At this moment, the map of Su Heng's copy has been roughly completed. It is not too big, with only this small town and the castle standing on the water in the distance.

Because all the focus of Su Heng's copy is on Fairy Tail and Phantom Ruler, there is no rush to make the map outside this place.

Of course, the more important point is that what he has to do next is the more important setting of the Fairy Tail world! This aspect is the top priority, and it is time to give those who are a little unexpected shock.

At this moment, various details about the Fairy Tail world flashed through Su Heng's mind, and he gradually laughed.

In his previous life, he liked to study the plot in the anime, so he kept the world setting and the magic used by the guild in mind, which came in handy at this moment.

Then the first setting in his mind was added to it.


A world full of magic, in this world, people with magic power and who can use magic are called"magicians".

However, generally speaking, you need to join a"guild" to be officially recognized as a"magician".

Because of this, many"magician guilds" were established. The guilds are maintained by"magicians" accepting and solving"tasks" entrusted by clients.

There are two types of magic in this magic world:

"Magic that can only be used with magic items and one's own magic power is called"holding system""

"Magic that uses one's own trained magic power to manifest is called"ability system""

[Are you sure you want to submit the current world background?]



Su Heng said softly, and at this moment, with the addition of the first setting, the world built by Su Heng was suddenly filled with various energy bodies of different colors, which were the magic power of Fairy Tail. The barrage also exploded in an instant.

[Magic? Wizards? These settings are too novel, I have never heard of them before!]

[It seems very powerful! Su Heng's imagination is too big!]

[Can magic be cultivated by oneself? Isn't that the same as martial arts? And there are different types, and the possession system seems very mysterious!]

[You also need to join a guild! A guild that gathers all kinds of wizards should be a very powerful force!]

[And there seem to be a lot of guilds. The world view is designed to be so huge, will it really not collapse?]................

Even though the barrage was swiping quickly at this moment, Su Heng didn't care about it. At this moment, he moved his mind and another piece of information was added.

The Kingdom of Fiore is a country located in a magical world called"Asland".

It is a permanent neutral country with a population of 17 million. Magic has become a part of people's lives here.

There are not only magic shops that can buy and sell magic, but some people even make a living by using magic. Fairy Tail is a guild in this country.

[Wow, this is awesome!]

[Such a huge world view, I am completely convinced!]

[You read that right! Magic can be traded and bought!]

[The guild, the country, and the wizard, the relationship between them is so well designed!]

[Magic and human life are in harmony with each other! What a beautiful world!].......

At this moment, the various settings added by Su Heng have shocked everyone, and after seeing this scene, the host Lina quickly picked up the microphone.

"It's amazing!"

"I didn’t expect that the first contestant Su Heng who entered would come up with such a huge worldview in a very short time!"

"Now the other contestants on the field don't seem to have made any moves yet, so come on! So what do the judges think now?"

As Lina finished speaking, the camera immediately focused on the judges' seats.

"cough cough....I have to say that Su Heng has a very creative mind! Although the setting is very novel, how powerful are the magic and magic?"

"Su Heng never planned this out, and I think it may become a huge loophole."

Seeing this, the judges from Sakura Country quickly began to comment, but their words showed contempt for Su Heng.

"Haha, that's because you can only see the surface. He created such a huge world view in a short period of time. Do you think he didn't think about the setting of magic?"

Seeing this, the old man of Longguo immediately supported Su Heng and said, and at the same time, he looked at Su Heng with more and more satisfaction in his eyes.

"I am also quite optimistic about Su Heng! However, from the current perspective, the difficulty of this dungeon may be quite high. I can't wait to experience it!"

Seeing this, the judges from the Eagle Sauce Country smiled and then said expectantly

"Damn it, when did Su Heng become so powerful!"

"This means I don't dare use the copy I originally thought of! No, I have to rethink it!"

"Well, now that I have seen Su Heng’s copy, I think the copy must be shocking!"

"Li Yi and Wright seem to have started making copies as well. Well, I must learn from their ideas!"...........

Seeing Su Heng's performance at this moment, it immediately created a huge pressure on the other players who had not yet entered the stage, so they couldn't help but speak up.

After hearing the players' speeches, everyone immediately rushed into Li Yi's live broadcast room. As expected, when they came in, they found that

Li Yi also started to take action. What she did was the same as Su Heng's, which was about setting the world view.

But what was unexpected was that the second copy she was going to build actually continued the world view of the first time, which meant that she was going to make a martial arts copy again.

[Didn't I expect that the champion of the first competition has run out of tricks? Boring, boring. If she wasn't so pretty, I would have gone to see Su Heng a long time ago!]

[This can't be considered wrong! I guess Li Yi wanted to take away another weapon from this world the second time!]

[Although this is the case, most players will not create a copy with the same world view. With experience, it is easy for others to target them.]

[I am quite optimistic about Li Yi. After all, he is the champion of the first dungeon competition. There must be something we don’t know about him!]

[But after looking at the background of Su Heng's world, I feel that what Li Yi did is a bit bland!].......

Li Yi knew everything about what was described in the comments, but she wanted to take a gamble. She was betting that no one could pass this dungeon.

In the end, just like the first time, she would pass this dungeon and get the weapons in it.

But she didn't know what the final result would be..............................................

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