Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

[Chapter 3] The logic that the gods cannot be

"Wanderer of the fantasy clock, are you willing to become the ruler of dreams again for me?"

The sand and dust flying all over the sky extended to the front where I could not see the edge. I stepped forward and stepped on the water-soaked sand covering the asphalt road.

Thick fog spread on both sides of the road, and people could only vaguely recognize the purple-red lake water hidden under the shroud.

——This nightmare scene lacks realism, and at the same time, it has lost some of the style that belongs to my dream.

"Wanderer in the dream, no matter where you are now, one day you will return to the dream world. At that time, will you be willing to... become the ruler of the dream world again for me?"

The voice that I often hear these days came again from my ear. I followed the girl's voice and set off to the source of the sound.

After four months, I regained the ability to control dreams and once again came to the dream world as a "dream master".

Although it has been a long time since the last time I dominated the dream state, I am still very familiar with lucid dreaming-this state of "consciousness in a world full of unreality".

Perhaps this has become my deep-rooted instinct.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. My ruler."

The bell suddenly rang close to my ears. The awe-inspiring but nostalgic sound was too far away at first, but now it was getting closer and closer to me under the pendulum swinging back and forth between my ears.

At the same time, the sand and dust floating in the air dissipated and replaced by the sea breeze blowing by, bringing a burst of fresh smell. The rustling wind nearby also disappeared.

My steps merged with the sound of the sea wading through the waves, gently massaging my ears.

When I raised my eyes, the sky was dazzling blue, and the bright colors burned my vision. Gradually, the sun shining in the sky became more and more dazzling, and I couldn't help stretching out my hand to cover my sight, but the light still came directly through my arms and eyelids.

Hearing was lost for a moment, and the ears were filled with boundless silence.

In a blink of an eye, the hearing is awakened by the sound of the train passing the track, and the high-pitched whistle is used as its harmony, concentrating on playing a journey that seems to have no destination.

I looked up in a daze, and I didn't know when I got on the train that was galloping forward. Outside the window facing me was a violet sea reflected by the setting sun, which was so beautiful that it was not like the scenery in reality.

The trains are dilapidated. There are no closed doors, and you can sit in front of them with your legs dangling freely over the rails. You can walk through the window with your hand out, without the obstruction of the glass window.

Dilapidated trains interpret the most primitive freedom everywhere, which is refreshing.

The empty state of mind blows the comfortable wind and waves. The train track below is the asphalt road I walked on before. I don’t know when the track was set up. The dense fog and smoke have dissipated, and the sea dyed violet can’t see the end.

I fell back and simply lay down on the train, letting my legs hang out of the car.

Under the setting sun reflected outside the window, I raised my right arm high, recalling what happened before April.

Before, Xue Xueer was right. As a reporter, her intuition was correct——

There are many unearthed truths about Domination Wars yet to be discovered.

【This kind of thing is not important, Su Ruoyang! answer my question! ! My time is running out...]

Alcatel definitely knew who was coming, so he deliberately rushed to meet me before this.

Maybe someone or something had obstructed him before this, so he didn't see me until then; or maybe he didn't know the truth of what he wanted to know until he met me.

No matter what the possibility is, the meaning that Alket wants to convey to me should be "I have a wonderful connection with him", but as to where the connection between us is, I have no way of finding the answer.

In other words, the "god" behind the scenes must answer in person before I can know the answer to this matter.

I sighed deeply and let out all my worry and confusion. The train also stopped without warning at the same time, and a line of text flashed on the screen at the front of the carriage, showing the greeting "Thank you for your ride!"

After leaving the train, you will see a boundless blue sky in front of your eyes, and the mirror surface reflecting the sky under your feet.

"The Realm of the Sky... This is my dream palace..."

Suddenly, a rose-red door crossed the sky out of nowhere, right in the center of my field of vision.

The golden old clock is engraved in the center of the door, and the feeling of nostalgia wells up in my heart. I can't help but take steps towards the gate of the world after a long absence. I grabbed the doorknob, feeling the cold metal in my palm.

