him with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Mu Feng shook his head. Sure enough, even if he is a 'protagonist', An Yilun is not a person suitable for training as a warrior.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's situation is much better than him, that senior sister has already adapted to the pain of being injured, and began to quickly learn the deadly fighting style of ghouls.

And to be honest, the pain that is unbearable for humans is nothing to ghouls.

Pain is essentially just a signal to the brain to alert you where you are injured, and for ghouls with super resilience, the brain's response to the same injury is much smaller, and ghouls are far more tolerable than ordinary humans. painful.

The wound of cutting off a piece of meat can make humans feel alive and dizzy, but to the ghouls, the wound of a piece of meat is just a small wound that can grow back with a little nutrition, just like a human tearing off a piece of oily skin, such a small wound The pain caused is naturally less obvious.

It hurts a lot now, but I just haven't gotten used to it. When the number of times I've recovered from the injury is more, my brain starts to get used to the body's judgment of whether the injury is life-threatening, so I guess it will get used to the pain.

However, Sato's training intensity is expected to be higher by then.

Thinking of this, Mu Feng's gaze towards Sato was slightly firm.

Sato is a very special 'ghoul'. In fact, in terms of race, he is closer to... a ghost.

The ghoul cells that are produced by extracting and processing virulent cells can be safer and remove the problem of the receptor's fear of ultraviolet rays, but it will also remove some of the characteristics of ghosts.

If there is loss, there will be gain. When removing the DNA passage of ghosts fearing ultraviolet rays, it will also make their innate 'blood ghosts' disappear. The result of mixing part of the dragon's blood is that the DNA of ghosts is equally domineering. The dragon DNAs of the two run in each other, and eventually coexist after disappearing some of the other's characteristics.

The very unscientific blood ghost technique is the part that has been consumed. These unscientific abilities are almost uniformly transformed by the blood of dragons into 'Hezi', that is, those artificial strengthening muscles that can cover the body.

The Hezi ability attached to the ghoul cells has become more and more effective with the infection from generation to generation, but it has also improved the universality of the infection. The rate is over 40%, which is already a huge improvement.

On the contrary, the closer it is to the first generation, the stronger the ability of Hezi, and the closer it is to the "ghost" of its ancestors.

The more artificially strengthened muscles covering the body, the stronger the individual becomes, and Sato exists as a first-generation human-type ghoul that escaped from the laboratory.

This is a very special guy. Rather than covering the body surface, his 'Hezi' has already been developed by him for another purpose.

He can already isolate the 'Hezi' in his body, create another 'clone', and then remotely control it within a range of no more than 100 meters.

And he seems to be deliberately controlling himself not to eat human flesh. When he arrested this guy, he was trying to mix human blood and coffee to make a simple 'meal replacement' for himself.

As if aware of Mu Feng's gaze, Sato waved his hand in his direction with a thick glass.

Mu Feng narrowed his eyes.

This is a very dangerous guy. Compared with the so-called 'powerful' first-generation ghouls of the same batch who built their own organizations recklessly, this guy is no less powerful than or even stronger than the same group of guys who know how to hide themselves. They also know that wanton publicity will only be the result of human beings' annihilation.

He actually surrendered to Mu Feng and Hexiu on his own initiative, and his behavior of not eating human flesh was undoubtedly a 'guarantee' for his survival.

He works under Mu Feng's hands. This is a guy who doesn't like to eat, drink and play, doesn't like women, and has almost nothing special to love.

The only thing he loves is the one thing that makes him look extremely dangerous.

Games, killing games.

This is a guy who regards life as a game and the game as life, and he is even very happy with the ghoul transformation he has undergone, because he thinks that he has obtained the "infinite life" plug-in in this way.

This is a well-trained, first-class psychological quality, first-class fighting ability, and at the same time does not care about injury or death.

That's why Mu Feng made him the leader of the Dead Squad. His training ability and his own ability are indeed first-class. And Mu Feng can also give him the 'playground' he wants.

But after everything is over... that's another story.

With such an unstable factor remaining in the world, Mu Feng felt that neither himself nor others would feel at ease.

Taking back his thoughts and eyes from the scene where An Yilun was also being abused, Mu Feng made a call, and after a while, he said lightly to the other end of the phone.

"Long time no see, Mr. Sanyashiki, do you have time? If so, with Mr. Tachibana, let's... talk?"

