Fantasy Clock~Dream Ruler~

【SideC】Discussion with each other expressing their views (2)

"Crystal...? Why does it have an independent consciousness?"

The moment Lin Yu passed the purple crystal, the smile that appeared on his face after teasing someone gradually faded away. The color of doubt turned into a concealing cloth on his eyes. Chart, who was behind him, jumped on the second hand and continued to chase towards him. Lin Yu gently stretched out his palm, closed his eyes slightly, and pressed it against the crystal. But the other party's consciousness seemed to be closed, as if he himself was frozen in a crystal.

Sure enough, am I thinking too much? Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes. The ferocious eyes opened with a furious smile, and the boy's pupils opened for a moment, which made Lin Yu's heart beat wildly just after letting go, and the other party's thoughts were transmitted through the eyes in an instant, and his own figure also briefly appeared. Turn into the appearance of the other party.

Lin Yu withdrew his hands that were close to the crystal in fear, and when his gaze focused on the boy's face again, the boy still closed his eyes tightly as before.

At this time, Lin Yu suddenly realized that it was a scene shown to him by "one person with thousands of faces", and it was through this short look at each other that he could read his mind. Lin Yu hurriedly turned around——

"Don't run away if you can. Bastard."

Chart, who was standing on the second hand, grabbed Lin Yu by the collar at the nape of his neck and lifted him up. Ke Linyu didn't care about the fact that Charte was looking for his "revenge", and quickly grabbed Charte's arms.

"Quick - this crystal must not be left here. Find anyone who can take it or destroy it!"

Charte was infected by Lin Yu's anxious eyes, and the strength in his hands relaxed a lot. At this moment, the pointer meets the minute hand again, and William, who stepped on the minute hand, stepped on the second hand.

"What's wrong? The crystal can't be removed anymore. Because the restoration of the clock is based on his vitality, Yin needs to temporarily connect him with the clock, so the crystal cannot be removed in a short time."

"If we don't remove it, we're doomed!" Lin Yu's tone became more and more anxious, and he didn't know where to put his hands. The role of "Transportation Crystal" allows the permitted person to be teleported to a designated location... I guess Dream Thief used him as a coordinate, and purposely left him here in order to teleport here at any time to sneak attack!!"

Lin Yu's words stunned Chart and William. Charter's eyes were full of anxiety, and he turned to glance at the purple crystal in the center.

"Such a dangerous thing is placed in the middle of the clock?!"

"Lin Yu said who knew about this kind of thing before. If it can't be removed now, he can only be destroyed."

William complained, and took a few steps forward with a sigh. He pulled out the pistol at his waist, pulled the trigger and fired two shots at the crystal. After the bullets burst out from the muzzle, they magnified several times and hit the crystal continuously.

Elus and Sato Kazuhiko noticed the abnormal noise, stepped on the second hand in a hurry, and approached William's position.

And Su Ruoyang, who was about to rush over with Su Huilin, was caught by the black cat holding Xue Xueer and running up to the clock, and Su Huilin stopped in his tracks.

near the crystal. When the permeating gunpowder smoke cleared, William found that the crystal was undamaged, and cold sweat could not help oozing from his forehead.

"Uncle William, what are you doing?"

"The dominator in the crystal can send the Dream Thief here... Elus, this crystal was created by your magic. Is there a way to destroy it?"

Elus's eyebrows could not help but frown slightly, she shook her head lightly, rubbing her fingers up and down restlessly on the staff.

"I can't do anything for the time being.. It turned out that I planned to freeze him forever, and wanted to use this method to 'kill' the ruler.. There is no way to set the release at all."

"We have to find a way to remove or destroy it...Damn..." William thought carefully, then suddenly thought of something, and looked at Kazuhiko Sato next to Elus, "Kazuhiko, come with me."

After finishing speaking, William walked quickly towards the center. He Yan also agreed slowly, jumped off the second hand and approached the center of the clock. When the second hand turned around again, William happened to be near the crystal. The closer the pointer, the thinner it is.

"Kazuhiko, use your control ability, try to see if you can cut all the parts connecting the crystal and the center."

Sato Kazuhiko nodded his head, pulled out a few cards and threw them towards the link, but he didn't expect Tongtong to go back the same way, and bounced back to Kazuhiko's fingers.