I stretched out my palm and pressed it gently against the door, and the world door that opened automatically widened my field of vision, suddenly showing the crimson world on the other side before my eyes again.

The god who took away my ability to control dreams is in the world opposite the door.

She may be very dangerous, and I also know that I cannot be a match for the gods.

But I can't stop here, I have to see her.

There was a slight weight from the pointed hat covering my hair, as if someone was gently rubbing my hair, which made me feel a little more at ease.

Speaking up. Elus' request to me has been on hold for a long time.

If Els found out, she would definitely use this to play tricks on me.

I walked into the other side of the world and stepped on the dial of the clock. Several sharp sword blades were scattered at my feet in a disorderly manner, and more than a dozen long knives pierced the body of a skeleton. The incomplete armor made me recognize the identity of the skeleton.

A few steps closer to the center of the clock, there were five or six long knives pierced almost two meters below the dial, with traces of tears and scratches nearby. The scene was as desolate as the ruins after an earthquake.

Trying to pull out one of the long knives, I found that the long knives did not move even with all my strength, as if they were born connected to the clock.

I had no choice but to let go of my hand, close my eyes, and decided to use the "fantasy clock" to rotate the hands, and use the hands of the clock to catch the handle of the long knife and push it out.

Taking a deep breath, I unfamiliarly clenched the imaginary pointer on my chest, and forced it to turn clockwise, causing the clock to start running.

The pointer starts to rotate until it touches the long knife and stops. The pointer, which had been deadlocked with the hilt of the long knife for a long time, finally pushed the long knife, and pried it open together with the dial of the clock, and the long knife, which lost its support, fell to the ground.

I picked up the long knife that was almost fused with the clock. It seems that this long knife is no different from ordinary weapons, but it is suspiciously ordinary.

Just thinking of this, I suddenly heard faint and light footsteps coming from behind.

"Sure enough, it's still here..."

I hastily swung the long knife in my hand and threw it backwards, but the person behind me sharply raised my hand and easily pinched the blade with my fingertips without avoiding it. Then I threw it up and grabbed the handle with my backhand.

There was a haughty look on the girl's face, and she looked over playfully and with a little playfulness.

"Oh. After the domination war is over, you plan to cross the river and tear down the bridge, so you can kill me, the dreamer?"

The awe-inspiring voice broke into my ears, and the girl's voice was as clear and cold as the sound of nature. I tightened my shoulders for a moment, and a sense of security and shame flowed through my heart at the same time.

"I really met a cruel ruler."

As the voice fell, the girl hidden under the loose hood was extremely beautiful, with an indifferent smile from the corner of her mouth, and her cold and deep pupils were captivating.

She was wearing a baggy dark brown sweater, the sleeves were so long that they covered her palms, only her fingertips were exposed, and her little hands were very cute.

All of her signature features made me instantly associate her with someone in my memory.

"Thousands of faces."

My eyes couldn't help moving to her exquisite appearance, but Qianyan glanced at me coldly and snorted. She looked visibly displeased, folded her arms and looked away.

He didn't want to move his eyes away from Qianyan's body for a moment, and there was always an urge to hug Qianyan immediately. But because of the danger of being kicked away by her, I still didn't have the courage to take action in the end.

"Oh. So you still know me."

Qianyan made such a harsh reunion speech as I expected. But even though she gave me a cold look in response, it was subtly different from the indifference when we first met, and there was a hint of deliberately angry in her tone.

"Qianyan, it seems like I haven't seen you for a long time."

Thinking that Qianyan didn't leave because I forgot about her, and was always by my side silently, I couldn't help but feel a warm current in my heart, and I couldn't help laughing sincerely because of her unique way of acting like a baby.

"Oh. Is that so? But I can see your annoying figure every day."

The girl chewed the bubble gum with a casual look, and gave me a cold look.

"Seeing it every day? But I—"

Suddenly, there was a "pop" sound of bubble gum bursting from her mouth.

"Walking around in a daze at the mercy of your subconscious every day. I've had enough of the way you look."

"Hey... so I've been so bad all this time?"

"Not only that. The most outrageous thing is to turn a blind eye to my existence."