"He wants to meet us."

Osaka, at the top of the Bliss Tower, Kazuhiu, who maintained his youthful appearance, hung up the phone and faced the serious Tachibana Masamune who was wearing the black kimono on the opposite side.

"That kid... is he trying to threaten us with something again?"

Tachibana Masamune's tone was clearly unpleasant and murderous. In fact, he was a person who rarely hated others. After all, such emotions were useless except to show incompetence. But to Mu Feng, the German disguised as a neon man, he showed special disgust.

"I'm so careless... I thought it was just a hungry wolf, but I didn't expect it to be a entrenched dragon."

And slender sighed, helpless.

Of course, it wasn't just Tachibana Masamune who was being held by the handle, but Mu Feng also held his handle tightly.

To Tachibana Masamune, his true identity and connection to the demons are enough of a secret to keep him dead. Even if you rely on your own management for many years, you may not die tragically on the spot after the secret is revealed, but the strategy that has been planned for many years may be completely dissipated.

For Hexiu, the fact that he created ghouls and conspired to destroy the entire high-level neon political circle is also a secret that is enough to subvert his rule and life.

In fact, at the beginning, the two cooperated with Mu Feng because they also held Mu Feng's secret.

Nearly killed the head of the Inuyama family, conspired to plan multiple attacks on the Sheqi Bajia, and participated in the manufacture of ghouls. The most important thing is that both of them have the confidence to solve the trouble of Mu Feng after turning their faces.

But in less than a year, everything was turned upside down.

The first is strength. Arasaka Security, who strongly intervened in Neon, did not come in by negotiation at the beginning. It was to deal with the many ghoul elites under He Xiu head-on.

Mu Feng single-handedly took care of thirty-two first-generation elite ghouls.

This sudden surge in personal combat power suddenly overturned the balance of cooperation between him and Kazuu, and none of the personnel sent by Tachibana Masamune to assassinate him came back alive.

His girlfriend went to Kassel. His monster lover was not only able to fight but also difficult to deal with. His girlfriend's mother couldn't intervene at all on the Chinese territory. This guy placed all his relatives and left them helpless.

Not to mention the many commercial wars that the two companies, Zhangshi International and Zhangshi Technology, have carried out against Neon Business - such as blowing up their cars, killing their finance ministers, poisoning the top executives of the companies they control, and so on.

Aosong and Huaguo also fully support the two companies' behavior of inquiring and inserting their hands into the neon. Whether it is the international community or the economic market, this **** crushed them in the most despicable and grandest way.

In the end, Hexiu chose to give in, Arasaka Security officially entered Neon, Immortal Pharma was established, and they began to hunt down those wandering ghouls that caused social unrest.

As for Tachibana Masamune... The biggest cooperation with him is to let the Sheqi Bajia stop the idea of ​​disturbing the security of Arasaka, and even the company has reached a cooperation with this group of polar hybrids to some extent.

Tachibana Masamune actually thought that he could maintain a balance with him by relying on the handle of the Sheqi Bajia, until a few months ago, this **** contacted Cassel.

The first is the Gattuso family in Italy, and then the Cassell College in the United States. Compared with the group of European and American mixed races, the power of the Sheqi Bajia is hardly worth mentioning.

As a result, the triangular cooperative relationship has evolved into one party's manipulation and control of the two parties.

"...After I get the ultimate power, I must make that kid pay the price in blood!"

Tachibana Masamune's eyes were gloomy, and he said fiercely in his heart, and He Xiu looked very open. After all, most of his plans were actually achieved.

The real power ruler of Neon, the modern shogun, Mu Feng did not interfere in the power he valued most. Although he always takes his hand on the issue of ghouls, in general, there is nothing that he absolutely cannot accept.

Unlike Tachibana Masamune, who has been pretending to be a parent for a long time, his essence is still the German guy who has a rough plan and many loopholes.

The cooperative relationship with Mu Feng is actually very simple, even in this bad situation today.

Just show your worth, and he won't give up on you if you have value. The man said that he still retains his humanity, but in Hexiu's view, he was just covering up his truth...

That is a man who is eager to change the world, just like Hexiu is eager to prove himself, full of power, eager to go further...

"I'm going out! Don't tell him we met in advance!"

The gloomy Tachibana Masamune threw his sleeves and left, and He Xiu watched him leave without the slightest change in the expression on his face.

"He's an idiot, isn't he?"

