Chapter Three Hundred and Eleven

“What kicked you off?”

Ye Chenfu showed a weird expression, looked at Fan Tulong and said in a puzzled way.

Fan Tulong snorted, staring at Ye Chenfu and said, “Little Ye Zi, I’ll let you carry me down! Now I can’t yell, so don’t bully me like this.”

When Ye Chenfu heard Fan Tulong say this, he felt a little funny and pitiful at the same time, so he immediately carried him down.

“Can I stand now?” Ye Chenfu asked harmoniously, “Should be all right now?”

“It’s okay, let me down quickly! I’m going to see what’s going on over there.” Fan Tulong said anxiously.

Ye Chenfu slowly put down Fan Tulong, and then watched Fan Tulong almost fall from an unstable standing, and then barely stand still until he adapts for a while, and then walk forward lamely.

“I think this is enough for me to blow it for many days! I actually took the trick of’broken pulse like a palm’!”

Fan Tulong limped, as if talking to himself, and said, “Although it was under the top of my sword, it was also taken by me!”

Ye Chenfu’s mouth twitched, but he couldn’t say anything, so he had to follow him.

Fan Tulong stopped suddenly again, turned around and asked, “By the way, you just said you cracked? What do you mean, did your earthshak hatchet crack?”

Fan Tulong remembered the power of Sect Secret Technique’Golden Dragon Claw’, so he asked.

“I mean… Forget it, I just said it casually! It means that Master Yongzhi broke me down, and his palm almost broke my clothes.”

Ye Chenfu didn’t know how to explain that sentence, so he had to say so.

Fan Tulong suddenly realized it, and said, “Well, no matter how powerful it is, I’m going to defy the law today.”

Speaking of this, he turned around and walked slowly forward, but when they passed, where was Bai Qingyi and the others?

However, after the two people waited for a while, an inner disciple guarding the granary came over.

He gave a deep ceremony, and cupped hands said: “Master Ye Feng, Brother Fan, Lord Sect Leader asked me to tell you that the sinner has been taken back to the ancestral shrine of the ancestor…”

Before the other party finished speaking, Fan Tulong pulled his legs away, and was a little lame, but the speed was not very slow.

However, no matter how slow he walked, he couldn’t compare with Ye Chenfu who used Qinggong. So Ye Chenfu stayed in place and continued to ask: “Where did you just say it?”

“They were dealing with this matter in the ancestral hall of the ancestor of Zidianfeng. The reason why Senior Brother Fan was not taken care of just now was because a few people managed to control Uncle Yongzhi!”

“Also, Master Sect Leader said that you don’t need to go, just take Brother Fan to rest, after all, both of them have suffered some injuries.” The inner disciple arched his cupped hands and said.

Hearing that inner disciple finally finished speaking these words, Ye Chenfu only slightly shook his head, and thanked him before turning away.

inner disciple found that Ye Chenfu actually said “thank you” to himself.

So the inner disciple, don’t mention how surprised and happy. He turned around when he saw Ye Chenfu left, he wanted to brag about Ye Chenfu’s gratitude.

On Ye Chenfu’s side, he has already caught up with Fan Tulong: “Senior Brother Fan, wait! Master Sect Leader, let us rest first. The most important thing is to maintain our health first.”

Fan Tulong stopped. He wanted to say no, but he did feel pain all over his body.

And most importantly, the blood on his robes looked very embarrassed. He remembered that Bai Qingyi and the others had taken Master Yongzhi away, so naturally they wanted to gather some Elder and the peak master to watch.

So thinking about it this way, Fan Tulong felt that it was better not to go.

After all, I am so embarrassed now that I am easily laughed at by other peak owners, especially those who hated own before.

“Okay, let’s go back to Xuan Lei Palace! After all, our mission has been completed, and we don’t need us there anymore. Xiao Ye Zi, you have done a great job this time.”

Fan Tulong smiled slightly before turning around and walking quickly.

Seeing that his steps were a little messy, but the feeling of being lame was much better, and Ye Chenfu had mixed feelings in his heart.

But Ye Chenfu suddenly realized another thing, that is, Fan Tulong is so obedient? Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Fan Tulong to obey orders like this. What happened today?

Ye Chenfu was very puzzled, but looking at Fan Tulong’s appearance, Ye Chenfu knew that even if he asked him, he wouldn’t say it.

So Ye Chenfu hurried to catch up, but after catching up, he walked very slowly, so as not to overtake Fan Tulong.

He knew that Fan Tulong was stronger on the surface, but in fact he was even stronger.

So in this case, he didn’t want to leave Fan Tulong behind.

But even though Fan Tulong was strong, Fan Tulong felt uncomfortable in his heart.

“Okay, you don’t have to walk with me. I know that at your speed, you should be able to return to the throne by this time! So if you really value me, go back first.”

Fan Tulong’s voice was a little hoarse, which was something Ye Shenfu had never seen before.

“Well, Brother Fan, your qualifications are much older than me, shall I go back with you directly?” Ye Chenfu said very sincerely, “Anyway, I have already memorized it just now. It doesn’t matter if I have to go back this way.”

In fact, such a stretch of road is relatively time-consuming for walking, and it may take half an hour to walk.

And if Ye Chenfu used Qinggong, it would take less than a quarter of an hour to arrive.

Fan Tulong’s tone became weaker at this time. He originally wanted to refuse. After all, he thought he was the Sect Leader protector, but now he wants Sect Leader to recite. What does it look like?

But he changed his perspective, and he felt that he was a senior. What could not be justified if Ye Chenfu, a Junior, recite it?

And as a protector, he let the peak master memorize it!

Tell this, or let others know, how face is it?

So thinking of this, Fan Tulong laughed, nodded slightly and said, “So, then there will be little leaves…!”

Ye Chenfu walked directly beside him, and then left without looking back.

Fan Tulong was stunned in the same place, and it took a long time to become anxious. He yelled anxiously, “You stinky boy, didn’t you say you want to carry me?”

“You call me Xiaoyezi and I won’t recite! If you don’t recite, you can’t recite! There is a kind of you come and hit me?” Ye Chenfu turned around and stuck his tongue out at Fan Tulong, grinning.

In Fan Tulong’s throat, there seemed to be a sound of tiger and wolf, but he knew that he really couldn’t catch up with Ye Chenfu, but his mouth was never subdued.

He cursed and said: “Little Ye Zi is Xiao Ye Zi. If you don’t carry it, you can’t do it!”

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