As she said that, Qianyan let out a "tsk" in annoyance, fiddled with the long knife in her hand, and shook it at me.

"Now that I finally woke up, I even threw a weapon at me."

Speaking of this, there was a "crack" breaking sound in the air, and the girl broke the blade lightly with force, and threw the broken long knife to both sides without even looking at it.

"Su Ruoyang, you are really annoying. Now I feel troublesome when I see you—"

"Wait, you misunderstood! I didn't mean to ignore you! Besides, how dare I ignore you!"

"Oh? Then you should explain."

Qian Yan hugged her hands again, her expression was deliberately cold, and she concealed the expression on her face that she wanted to hear my explanation a long time ago.

"If you want to hear my explanation, just say it, I can't know what's in your heart all the time..."

I muttered in a low voice to expose her arrogant nature. In the end, I saw that the color in Qianyan's eyes had really cooled down, which made me quickly change my mind and say:

"Ah. I did that because I was deprived of my dream control ability not long ago, and I just recovered it not long ago."

"Really." Qianyan frowned her pretty eyebrows, folded her arms around her head and looked at me with her head held high. "You self-proclaimed the ruler of the 'Black Death' since you were a child, who dares to take away your things?"

I didn't expect that she would bring up the things about me when I was a child, and I couldn't help but blush because of my childhood secondary behavior.

However, before I could adjust my embarrassing mood, Qianyan seemed to sense the danger suddenly, her eyes suddenly became indifferent, she turned her deep pupils to glance at me, and said in a hasty tone:

"Hey. Su Ruoyang, hurry back now."

For some reason, there is a strange color in Qianyan's eyes, it seems to be the fear that has never been shown in her eyes.

"Are you kidding me? What are you doing all of a sudden?"

"Shut up and listen to me!! This is indeed my negligence, please... hurry up now!"

Qianyan showed an uneasy expression abnormally, and a touch of worry flashed across her frowning brows. The fear in her eyes became more and more clear, and even mixed with imperceptible regret.

"What's going on? I can't leave here yet, there's something important I haven't done yet!"

The reason why I came here is to meet the gods of this world. I can't go yet.

"When you actually see her, do you think you can leave safely?"

Qian Yan's words made me really stunned. At the second of my hesitation, she locked my arms tightly no longer regardless of my wishes, and used her strange force to drag me towards the world gate behind.

"Hey, if I go back now, I can't change anything, I'll just keep repeating the same thing, right?"

I wanted to break away from her hand, but I couldn't go against her strength, and my vision was getting closer and closer to the World Gate.

"Ah. Where do you guys want to go?"

Suddenly, I once again felt a strong sense of being watched coming from a certain direction. It seemed that countless eyes were crawling on my body densely, and violent rejection arose spontaneously.

At the same time, Qianyan let go of my hand, and the bondage from my arm disappeared instantly. As soon as I swallowed my anxiety and wanted to turn my head to confirm the situation, a pair of hands stretched out from behind firmly fixed my cheeks.

"Oh, you really are the best ❤! I really don't know whether to reward you or punish you~"

The inviolable power made me unable to do even a weak struggle. The voice behind me was so strange that I lost all sense of security. The tender love in the girl's voice made me feel chills all over my body.

After a little identification, one can easily realize that this is clearly Qianyan's voice. However, the emotions contained in it are quite different, making it hard for me to believe that these words came from Qianyan's mouth.

No! No... Because of this, the person standing behind me at this moment can never be Qianyan.

"I like you very much~ Frankly speaking, I ☆like☆like☆ your performance~"

Countless gazes pierced the back of my head, making the depths of my brain sizzling. This gaze was clearly the same as when Arquette died and when the boy in yesterday's dream disappeared.

"But ❤You can't be rebellious like Arquette~"

I deliberately suppressed the extreme fear in my heart, amplified my voice and shouted at her pretending to be fearless:

"Hey, you... are you the "God" who created the war?"

"What a cute child~ Is the answer so important?"

Those cold hands caressed my cheek softly, and her itchy breath panted close to my ear.