"No! The Dominator's clock seems to provide energy to the crystal in turn, so I have no way to destroy him...unless its connection with the clock can become a little weaker."

After hearing this, William turned his eyes and took another step closer to the center. He rubbed his hands vigorously, squeezed the crystal with all his strength, and there was a "click".

Taking advantage of this, He Yan squatted down cautiously, only to see a gap at the connection between the crystal and the clock. He couldn't help smiling happily, "It should work!" After that, he swung the poker into the gap again, turning into a whirling sharp blade and piercing the gap, but it seemed that it was difficult to pierce any deeper, and the poker stopped. It's hard to move an inch in mid-air.

"Hey, let's help too!"

Seeing this, Elus said to Chart. Doubtful Chart slowly followed Elus and approached William together.

Lin Yu, who was in a daze, seemed to be thinking about something, and after making way for the two of them, he took a few steps back.

Suddenly, a more uneasy premonition swept over his heart, he raised his head hastily, and shouted in the direction of William:

"Hey! Let go of William! Don't touch him!"

At the same time, William suddenly felt a convulsion all over his body, rushing back and forth like an electric current. The strong uneasiness made him take a step back quickly, wanting to withdraw his hand, but his hands seemed to be glued... No, it was as if they had melted into the crystal and became one. William couldn't withdraw his hand no matter what. Absolute observation sent a strange image in front of William's eyes for a moment, and he vaguely saw the corner of the Dream King's lips curled up.

"Stop! Don't come over—"

William turned his head desperately, and yelled at Chart and Elus. Sato Kazuhiko also trembled because of this. In the next second, the crystal suddenly became transparent, and at the same time William's figure seemed to disappear. Sato instinctively grabbed William's arm to hold him, but the electric current flowing through his body ran from the palm of his hand to his whole body. He suddenly found that his body also gradually disappeared and lost its color.

Chalt's eyes widened in horror, and finally ran towards the center eagerly, and stretched out his hand to the two of them. Elus, who realized something was wrong, grabbed Chalt's arm and shook it seriously. Shake your head.

"No. If we go up rashly, only one more person will suffer."

"I can't control this much anymore!"

Throwing away Elus's hand, Chalt continued to run forward regardless of Elus' dissuasion.

"Listen up!" William's voice seemed to be in a storm, making his words blurred and turned into muddy water when it reached everyone's ears. "An hour later, it will be exactly one day after the clock runs! By then, none of you should go to town! Pay attention to your own numbers on the clock, and the Xinghai Tavern is still the key to the battle!"

As soon as the words fell, the moment Charte was about to catch them, William and Kazuhiko turned completely colorless, and disappeared in front of Charte together with the crystal. Chalt's pupils were dimmed, and the hand that was stretched out in the air trembled unwillingly.

"Why? I could have caught them if you didn't stop me just now!"

Elus deliberately suppressed the waves in her eyes, transferred her emotions to another place, and tightly held the staff in her hand.

"So, you want me to watch you disappear with them?"

William asked me to be your guardian. It is absolutely impossible to let you disappear with him. Elus bit her lower lip and lowered her head.

Charte's expression suddenly trembled when he saw Elus. He actually knew that no matter what he said, he should not vent his anger on Elus, but he still did this kind of thing without thinking. He turned his head away.

"Lin Yu...what the hell is going on here!"

"How do I know! If the Dream Stealer's target is the Dominator's Clock, they must be using that child for a sneak attack. Who knew their target would be the Dominator himself?!"

somewhere in town. Gather the vast majority of rulers. The residents of the town tremblingly filled the empty glasses on the table with wine, and stepped back cautiously.

The rulers casually slapped the passing townspeople to the ground, releasing almost crazy joy, collided wine glasses with each other, and gulped down.

Completely different from the surrounding atmosphere, is a man with the most special figure. Obviously his body is thinner than anyone else here, yet he sits in the most honorable position. His eyes were fixed on the front, but his fingers jumped back and forth excitedly, tapping on the table in front of him, humming a little tune, as if he was playing a wonderful piece of music.

Suddenly, a piece of purple crystal appeared in midair out of thin air, and then fell to the center of the room with a "pound", and the noise was instantly extinguished. Attracted everyone's attention.

