Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

【SideA】The Shelter of a Lost Dog (3)

The long gallery reverberated with high-pitched jazz music, and countless hazy paintings were hung on the dark red wall, and the frame of the paintings was as black as ink. Just now, he stopped in a street where no one cared, and in a blink of an eye, he came to a strange art museum with red and black as the main colors without any transition.

The world of dreams is always so free that regardless of logic, but dreamers always believe that the scenes in their dreams are reality. Only dreamers who enter lucid dreams, and dreamers who wake up from sleep, will realize How illogical the dream is, and how far apart it is from reality.

"Although the goal is to take back my dream palace, but how exactly?"

When I was still on the street just now, I asked the old gentleman this way.

"Remember what your dream palace looks like, and use your imagination to get there."

I did try what the old gentleman said and ended up in this weird place. This made me feel a little anxious.

Focus on one of the paintings, and stay on the painting for a long time before the painting on the frame becomes clear and no longer hazy. In the painting, the bowed woman gazes tenderly at the breastfeeding baby in her arms. Behind her is the battle, and the gunfire has dyed her hair the color of flames.

If you told your mother what happened all day today, how would she evaluate it?

Except for Xia Yinci, my mother is the only one who knows how to control the war. Every time I meet her, I will mention it to her, and she is willing to listen to me.

Unlike other grown-ups who always thought I was just like other kids who thought of myself as an animated hero on TV.

Speaking of animation, in a recent animation program, there is a character with a saber always flying around his waist.

"Is it a coincidence?"

The gallery seems to be endless, and there is no end to it. Instead, unconsciously, all the oil paintings on the gallery became clearer.

I heard from my mother that dreams will become closer to reality as the dreamer's own cognition improves.

Sure enough, my dream is also trying to convince me, is this the reality? Or is it just because my dream was taken away by someone else?

Just as I was thinking about these questions, the whistling of the air suddenly sounded in my ears, I immediately stretched out my right hand to my side, grabbed the intact sickle from the air, turned sideways and split the saber that stabbed straight at my chest .

"Yo, you're planning to make a comeback, aren't you?"

I didn't answer him, but with a little force on my feet, I kicked up and quickly flashed in front of the other party.

He quickly turned his index finger up, and two or three sabers stabbed towards me from different directions. I stretched out my free right hand and grabbed one of the sabers. Stretching forward, the raised sickle circled behind him.

"whispering sound.."

The saberman clenched his teeth, and I aimed at his chest without hesitation to stab in, but the scythe hit the spinning saber firmly. I tried again and again to increase my strength, but still couldn't move him, and finally I stepped back and temporarily retracted the scythe.

"Should I say you are pitiful? I don't even dare to use your control ability anymore."

There was a hypocritical smile on his face, and his outstretched palm pointed forcefully in my direction. So in the midst of the flashes, a dozen or so sabers suddenly appeared in the empty air, aiming in my direction, and then using the corners of the saberman's mouth as a command, all of them headed towards me in an instant fly.

"Admit it. Every enemy I have met has the same ending. It is your fate to be defeated by me."

What he said made me feel strange for a while. The scenery of the surrounding gallery deepened my guess. I stared straight at the saberman in front of me. I swung the saber and split the saber flying in front of me. However, the rest of the saber pierced into my body from different directions. .

I followed the heavy saber and fell to my knees weakly. With a victor's smile, the saberman walked up to me unhurriedly, pointing at the tip of my nose with the saber that appeared at some point in his hand.

"Admit it?" His eyes locked on my eyes, "Admit this is your destiny?"

The moment I heard this line, I confirmed my suspicion.

"Ha... I thought Xia Yinci and I were the youngest among the rulers. It turns out that there are not all adults here."

Probably because he didn't expect me to say such a thing, the smile in the saber man's eyes was suddenly replaced by doubt.

"What do you mean?"

"Lin Yu told me that the ruler will become what he expects in the gaps in the dream. So, from just now, I have been very skeptical - why is the image of your ruler in the animation that is popular among children recently? Where is the main character?"

While I was talking to him, I pulled out the sabers that had been stuck into my body one by one, and the wounds healed quickly. The saberman couldn't help but took a few steps back, and he didn't know whether it was because he was shocked to see me unharmed, or because he was running away because of my words.

"I can't understand what you're talking about!"

"Do you want to say it's just a coincidence? Speaking the exact same lines as in the anime, spinning countless sabers around the waist like the protagonist, and even appearing in this kind of place——If I remember correctly, the last episode of the anime Is that where the main character fought the final decisive battle with the enemy?"


"Are you trying to say that these 'similarities', like duplication, are all coincidences?"


Adults won't like an animation for kids that was released recently, but it's okay if it's decades old. Even if there are such adults, it is impossible for them to regard the protagonist in the recent animation as what they expect to be. That's why I started to suspect that he was a similar age to me.

In order to prove this point, I took his saber on purpose and waited for him to say the lines of the hero's decisive victory.

