Looking at Lina's strong expectation beside him,

Su Heng closed his eyes!



A huge heartbeat sound came from Su Heng's body, and it was so clear in the entire venue!

Lina, who was standing next to him, was even more surprised when she saw this scene!

I didn't expect that just the prelude would have such a great power? If it really awakens! How powerful would it be!

Thinking of this,

Lina became more excited!

""It's coming! It's coming! It's coming!"

Su Heng opened his eyes and said excitedly.

The next second,

Su Heng's body began to change little by little.

His clothes and hair began to be dyed white!

Even his pupils and eyebrows changed!


A powerful force was released at once!

At this moment, everyone on the field suddenly felt a little breathless! A strong sense of suffocation surrounded everyone!

This is Su Heng's domineering aura! It was released unintentionally with the awakening of the Nika fruit!

Although Su Heng was already intentionally controlling it, everyone on the scene still felt a little breathless!

But fortunately, this feeling came and went quickly!

Soon Su Heng successfully controlled it!

At this moment, when everyone turned their heads to look, they couldn't help but exclaimed! Tmd too handsome!!

At this moment, Su Heng's clothes all turned white, and his hair was like a flame, constantly swaying!

Behind him hung a white streamer like a mixed sky silk! And the eyes that changed at this moment added a sense of mystery to him!

Coupled with the smile on the corner of his mouth! It makes people feel good!

Seeing this scene.

Even if Su Heng hasn't started to exert his power yet!

The barrage has gone crazy!

[Damn, after Su Heng used his true form, he was really damn handsome! I have never seen such a charming man!]

[He is so handsome! I am about to faint! I have never seen such a perfect man! Mysterious, strong and arrogant! I can’t stand it!]

[I didn't expect that the awakening of the fruit would actually have a disguise effect! And each fruit is unique! In other words, such an awesome fruit is only worthy of Su Heng.]

At this moment, the barrage kept rolling.

And after Su Heng carefully felt the majestic power in his body!


Su Heng burst into laughter again!

It seems that the side effects mentioned by the system do not include this aspect at all! It's over, I can't maintain my personality in the future!

But is it the most ridiculous power?

Thinking of this,

Su Heng no longer thought so much!

Under the gaze of everyone,

Su Heng jumped up and flew into the sky.

Then his body kept getting bigger! He turned into a giant!

Then Su Heng stretched his head down and looked at the people on the field!

Then he grinned!

It was as if the creator was watching his own exquisite work!

The audience at the scene exclaimed!

Then the next moment,

Su Heng, who was like a giant, actually began to fall from the sky!

And the speed did not slow down at all, getting faster and faster!

When the people on the field saw this scene, they were all a little They panicked!

After all, they just came to see the excitement, not to die!

However, no matter how scared they were, it was useless!

Su Heng was getting closer and closer to the venue! Even Lina on the side closed her eyes in fear.

However, the next moment.

The imagined pain did not come.

Instead, it was followed by a sense of weightlessness!

At this moment, Lina slowly opened her eyes!

Looking at the scene in front of her! Her face was full of shock!

I saw that at this moment, all the people were actually rising into the sky!

It turned out that the moment he touched the venue, Su Heng instantly used the power of the fruit to assimilate it!

In other words, the venue has now become a huge and soft trampoline?

Just when Lina was curious, they also rose to the highest point! Looking at the white clouds in the sky!

Everyone couldn't help but sigh!

However, the next moment.

Everyone started free falling again!


Screams continued!

This was an extremely interesting scene!

Lina was holding the microphone in the air, at a loss!

At this moment, Su Heng, who had grown bigger, reached out and grabbed Lina, then put her on his shoulder!


The two looked at each other and started bungee jumping again!

After the second and third time, everyone laughed happily!

After a long time,.......

Everyone returned to the venue again, and Su Heng was still standing there!

At this moment, Lina's heart was beating non-stop, this scene was so exciting!

She has been a host for so long! What amazing big shots, she has not interviewed!

However, Su Heng is an exception! She has never seen such a man! So unique!

At this moment, her eyes were full of admiration when she looked at Su Heng!

Of course, she was not the only one who had this idea.

At this moment, in the judges' seats.

All the judges were stunned in place!

Even if they were experienced! They were used to the world!

After experiencing this scene! They were dumbfounded!

Maybe they haven't seen enough of the world!

After a long time.

The old man of Longguo spoke first:

"Good! Good! This power is so strong! The shock it brings to me is far beyond anything I've experienced before!"

"He actually has such ability! Su Heng is worthy of being the pride of our Dragon Country! Great, really great!"

At this moment, a strong excitement burst out in the eyes of Mr. Longgu!

It is obvious that he is super satisfied with Su Heng!

"Su Heng has never let us down since the beginning! Whether it is the excitement when making the dungeon! Or the amazing operation when clearing the dungeon!"

"It's really amazing! And now the power of the Nika Fruit is even better! Su Heng is the real soaring dragon!"

The judge John Bull on the side was also full of emotion.

He looked at Su Heng with admiration!

At this moment, the other members of the strategy team who were constantly watching the scene were also stunned when they saw this scene!

At this moment, the strategy team of the Eagle Sauce Country!

" A gift crab! What is this! The Nika fruit actually has such a powerful ability! This should be the most powerful fruit, right? It's too amazing!"

"Now we should also find a way to conquer the dungeon as soon as possible, otherwise if we continue like this, we will fall behind!"

"How to conquer a dungeon? Can you learn from Su Heng's methods when conquering a dungeon? Can you learn it? Let's think about it in the long run!"

As the last sentence was said, everyone sighed. They also wanted to conquer! But there was no way!

Now they could only wait for instructions from the top! They would do whatever the top said!

On the other side was the John Bull Conquering Group.

At this moment, John Bull's little princess looked at Su Heng's figure in the field, and a dazzling light burst out in her eyes!

When the other members of the Conquering Group saw this scene, they couldn't help but shook their heads and smiled bitterly! Their little princesses were about to become someone else's loyal fans!

"Little princess, stop looking! We should think about how to conquer the dungeon as soon as possible! The power of the devil fruit is very strong, we can't give it up!"

"Yes, little princess! There are also the three colors of domineering in it, and the previous orders from the superiors! The most important six styles! You have to find a way!"

At this moment, several people beside her began to persuade her earnestly.

Seeing this, the little princess also looked back at everyone and said:"I know you are very anxious! But there is no way! We can't copy the method Su Heng used when he attacked!"

"Now we can only wait for the order from above! Wait a little longer!"

After the words fell,

John Bull's little princess turned around and continued to watch!

This action immediately made the members of the strategy team frown!

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