The Thief of Dreams stood up happily, slammed his hands on the table, and walked towards the crystal with wild steps. The cramping pain finally subsided, and William and Kazuhiko Sato were able to withdraw their hands. The Thieving Dream King's thin body actually blocked the downed light, leaving the two of them in the shadows, and he couldn't help raising his head.

"...My primary target has always been you, William Andres." Speaking of this, the surrounding rulers seemed to have received the order of the Thief of Dreams and came near the two of them. The two who were still unable to move had no choice but to let them tie themselves up. The Thief King stood up, quickly raised his arms, "My absolute observation, but I have been waiting for a long time for you to touch him."

The tone is still without any emotion, like a student who is unwilling to be called up and forced to read the text aloud.

"Although I didn't expect David to be frozen by you when planning in advance, I am also very sorry. But he has played a role in his existence. I think he should feel that he has no regrets in dying."

Speaking of which, the Thief King stretched out his too slender arm, and gently stroked the crystal with his sickly white hand, as if he could soothe his head through the crystal. The uproar again filled the hall, mixed with carnival laughter.

The pointer sweeps the numbers on the dial round and round. The rulers of clock No. 2 stood on their numbers one by one, listening quietly to Lin Yu's explanation of what happened. On the clock, No. 1, No. 2 and No. 5 are all empty.

"Lin Yu, what do you mean..." Xia Yinci clenched her little hand into a fist and leaned against her lips, and pointed at Lin Yu with the index finger of the other hand, "The dream robbers should use the boy in the crystal , sent William and Sato to the Dream Thief's territory?"

Lin Yu nodded solemnly. He felt that he might as well not say anything... His speculation unintentionally made William fall into a trap, and Sato was also involved. It was as if it had become his own fault.

"Don't blame yourself, Lin Yu. If you hadn't told us, then we wouldn't have found out about it... In the end, the Dream Thieves would definitely sneak over, and it would definitely be more troublesome."

Xiao Lulu turned sideways and looked straight into Lin Yu's eyes. Lin Yu lowered his head lightly and hummed in a low voice. He thought for a while, raised his eyes again, and looked around the crowd.


"Okay. Don't worry about this problem! What we have to do now is very clear. Find the dream thief's stronghold, and then... rescue Sato and William."

Chatter's abrupt interruption of Lin Yu's words seemed to be to use this clumsy method to prevent Lin Yu from blaming herself uselessly. The uncharacteristic behavior of the two made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, Elus was worried all the time that Charter and Lin Yu would fight for no reason.

"Well...wait a minute...have you heard what William said before he disappeared?"

Lin Yu's words made Elus and Chalt look at each other, Chalt turned his eyes away and shook his head at Lin Yu.

"I didn't hear it very clearly~ I only heard that he seemed to mention the Xinghai Tavern at the end as the key to the competition..."

"Well... I just heard this sentence clearly. I used the control ability before William disappeared, but it may be because of the teleportation, and all the information I read are empty shells."

"Speaking of which, has your ability to control changed? I was shocked when you turned into me just now~"

"This... I became like this after I came back from the deserted star. Actually, my control ability should be "one person with thousands of faces". Simply put, it is to use the assimilation of memories to change into the appearance of other people."

"'s convenient~"

Xia Yinci responded indifferently, and Su Ruoyang felt that her current appearance was a bit arrogant, so she couldn't help but smile. Unexpectedly, Xia Yinci gave Su Ruoyang a look that made him feel itchy in the next second, and Su Ruoyang immediately lowered his gaze and scratched his cheek. Su Ruoyang didn't know why almost every time she watched Xia Yinci, she would find out.

She quickly withdrew her eyes from teasing him, and said to everyone:

"William mentioned before leaving that the "Xinghai Tavern" is the key to the fight~ Then we can't pretend that we didn't hear it! Why don't we act separately as before. On the one hand, we should collect information on the stronghold of the Dream Thief, and on the other hand, we should keep an eye on the people in the Xinghai Tavern. Trend~Of course, it is also possible that the Xinghai Tavern has become a stronghold of Dream Thieves, in which case we will act together~"

"Yes. I think this is fine." Lin Yu first agreed with Xia Yinci's opinion. Just now he asked about Elus and Chater William, which was also the reason why he wanted to pay attention to Xinghai Tavern. "Then I'll be in charge of Xinghai Tavern... After this time, I'm probably the one who knows Xinghai Tavern the best among us."

