At this moment.

Looking at the players whose Dao hearts were broken one after another on the field.

The judges on the scene looked at their own players and couldn't help but twitch their eyes slightly.

Everyone here who can do this is a sly ghost!

It can be seen that someone is leading the rhythm! Although they do not deny Su Heng's setting, it is indeed very awesome!

But you can't do this! This is leaving them no way to survive! Now the players are almost depressed!

But this is the home court of Dragon Country! They can't bring these things out to the surface!

And how can they say it out loud?

Could it be that the things made by their own players are too rubbish, and seeing others do so awesome, their Dao hearts are broken?

Isn't this making yourself uncomfortable!

And the most seriously injured people haven't taken action yet!

Thinking of this, the eyes of the judges inadvertently focused on the judges of Eagle Sauce Country.

After all, the injuries of the players in their country can be said to be the most serious! Originally thought that their copy was the strongest!

Almost crowned himself the champion! As a result, encountered such a thing!

Now I have become a complete fool!

At this moment, the judge from the United States was naturally not as calm as he appeared on the surface. He was extremely furious in his heart!

"Good! Good! Good! Is that how we play it? Humph! Let's see how capable Su Heng is! Can he stand this!"

Thinking of this, the judge from the Eagle Sauce Country took time to leave for a while, and then returned to his seat refreshed.

Facing the suspicious eyes of many other judges, he just snorted coldly, and then didn't say much!

On the other side.

At this moment in Su Heng's live broadcast room.

With one contestant after another suffering a major blow.

At this moment, basically all the barrage viewers gathered here!

And the number of people in Su Heng's live broadcast room has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Just when everyone was sighing at the powerful setting of Su Heng's devil fruit!

Discordant sounds began to appear in the barrage instantly!

[Although the setting of devil fruits seems very powerful, in fact, most of them are similar to magic, right? Isn't this just following the previous setting?]

[There shouldn't be anything surprising about this, right? It's just a variation of magic! Even if it succeeds, it will probably only be Fairy Tail 2!]

[What are you talking about? These are two completely different things! You are forcing it!]

[Haha! Am I forcing it? I'm telling the truth! If you have the guts, then let Su Heng come up with a different setting for us now! Something we've never seen before!]

[That's right! Su Heng, if you have the ability, make a setting we haven't seen before! Don't make these similar ones! We will be convinced if you make it! Apologize on the spot! ]

At this moment, the bullet comments kept on brushing.

And Su Heng also successfully noticed this!

He was dismissive of this, a bunch of jumping clowns!

With his current strength and status, he couldn't raise any interest in these people!

However, Su Heng had already understood clearly what those people under his command did through magic!

In this case, he couldn't let his men down!

At this moment, looking at the bullet comments people who were arguing with those people, Su Heng smiled slightly.

In this case.

Let's give those people a little shock!

Since the devil fruit, you think it's similar! Then if I take out the domineering setting, how should you deal with it?

Thinking of this.

Su Heng also calmed down and quickly recalled the various settings about domineering.

Looking at Su Heng's smile.

At this moment, on the other side.

In a dim house.

The crackling sound of keyboards is endless.

They are the most professional keyboard warriors. They have stirred up bloody storms on the Internet. They are the top ones even among keyboard warriors!

Now a big shot has paid them handsomely and they are here to attack Su Heng!

However, when they saw the mysterious smile on Su Heng's face, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

""Brother, this guy seems to be confident! Is everything alright?"

At this moment, a greasy fat man wearing glasses scratched his belly and asked in confusion.

"Haha! What are you afraid of! We two brothers have been in the martial arts world for so many years, unless he can really come up with a completely different setting!"

"Otherwise, we can always find some rebuttal!"

At this moment, a man in front of him, whose ribs were so thin that they stood out, just smiled and said confidently!

Seeing this, the fat man also nodded. Yes, the two brothers have been galloping in the world for so many years and have never been afraid of anyone!

At this moment, Su Heng, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes.

Then, another setting was added by him.


[Domineering is a powerful ability that everyone in this world is born with, but many people are not aware of it!]

[Even if we really realize and want to exert this power, it is extremely difficult]

[The self-awakening of domineering requires extremely high qualifications! Of course, with the stimulation of coincidence and long-term training, it is also possible to awaken domineering! ]

At this moment, with the addition of the first setting.

The barrage of people has set off an uproar

[hiss...! Domineering? Looks like he's really awesome!]

[Haha, it's just a rough setting! Why haven't you released the specific setting yet? Have you not thought about it yet?]

[Little black man upstairs! Let's see how long you can last! Wait until the setting of contestant Su Heng comes out! I want to record your apology!]

[Haha! Waiting for a slap in the face!]

At this moment, the barrage of arguments continued.

And the next moment, without much thought, more detailed settings were added by Su Heng.

[Domineering, divided into three types!]

[The first kind of observation Haki: can sense the power of the other party's strong aura, and as the power increases, can instantly���Get the number of enemies, movements, and a series of other information!]

[When one reaches a high level of cultivation, one can sense the other person's thoughts and mood swings, and even change the other person's thoughts! Some people can even foresee the future!]

[The second type of armed color domineering: the most basic stage can be entangled, the domineering will be wrapped around the body, or attached to the surface of the weapon to increase the hardness!]

[With the in-depth practice of domineering energy, one can gain the ability to control the flow of domineering energy, allowing it to be released or accumulated in a certain part of the body surface, and then released outwards to form a powerful impact force!]

[And some people who have reached a high level of cultivation can even control the flow of domineering energy at will and destroy objects from the inside!]

[The third kind of domineering aura: an extremely rare ability, people with this ability are often one in a million, and only those who are born with the temperament of a king can awaken it!]

[And this ability cannot be enhanced by training! This kind of ability depends on the kings' own beliefs! It is extremely powerful!]

At this moment, the three domineering settings were placed in front of everyone.

Obviously, this is something completely different from magic!

To achieve this level in a short time!

At this moment, everyone fell into silence!

And what followed was the excited shouts of the crowd!....................................................

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