There is no reserved saber on the body, and the oil paintings and sabers that were implicated in the battle just now are scattered on the carpet of the gallery. I picked up the sickle again, and approached the saber man little by little. His dilated pupils expressed exasperation at being revealed, as if his real age was a secret he never wanted to be known.

"Die to me..."

He shouted hysterically, the shape of a saber suddenly appeared in his hand, and he stabbed fiercely towards my abdomen. But before that happened, the scythe I slashed pulled gravity enough to make the saber in his hand too heavy to lift—"boom."

The intentional trick just now was not only to know his real age, but also to prove that he was the only one here.

"Huh? I remember you said at the beginning that I dare not use the control ability?"

The scythe in his hand was pressed against the red carpet, and the gravity of the mutation became more and more intense. The saberman couldn't help but gradually couldn't bear it, and finally knelt down on the ground, but he still stretched out his hand to me unwilling to admit defeat. .

A saber kept floating out of his palms, but he could never hold it, and another saber fell to the ground and collided with other sabers, making a sound.

"Hey, do you know the ending of the anime?"

"The Lord of Sabers vanquished his final foe on Adam's Gallery, bringing light back to a dark world."

I couldn't help smiling, and shook my head left and right at him.

"You're talking about the ending shown on TV, it's not the real ending."


"The complete ending was released on the Internet. The King of Sabers did defeat the final enemy, but he was also seriously injured. The light he brought back was greedily swallowed by the king and his ministers. Outside the palace, still It was pitch black. People finally called the King of Sabers—a lackey of the dictator.”

" made it up. The king of swords can never lose..."

"After you wake up, you can check it yourself. Also, you are not the main character, because this... is my dream."

I had no intention of arguing with him anymore, and the scythe that was split down hit his chest with maximum gravity. He quickly fashioned dozens of sabers to cover his chest, but finally he couldn't support the gravity that was tearing downwards. The defense of the sabers was easily broken, and the sickle pierced into his chest, gushing out blood.

I loosened the scythe lightly. The old gentleman who appeared in front of me at some point stretched out his index finger and drew a circle, and a huge ring appeared under the saber man, and he fell through the ring instantly, turning the gallery into a mess.

"what have you done?"

"If you let him die here, he will wake up in the same place after a while. Don't you want to drive him out of your world?"

"Why didn't you do it earlier?" I couldn't help but frowned, feeling that the old man was a bit wicked.

"The gate of the old world cannot allow the living to pass through. As for why this is so, it is you who wished so. From the bottom of your heart, you hope that the person who broke into your world cannot leave alive. What's more, if you can send him out directly, It's not too funny, is it?"

"Really? I never wished so."

"Anyway, your subconscious mind really expects that."

As soon as the words fell, the figure of the old gentleman disappeared in front of me again. Before I could find out where he was hiding, the surrounding light became more and more dazzling. I couldn't help stretching out my hand to cover my eyes, but the light still seemed to be able to strike through my arms and eyelids.

Unknowingly, the sound of the train passing by the track was played in my ears, and the chorus of the whistle was also heard from time to time.

I opened my eyes in a daze, and right outside the window was a violet sea reflected by the setting sun, which was so beautiful that it was not like the scenery in reality.

The train was dilapidated, but it gave people an inexplicable sense of comfort, and there seemed to be no one else except me.

Looking at the undulating sponge behind me, I couldn't help stretching out my hand without any hindrance. I could stretch my hand out of the window directly, and the sea breeze was blowing gently.

There are no blocked glass windows, and there are no closed doors on the train. Even if you jump off the train, no one will stop you. All these seem to be interpreting the most primitive freedom. It is precisely because of this that it makes people feel empty and free to know what to do.

"It turns out that you are not always afraid of beautiful things."

When I knelt and sat on the chair, a cold female voice suddenly came from the seat on the other side of the train.

Pleasant and clear as ice, maintaining a subtle distance.

I couldn't help being surprised by this sudden conversation, so I turned around quickly, and my eyes just met the girl's eyes looking directly at me.

"Is not it."

With an icy voice and deep pupils that freeze people's hearts, her beauty can instantly take people's hearts away.

The girl was wearing a black sweater, which complemented her long silver-white hair. The pattern of the clock on the sweater appears everywhere in a random manner. Her head was held up slightly, and she always had a condescending arrogance.

"You were... the one who talked to me before..."

The icy sea breeze intensified suddenly. The girl's hood fell off her shoulders in the wind. Straight silver hair swayed in the wind.

I don't know if it was my illusion, but there was a slight smile on her brows and eyes.

Just such a simple action is enough to melt half of the ice that freezes the heart.

I looked at the girl in a daze, the speed of the train gradually slowed down, and the endless sea of ​​violets outside the window seemed to come to an end.

Finally, the train stopped completely, and the girl also disappeared.

"The terminal, the realm of the sky. It's here..."

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