A voice with a pleasant low laugh sounded out of nowhere in the room.

Just above the main seat where Tachibana Masamune was sitting, a handsome man dressed in a kimono printed with the fiery red Higanka, like the most beautiful geisha, said with a smile.

"The restlessness and stupidity of the Germanic people are always led by emotions... He thought he was the biggest chess player behind the scenes, but he couldn't calm down and care about the chess game."

Yuan Zhinv, or Kazama Liuli, the Dragon King of the Demons, is also Hexiu's true partner.

"Your authority in this country is unmatched, General Zhengyi."

With a bewitching, devil-like whisper, Fengjian Liuli came to him and whispered in his ear

"Your power is unparalleled, and that man doesn't want to take it from you. But are you satisfied like this? General, are you satisfied like this?"

He Xiu clenched his fists lightly. He was in a position that his former self had never imagined, the pinnacle of power in this country, a dictatorial emperor who was one-of-a-kind.

But satisfied? How can it be. Human greed is like the lower limit of human beings. The more greedy, the more thirsty, the more you climb to the top, the more you want to see the higher scenery.

"And you know that if you don't go further, you'll be thrown away like a bag of rubbish, which is worthless to him."

Fengjian Liuli sat cross-legged and said maliciously.

"You need to make your power go further, General Zhengyi. For that man, your greatest value is almost running out."

"How can I go further?" He Xiu closed his eyes and said lightly.

His desires are endless, but he still has reason and brains. His current position of power is almost the limit he can reach.

A dictatorial leader of the top ten developed countries in the world, what can be further? To be the leader of the top five countries?

How can it be? Your origin and your bloodline have already determined that you can only go to the top in the political circle of your own country, and there is no way to go forward. You can only choose to move forward with your country!

But Neon wants to go a step further... This possibility is probably not as good as making the North Koreans go a step further.

As the top three in the East Asian monster room, Neon looks strong, but the problem is that there is no one to provoke the surrounding neighbors.

And because of the problems left over by history, most of them are very uncomfortable watching neon.

The World War II in this world not only blew up himself, but also angered Hua Guo and Ao Song, and was beaten by the bald eagle father on the ground. Half of the six hooligans beat him.

Under such circumstances, how could Neon have further possibilities? As long as he shows a little sign and idea, he will only be greeted by a stormy blow!

"No, you actually know that you have another choice." Kazama Liuli smiled like a mischievous child

"Don't forget that you have other identities besides people..."

"You mean... stop joking." He Xiu frowned and said lightly

"The identity of ghouls only has the function of reshaping youth for me, and any other time will only bring side effects. The world of ghouls, this kind of thing... Oh, it can't be drawn in the comics."

"No no no, I mean - put this race on the world stage!"

Fengjian Liuli opened her fair and slender right hand, and slowly clenched them one by one.

"The way to get on the stage is not necessarily to participate in domination, let the world know that there is a species that they have evolved in addition to humans, let humans know ... there is a way to achieve longevity."

"It is true that trying to do this in a stable international environment would be tantamount to killing yourself. But on the other hand, as long as there is chaos, there is a chance!"

Chaos is an ascending ladder!

Hexiu's expression gradually moved, Fengjian Liuli was right, if he wanted to go further, he had to completely muddy the waters of the international community!

"And if you're useless to him, that man will do it to you mercilessly." Fengjian Liuli said lightly

"Of course, as you are, of course you can fight him, but you know what the final result will be. Whether you choose to gamble with everything or die slowly, you should know..."

"…what should I do?"

"It's very simple." Kazama Liuli showed a malicious smile that planned to pass, and the voice was lowered so that only Hexiu could hear it.

"You are the General Zhengyi..."

Hexiu's face changed again and again, and he stared at Kazejian Liuli. It was like watching a devil in human skin—yes, this man somehow became cunning and scary, like a real devil.

The clenched fist is released and released, released and released, and finally, a tight grip!

"it is good!"

Hexiu made up his mind, he didn't have a choice, didn't he?


ps: Ask for tickets every day! !

Chapter 266

"I should probably visit in the evening for a few months. I heard that the spring scenery of the cherry blossom forest here has a special flavor, especially when it is burning..."

Leaning on the top of the newly built Bliss Hall, Mu Feng looked at the dry and bald cherry trees at the far end, raised his head and drank a glass of sake, chuckling softly.

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