"Let me investigate the information about the Dream Thief~" Xia Yinci lightly raised her hand and smiled gently, "Although I don't have the most contact with the Dream Thief, but I know them pretty well."

Su Ruoyang noticed that Xia Yinci was staring at him intentionally or unintentionally, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Since I started, everyone should continue according to the serial number~ Mmm... Xiaoyin, it's your turn."

Seeing that Xia Yinci gave herself the right to speak, Su Huilin looked up indifferently, and replied, "My brother and I."

"I think rescuing... Sato and William is the priority," Chart replied.

"That's the group with me~" Xia Yinci smiled lightly, her gaze still falling on Su Ruoyang from time to time.

"I told you~ I'm Chalt's guardian, so I have to go with him~"

"Um... that... I know Dream Thief better than Xinghai Tavern... just... let's go with Xia Yinci."

Xia Yinci blinked at Su Ruoyang, Su Ruoyang couldn't help regretting that he had glanced at her just now, and felt that Xia Yinci was playing tricks on him.

"Ah, I told you before, but my team seems to be a bit pitiful...then canvass for myself—"

"I'm sick of you. I'm with you~" Xiao Lulu interrupted Lin Yu impatiently. She seemed to be worried about not knowing how to speak just now, so she just followed Lin Yu's words.

Seeing Xiao Lulu arrogantly expressing that he wanted to go with Lin Yu, everyone couldn't help laughing, thinking that the black cat would definitely act with his sister, but——

"I'm with Su Luoyang."

The black cat's answer froze the whole atmosphere. Xue Xueer quietly glanced around at everyone's reactions, coughed lightly, and said cautiously:

"That.. the black cat and I are together.. so.."

"Wait a minute." Xia Yinci interrupted Xue Xue'er coldly, and seemed to glance at the black cat with ulterior motives. "In the beginning, you were secretly investigating Xinghai Tavern by yourself, right?"

"Oh~ are you spying on me?" The black cat smiled and caught Xia Yinci's eyes, with a hint of hostility deliberately hidden in his tone.

"I'm not interested in you. It's just that someone is wary of you." Xia Yinci embraced her hands, her water-blue eyes became colder and colder.

"Even if I know Xinghai Tavern better, it doesn't mean I can't act together with Su Luoyang. This is the inexplicable thinking mode created by you just now, right?"

"It's impossible to distribute like this based on the number of people alone."

"Then why didn't you come to Lin Yu's side?"

The eyes of the black cat are still full of playfulness, like a cat bowing its waist and approaching its prey step by step, wantonly exploring the limit of Xia Yinci's patience.

However, Xia Yinci's cold eyes warmed up again, but no matter how you looked at it, the smile on her face seemed a little threatening.

"Did I warn you before? If you want to do something out of line, how will I repay you~"

The words sounded cloudy to others, but the black cat clearly understood what she meant. As early as when Su Luoyang first participated in the domination war, Xia Yinci used the closed conversation at that time to warn the black cat, "Don't have any delusions about Su Luoyang, otherwise I will use the power of "her" to kill you ". The reason why he said this was because the black cat had seen Qianyan occupying Xia Yinci's body before.

I have always been the only one who threatens others, and no one has ever threatened me. The black cat somehow felt insulted by her, but she was more worried about Xia Yinci's existence. In the whole team, apart from herself and William, Xia Yinci may be the most mysterious one... Even if she is far more mysterious than herself, Black Cat thinks it is not an exaggeration. She couldn't let go of her fear of the mysterious girl, so—

"Ah~ I think you probably misunderstood something, Xia Yinci~ I don't have any idea about Su Ruoyang~" The black cat said here slowly, and quickly found the best shield, "To be honest , the person I like is actually Lin Yu~ For Su Ruoyang, I just treat him as a younger brother~" After saying that, the black cat gave Su Ruoyang a provocative look.

"Huh?!! Who?! Me??"

