At this moment, Su Heng, who was originally thinking, suddenly had an idea!

Yes! As the protagonist of Hunter x Hunter!

Xiaojie hasn't done it yet! Of course, there is Killua!

Together with Kate, this is the trio that was in a stalemate with the Chimera Ants in the early stage!

Thinking of this, Su Heng no longer hesitated.

Recalling the impression of the three people in his mind!

Then he submitted it directly to the copy!

[[Little Jie Lifushi]

A child with short green hair and hard hair like a hedgehog appeared in front of everyone!

[Killua: Zoldyck]

A child with short silver hair, peach-shaped eyes, and a smirk appeared in front of everyone.


The system started to slowly display the screen, and a slender man with long white hair appeared in front of everyone!

An adult with two children!

This strange combination immediately attracted everyone's attention. You know, this is the country of Chimera Ants! Is there really no problem with this combination?

On the other side, the judges of Sakura Country saw this scene and thought of something. After a light sigh, they started to express their opinions directly:"Haha, two children? What kind of combat power can such people have!"

"And this person named Kate! She seemed to have died miserably in Neferpido's video!"

"Su Heng wanted to make the three of them the food of the Chimera Ants, and then arouse the fighting spirit of the human side! But this method is too cruel, if I may be frank!"

At this moment, as the voice of the Sakura Country judge fell, the people on the field also set off an uproar.

"Oh my god, that does make sense! It is indeed too inhumane to say it this way! It is a bit too cruel!"

"Don't say that? What if they are strong and have the ability to protect themselves? Boss Su Heng should not be that kind of person!"

"Strong? How strong can a child be! How strong are the Chimera Ants? How strong is Neferpido! Didn’t these kids just deliver food rations?"

"That's right! Kate was killed by Neferpitou in the system screen! These two kids would definitely die if they went there! This should be the prop to inspire the human side to fight!"

At this moment, everyone on the field was talking about it.

It was obvious that they did not think that the characters created by Su Heng were very strong.

At best, they were just victims of the war!

On the other hand, Su Heng in the system space at this moment gradually began to improve the settings of several people!

[Jay Freese]

[Personality: Lively and cheerful, consistent in appearance and reality! But seems to lack common sense about some things, like an ordinary child, sympathetic, but also has a strong sense of justice!]

[Possessing enhanced telepathic abilities, Trinity·Guessing Game, Resentment·Forced Growth]

At this moment, the first setting was completed.

The system also began to play the screen.

The Xiaojie in the screen was no longer the child he was before, with strong muscles and a tall figure!

It was the blackened Xiaojie after using forced growth, and his powerful strength and sad eyes!

It brought great shock to the people in front of the screen!

However, this is not the end.

Then Su Heng began to perfect the setting of the second character.

[Killua Zoldyck]

[Personality: He has a bit of a vicious mouth, but he is a gentle child at heart. He often feels troubled by the inexperienced Xiaojie.]

[The ability to convert Qi into lightning! ]

Then the system began to play the scene when Killua used the Wind and Thunder.

At this moment, the scene in the field came with a crackling sound.

Even through the screen, the powerful power of lightning could be felt!

The last thing Su Heng added was Kate


[Personality: Calm and composed, will calmly analyze any opponent and will not act impulsively]

[The crazy clown with telekinetic power will materialize a talking clown after activating the power, and then the clown will roll the roulette wheel from 1 to 9, and each number corresponds to a weapon! ]

And then the next thing played was Kate using this ability to start a killing spree in the chimera ant nest!

At this moment, along with the specific settings of the three people, Su Heng presented them in front of everyone.

The judges of the Sakura Country, who were originally clamoring, were stunned.

Because the gap between the strength of these people and his imagination was too large.

He originally thought that Su Heng made a few children just as he imagined, as props to inspire hope on the human side!

However, reality slapped him hard.

Unexpectedly, the strength of these people is stronger than one another!

This made him feel extremely surprised.

On the other side, the judges of the Dragon Country began to express their opinions after seeing this scene.

"It seems that everyone guessed Su Heng’s intention wrong!"

"In this case, let me express my opinion. Rather than saying that Xiaojie and others are victims of human hope!"

"I think maybe they represent hope itself! The Chimera Ants are extremely powerful, and this is a kind of despair for humans!"

"On the other hand, Xiaojie and the others are teenagers, representing kindness and hope. Therefore, when they fight bloody battles, they will also bring encouragement to the human side!"

As the voice of the old man Longguo fell, the other judges also spoke up and agreed.

The audience in the audience also nodded and agreed after hearing this scene.

"Yes! Why didn't I think of this! Su Heng is indeed the boss! Everything he does is so profound. I was curious about what these two kids were up to! So that's it!"

"Does using children represent hope? Indeed, this can explain it. The strength of the Chimera Ants is so strong, and the human side must also have corresponding goals!"

"Damn, Xiaojie is so handsome after his transformation! Even through the screen, I can feel this terrifying power! Master Su Heng is really amazing!"

"I thought Kate must be very weak since she was killed by Catwoman! But looking at it this way, I didn't expect her to be so strong! Chimera Ant Fang is really terrifying!"

At this moment, the audience around cheered.

After understanding Su Heng's intention!

Everyone's admiration for Su Heng deepened!

At this moment, in the players' lounge, the members of the Fairy Tail Strategy Group also cheered happily.

"I didn't expect that the eldest brother was so good as a child! Killua is so cute! The eldest brother is awesome!"

"Xiaojie's personality is also very good. Is this the purest emotion between children? I am already curious about the subsequent development!"

"I didn’t expect that even a child could have such a strong mind ability! The boss’s strength is still as strong as ever!"

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