I thought that Elder Qingfeng’s granddaughter and Lin Hong were just casual playing, but now it seems that they have clearly obtained the consent of that adult!

What a glorious thing it is to be the in-laws of that kind of big man?

Sensing the envious eyes of the elder and even the head of the house, Elder Qingfeng was in a good mood, but his face still showed no care.

“In fact, when I chose that child, I just saw that he was hard-working, diligent and down-to-earth, and calm, and it was a complete surprise to have this identity, don’t care.”

“Don’t care about size!”

Even Ziyun Old Ancestor couldn’t help but scold.

In the inner courtyard of the palace, Lin Quan, who was originally playing chess with his brother, heard the news of the arrival of the Ziyun Sect, and he was suddenly a little forced.

After all, the Sect Master of Qingxia Sect was taught a lesson by himself for a while, and he was very well-behaved, but now the Sect Master of the Purple Cloud Sect, he wanted to teach a lesson, but there was no Li Bai experience card.

“Forget it! It’s annoying, I’ll go meet them! ”

After all, with An Lan’s blow, Lin Quan was not afraid of anyone, and he was a little helpless, and walked away with a grin, leaving the old brother next to him who covered his heart and hurt.

The Sect Master of the Purple Cloud Sect personally visited!

He would be very excited if he could be received by the Sect Master of the Purple Cloud Sect.

And his eldest brother, the Sect Master of the Purple Cloud Sect is annoyed to visit in person, and the gap is not so big.


In the living room of the royal mansion, sensing Lin Quan coming, Ziyun Old Ancestor hurriedly led the surrounding elders to salute together.

“Well, it looks like something was misunderstood!”

Lin Quan looked at the respectful expressions on their faces, and then looked at his in-laws, and immediately understood something.

But Lin Quan didn’t plan to explain, anyway, he is a traverser, he is not bullish now, and he will definitely be bullish in the future, what is the ancestor of the Law Phase Realm, isn’t it normal to respect him?

“Is there something going on?”

In front of the female emperor, he Lin Quan can calmly eat clean and slip away, and a group of rookies in the Heavenly Human Realm Realm, and his heart can’t turn over a ripple with Ben.

Hearing Lin Quan’s words, at this time, Ziyun Old Ancestor dared to raise his head and carefully observe Lin Quan.

The body is perfect, the face is handsome and unspeakable, the silver hair, scattered over the shoulders, the temperament is like a god, revealing the nobility and coldness of the gods, making people dare not raise the evil idea of being an enemy in their hearts.

Such a person, just by looking at his appearance, even the power of the Dharma Realm, it is difficult to raise the courage to be an enemy of him.

Look at Xiuwei again!

Ziyun Old Ancestor was even more horrified in his heart, with his cultivation in the Dharma Phase Realm, not only could he not see Lin Quan’s cultivation, but he also felt that Lin Quan was a waste vein, and he didn’t even have the qualifications to practice!

“What kind of cultivation is this?”

Purple Cloud Old Ancestor gasped and glanced at several Heavenly Human Realm elders, and a thick shock rose in his heart.

In their cognition, if the cultivation is a big stage higher than the other party, the breath of the whole body is covered and their own cultivation is covered, and it is difficult to see the specific realm if the cultivation is generally low.

But to be like the king in front of him, directly covered up as this ordinary waste, Ziyun Old Ancestor did not know at all.


What a powerful realm is needed!

“What are you looking for me for?”

A flash of anger flashed in Lin Quan’s eyes, he is also a traverser, not a foundation, is it worth you to stare at this king like this?

This trace of anger suddenly exploded like rolling thunder in the sky, resounding in the hearts of all the elders and leaders.

“King Ming is furious.”

Ziyun Old Ancestor hurriedly spoke.

“We came this time to hear that Elder Qingfeng’s granddaughter is married to your son, that little nizi has been cute since childhood, and we old people have watched him grow up, so we want to come with a dowry.”

“Yes, yes, that little nizi is sensible.”

On weekdays, he and Elder Qingfeng did not deal with Nangong Huo and nodded first.

“I often make tea for our grandfathers, and now I want to make a relative, I am very reluctant in my heart, I want to come to see my in-laws, and we old bones plan to prepare a rich dowry.”

On the side, when Elder Qingfeng heard this, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes, his granddaughter had made tea for many other elders.

But you!

It’s good if you don’t take tea!

“That female doll is indeed sensible.”

Lin Quan nodded, for the first daughter-in-law, he naturally carefully observed for a while, and found that this little nizi was very well-behaved and sensible.

However, he didn’t expect Song Qingyan to be so good in the Purple Cloud Sect’s wind evaluation, so many elders paid him a bride price, and his son’s vision was good.

With the bond between Lin Hong and Song Qingyan’s in-laws, Lin Quan was a little more interested in talking with Ziyun Old Ancestor, and often teased some interesting facts about Lin Hong in the sect.

Many of these things were told to Ancestor Ziyun by Elder Qingfeng in advance, hoping to make that senior feel bored during casual chat.

“It turns out that the eldest son has suffered so much in the sect!”

Although Lin Quan knows that suffering is often the only way to grow, Lin Quan, as a father, can’t help but feel distressed.

This kind of distress, the rest of the elders looked at it in their eyes, and felt very normal, but in the eyes of Ziyun Old Ancestor, their scalp suddenly felt numb.

He didn’t dare to imagine that the son of this great existence had endured so much suffering for the ordinary road, and if he stopped Lin Hong from going to the ordinary road, how the anger of this existence would burn terribly!

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