"There's also 'War of Domination', it doesn't sound like fun at all~ I've always called it a 'game'~"

The girl's understated words were like a mockery that hit the soul directly, and instantly ignited the anger in my heart.

"You bastard... do you know what you're talking about!"

I thought of how many people were suffering in pain for victory, and how many people gradually got lost in increasingly real dreams.

Thinking of all the people trying their best to win, all participating in it regardless of their lives; thinking of all their hopes on dominating the war... Feeling powerless and angry, I couldn't help rushing to my chest.

"You are so cute who want to know the truth~ I really ☆anticipate☆ah, I really want to know what kind of expression you will show when you suffer unexpected disasters and pain, and you collapse after countless setbacks... ..."

"What are you trying to do to me?!"

I struggled hard, trying to turn my head and remember the other person's face in my heart, but my body couldn't break free from her shackles, as if I would always face the same direction from now on.

At a loss, I did not know why I called out Qianyan's name. It seemed that subconsciously I pinned my hope on the dreamer.

I seem to think that as long as she is still there, there must be a way. Just now she realized the arrival of the Creator one step ahead of me, so if she hadn't disappeared, she would be able to take me out of this predicament.

Qianyan has always been like this. She will always stop time at the most critical moment, and despite her impatience, she still tirelessly gives me room to grow.

But this time, Qianyan didn't respond to me for a long time. There was only the harsh ridicule of the girl in my ears. Despair gradually filled my whole heart, but in the next second—my head and body were pulled back violently.

The woman in front of me is undoubtedly Qianyan's ice-cold and pretty face, which proves that the Qianyan I saw when I came here is not a fantasy. However, what hangs on her face is the passionate love that Qianyan will never show.

"Hey, whose name are you calling?"

A playful smile was mixed in the pretentiously confused tone, and at this moment I realized very clearly that this was Qianyan's voice. In an instant, a tight heartstring deep in my heart broke instantly.

"Could it be, are you looking for me? Hey, are you calling my name?"

An unprecedented sense of despair hit me, and the hope of getting away with it was wiped out by her few words.

"Oh~ I just like your expression~ I really don't want to put you back."

The "Thousands of Faces" in front of you. Even though the smile on the girl's face is captivating, I feel more and more desperate.

"Don't worry, as long as you obediently go back and accept my arrangement, I won't do anything to you for the time being~ But I still feel that I need to punish you a little~ I will take away another thing from you ~"

Having said that, she finally let go of her hand against my cheek, and gently took off her hood.

"Ah, speaking of which, you have already lost this item? You have only met her again for a few minutes."

I suddenly understood what she had taken away, and twisted hatred filled my heart. But I knew better than anyone else that I was powerless to resist, and I didn't even dare to look her directly in the eyes. Thus, unspeakable sadness arises spontaneously.

"Goodbye~ I said goodbye, and I will definitely see you again."

As soon as the words fell, my body was pulled backwards by an irresistible force, which directly smashed the world gate behind me, and the irresistible momentum made me fall to the ground and rolled around in embarrassment before stopping.

My forehead hit the metal, and my vision suddenly went black. When I opened my eyes again, I was back on the track of the train. The granular fine dust ran into my mouth and choked in my throat, making me cough uncontrollably.

The smell of the earth mixed with the bitterly salty sea water made me sick to the point that my stomach felt nauseated.

What I lost last time was my ability to control dreams, but this time what I lost was my dream maker.

Qianyan's figure swayed in my memory, I held on to the sand firmly, the rough sand pierced into my fingers, and produced a restlessness that could not be erased, my nails almost folded due to force.

"Hey, what is this... what the hell is this!"

Obviously wanting to find out about Arquette and that boy, why did things turn out like this?

If Qianyan was cruelly taken away by her like an object, then who is the person remaining in Qianyan's body now?

I tried my best to kick my toes to the ground, swayed my body and stood up.

"No... How can this kind of ending be acceptable?"

I staggered towards the broken gate of the world, clenched the handle and pushed it forward forcefully, but the other side of the gate showed the same scenery as the one behind it—only the railway that could not find the edge, unlike that A sea of ​​violets.