Lin Yu's thoughts suddenly became disordered. But remembering that the black cat always intentionally made various intimate actions towards him before, such as blowing a breath in his ear...he couldn't forget this no matter what. Black Cat also encouraged himself when Chatter and Sato Kazuhiko were at odds with each other. If she likes herself, it's not inconceivable if you think about it carefully. Thinking of this, Lin Yu calmed down again.

Lin Yu couldn't help sighing that it was fortunate that the tea cat had been sent back in advance. He didn't know how Tea Mao dealt with this kind of thing. If she was a hidden sick girl, this matter might be a lot more troublesome. It is the best choice to make it clear to the black cat while the tea cat is away. Thinking of this, Lin Yu looked at the black cat in embarrassment.

"But I..I like—"

"That's not important~ It doesn't matter if you say that you and the person you like are already dating. I just like you secretly~"

Hey, what kind of secretive liking is this! ! You've already made it clear on this occasion, ahhh! Lin Yu couldn't help roaring hysterically in his heart. Despite his overwhelming heart, he still had to put on a calm face, acting as if he was a seasoned emotional master. But the whole sentence of the black cat was not actually meant for him. Of course, she also knew that it was impossible for him to understand.

"Ah.. That.. That's right. One more thing..."

Lin Yu secretly expressed his admiration for the fact that he finally found a way to change the topic, and quickly straightened out the things in his head, and put them into words.

"I heard that we are now in an alliance with the No. 3 clock. Unsurprisingly, the No. 8 clock is also an alliance with us... In order to fight against a huge alliance like the Dream Thief, I think it is necessary for the three of us to form an alliance." A temporary alliance against the Dream Thieves. With the help of other clocks, it will definitely be more efficient in collecting information on the Xinghai Tavern and the Dream Thieves.”

"That's fine~ Then, Lin Yu, you will take charge of this matter instead of William?" Xia Yinci asked, tilting her head, and Lin Yu naturally agreed happily.

"Well, our side is in charge of the alliance before we investigate the Xinghai Tavern." After Lin Yu finished speaking, he turned to look at Hei Mao and Xue Xue'er in a daze, "Then you two are... which side?" of?"

The black cat looked at Lin Yu quietly and remained silent. This made Lin Yu not know what to say. He froze in embarrassment for a while, and then he heard the black cat laugh.

"I've said so much, where do you think I'm from?"

The black cat covered the corners of its mouth and put away its smile, but its eyes were still filled with a smile that made people couldn't help thinking about it.

"I wanted to go with you just now, it's just that I have some personal grievances with a ruler in the Dream Thief. It's more convenient to move with Su Luoyang who went to find the Dream Thief. That's it~ What about me , to deal with my affairs first~ You discuss the matter of forming an alliance, and I will only cause trouble if I accompany you, and may only anger them in the end. I will be fine when you are done with it, let's act together~"

Xia Yinci withdrew her gaze from looking at the black cat, and temporarily let go of her doubts about the black cat. The black cat purposely endured not to pay attention to Xia Yinci, after all that would only attract her attention.

"Sister, don't think that way...! It's just because you don't support the alliance, and you didn't mean to provoke the other party! In fact, when we are all doing our best to form an alliance, we also need someone who can pay attention like my sister ~ just like Regarding Kaede Watanabe’s matter, there is even more possibility of betrayal by the alliance! So the existence of my sister is like a monitoring eye, it is a necessary guarantee~”

Xiao Lulu's words made Lin Yu's eyes blink "bang bang bang", he suddenly stepped on the second hand and jumped down in front of Xiao Lulu, and put his hand on her forehead roughly.

"Hmm.. I don't have a fever.. Strange, how could an idiot say such a thing? Are you smart?"

"There's no one who doesn't have a fever in a dream, idiot." Xiao Lulu waved Lin Yu's hand away in disgust, and glared at Lin Yu angrily.

"Um...then I...will I act with you first?" Xue Xueer next to him asked the black cat carefully, and the black cat shook his head without thinking.

"No need. You and Lin Yu and the others just leave. They also need someone like you to form an alliance."

"Then everyone's respective tasks have been assigned clearly now~" Xia Yinci looked around the whole circle with a dignified appearance, coughed pretending to be serious, and said, "There is no objection~then act now~"

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