Even if the door is closed and then opened again, the same result will not change no matter how many times it is repeated. The world gate seemed to have lost its original effect due to the previous impact, turning into an ordinary gate.

【Hello. Su Ruoyang, hurry back now. 】

The girl's clear and ethereal voice echoed in my ears for a while, and the feeling of powerlessness spread bitterly to my heart again.

Having lost Qianyan and the gate of the world, I kneel powerlessly in front of this dilapidated gate.

There is no such thing as a ruler clock in my dream, and I can't even reverse the pointer of time to my ruler time. What happened in front of me was not the prophetic dream that Qianyan said, so I couldn't go back to the past.

"This situation...isn't it difficult to move an inch?"

The suddenly intensified sea breeze blew off my pointed hat. I stretched out my hand in a hurry, grabbed the hat that almost swirled away with the air current on the verge of missing, and held it tightly in my arms.

Just then, I felt someone's eyes on me.

"What are you doing……?"

In an instant, a frozen voice sounded from in front of me, the voice was so clean that it would be easily blown away by the sea breeze.

However, the girl's tone obviously contained disgust, which destroyed the overall clarity of the voice.

Anyone would be surprised to see a young man squatting on the ground while walking on the road, clutching his black pointed hat tightly with a painful expression on his face. It's just that the girl's voice made me feel familiar, and I slowly raised my eyes in a daze.

The first thing I saw was the petal-shaped azure blue stardust, and my eyes followed it to the girl's vicinity. The stardust was floating beside her but not far away, like an elf lost in the world, leading my sight to the girl herself .


The girl has blond waist-length hair that is casually scattered behind her back. A pure white gauze skirt was decorated with blue ribbons at the corners, and the loose corners of the skirt fluttered with the sea breeze, swaying back and forth on the seductive curve of her legs, which caught my sight for a moment. Then the scattered stardust attracted the focus of my sight again, until her pair of light purple star eyes passed by, and my constantly wandering gaze seemed to be imprisoned, and I could no longer look elsewhere.

I opened my eyes and lost my mind for a moment, and those amethyst-like pupils were staring straight at me. The moment she recognized my face, she also suddenly fell into a hesitation.

"Su...Su Huilin?"

I couldn't help calling out her name, blurting it out as easily as an instinct.

The girl raised her right eyebrow, and a strange emotion flashed in her eyes.

"How will you be here?"

Su Huilin trembled her eyes and asked in a questioning tone. Normally, I should reply with "I should ask you this question? This is my dreamland."

However, at this moment, the urge to hug her in my heart overwhelmed all other thoughts, I stepped forward to embrace Su Huilin who was full of doubts in two steps. A bewildered fragrance came to the nostrils, and it was unknown whether it was the stardust or herself.

The girl lost her center of gravity and took a few steps back. She reached out and attached her hands to my back, and staggered to stabilize her feet.

That day, the black cat uttered a lie that caused Su Erin to fall into a long sleep, and it became reality the moment she recognized it.

Since then, for many reasons, I haven't seen Su Erin standing in front of me for half a year.

"Hey. You're covered in sand, can you let go quickly?"

Su Erin pushed my shoulder with some disgust. But after nearly half a year, now I have finally met my sister in real life, how could it be possible that you let me go when you say let go.

"I do not want it."

After all, I naturally hugged her tighter.

However——"If you don't let go, I'll break your collarbone", out of such a creepy warning, I finally let go of the hands that hugged her tightly, and at the same time raised my hands high, and stepped back. stride.

Su Erin didn't speak any more, but frowned and stared at me. I swallowed, and remained motionless in the original movement, as if locked in by her slightly cold gaze.

Her sight made me very uneasy, and her cold eyes seemed as if she didn't recognize who I was at all.

"Hey...let me ask you, do you know me? you have no idea who I am at all?"

Su Huilin remained silent and did not respond to my words, which made my uneasiness even more pervasive.

However, the atmosphere did not remain silent for long, when Su Huilin suddenly puffed up her cheeks, as if she was suppressing a smile before, her right eyebrow raised slightly, and the cold color in her eyes was suddenly replaced by a refreshing smile.


The girl covered the corner of her mouth lightly, and let out a "puchi" laugh. This burst of light laughter suddenly lifted all the shackles on me. Even though I was puzzled by her reaction, I couldn't help but relax.

"It's so annoying. You can't hold back your laughter! What kind of expression is that on your face? It's so funny..."

Su Huilin suppressed a smile, and complained quite in her style.

So, just now, Su Huilin was thinking about what kind of cold eyes can scare her brother?

"Hey, what's the matter? I just couldn't hold back my 'true feelings' just now! Your reaction is too much!"

Although I wanted to fight back severely against her actions, I couldn't take any action when I saw my sister's smiling eyes, and that faint smile seemed to say——

"Long time no see. Actually, I miss you too~"

In short, under the intertwined emotions, I had no choice but to put on a smile rather reluctantly.

Well, I'm not talking nonsense, I really laughed rather reluctantly, don't ask me why I laugh with tears.

There is no such thing!

"Oh... I'm sorry bro, I shouldn't have played a prank on you..." Su Huilin approached me in a panic and took my arm, "I know you, you are my boss Brother... Don't be sad, brother."

Seeing that my expression didn't improve, Su Huilin immediately raised her hands and raised her index fingers to poke the corners of my mouth, and pulled up a smiley face for me. Looking at her frowning and worried expression, I couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

"Tsk. Isn't this too foul for you?"


The sea water beats the shore from time to time with the waves as an accompaniment, and then the tide retreats to the other side beyond the horizon.

"So. Since we parted that day, Rin, have you been staying in my dream world?"

Su Huilin sat quietly by the beach, looking at the endless sea of ​​violets, and hummed softly.

"I don't know what's going on. When I came back to my senses, I was already in your dream, bro. Later, I met you here many times, but every time you followed the NPC like a robot. I'm like..."

Su Huilin didn't go on talking, I couldn't help being a little curious, and asked her:


"What else can I look like... just make me look like a ghost ~ you can't see me at all."

Su Huilin turned her head as she spoke, leaning on her knees and looking back at me.

Probably because the gauze skirt on her body is actually very short, Su Erin just bent her knees and easily exposed the white skin at the base of her thighs, and the skirt would almost reach the "limit" state if she exposed a little more.

"Well, Su Erin...Although we are brother and sister, there are many things that we don't need to worry about, but you can't...everything is defenseless against me."

I blushed, bent my index finger and touched the tip of my nose, and my eyes wandered to one side.

"Eh, is that so? Why do I feel like I should be worried just because we're brother and sister?"

Su Erin not only didn't have any worries about my words, but instead stretched out her index finger and held my chin provocatively.


"You have the title of 'Dark Sister Control'."

After hearing her words, I immediately grabbed Su Erin's index finger dangling in front of me.

"Why don't I know this name?"

"Ah... oh, so it wasn't made public? Then I slipped my mouth~"

Su Huilin stretched out her right hand playfully, tilted her head to the right, and touched the little hand that was slightly clenched into a fist.

"We used to sit around and chat for a while in the temporary stronghold. But you weren't there at the time. Xiaoyin inadvertently mentioned that you called yourself "Black Death" when you were a child, and was overheard by Chart..."

When Su Huilin mentioned the names of Xia Yinci and Charte, I couldn't help feeling a little nostalgic, but then I calmed down and realized that what she said next was the key.

"Then what……"

"Charter said that this name is very problematic, and it doesn't suit you very much, so he corrected it in his own words."

"Because of this, I somehow became a sister-in-law? And added an inexplicable prefix?"

Su Huilin didn't know how to answer, and was stunned for a moment.

"Your expression... Could it be that you acquiesced to Chart's opinion at the time?"

After hearing what I said, Su Erin raised her wrist and hit her head again, trying to get away with being cute.


Speaking of which, is it my illusion?

Why do I feel that Su Erin has changed a lot compared to her previous personality? ——Feel a strange sensation, then follow it.

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