“Dead old man, less nonsense, no matter what you say today, I won’t go to that regular meeting of the president again.” Looking at Makarov in front of him, Ling Yan’s words were very bad, for no other reason, only because the reason why Makarov came to Ling Yan’s house this time made Ling Yan very angry.

“Ahem, it’s not a big deal, those guild leaders can still eat you, and didn’t you go last time?” You will accompany me again and what is there. “The refusal of Ling Yan, although Makarov had expected it.

But seeing that Ling Yan’s resistance was so fierce, Makarov was also quite surprised, and he couldn’t help but be glad that he had prepared before, so he calmly put forward his intention again.

“you, the last time I didn’t listen to what you old immortal said was just a banquet, as long as I went to eat and drink for nothing with a mouth, how could I go, as a result…” I don’t know what Ling Yan recalled, and he was immediately angry.

However, Ling Yan quickly eased up, and then without waiting for Makarov to say anything, Ling Yan continued to say angrily: “The result is that the meeting of your group of guild presidents is even settled, and in the end, you actually met an annoying dead fat man, but I didn’t expect that it was still a shemale, lying in a groove, all because you are old and immortal.” Thinking of the president of the Blue Pegasus named Bob, Ling Yan shuddered for a while, and then to Makarov.

“Bob is just communicating with you, communicate, he can’t eat you again, you don’t have to exaggerate so much!” Makarov was also a little depressed, last time he finally coaxed Ling Yan to the place, and originally wanted him to get to know those guild leaders well.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the place, Ling Yan was entangled by Bob, although Ling Yan and the group of guys can be regarded as acquainted, especially the relationship with Bob is better than himself, but Ling Yan was made by Bob to have a psychological shadow over the president’s regular meeting.

“you! , communicate, why don’t you go and communicate with him, what do you mean. Hearing Makarov’s words, Ling Yanhu’s body suddenly shook, communicate, Ya thinks of himself as something, male publicist? This is completely contemptuous of his dignity as a man! Then there is all kinds of anger.

“Ahem, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue.” Makarov was also slightly embarrassed, as for why it was only slightly embarrassed? Because for Makarov, who has long completely lost his dignity and everything, even communicating with Bob is nothing.

So at the same time, Makarov was also muttering in his heart, “I didn’t expect that Ling Yan actually had such a thing as shame, no, I had to quickly find a way to let him completely lose it, otherwise if he became the president in the future, he would easily offend the group of bastards in the council.”

“Go for yourself! Don’t think I don’t know what your idea is, tell you again, the president of this kind of thing, you like to let whoever you like to go! Don’t look for me anyway. Remembering that the group of guys in the guild could simply be called “unrepentant” personalities, Ling Yan was amused now.

But Ling Yan, who thought he was far inferior to Makarov, knew very well that if he became the president, he would definitely not be able to laugh.

“Ling Yan, you also know that I am old, but you also know that there are several people in the guild who are strong enough to become the guild leader, although you also make me uneasy, but compared with Laxus and Elusa, it is really much better, so today I am telling you once, I hope you become the fourth generation president of Fairy Tail.” At this time, Makarov’s face, the usual giggling smile had completely disappeared, leaving only exhaustion, worry, and seriousness, as if he were old.

Seeing Makarov’s appearance, although Ling Yan was a little unbearable, but in the spirit of the immortal and poor path of the dead Taoist, Ling Yan still asked without dying: “Laxus, are they really not good?” ”

“Not really.” Makarov said without hesitation, and then suddenly noticed that Ling Yan seemed to have softened a little, and the waist plate that had been lying down suddenly straightened up: “Because they don’t understand the importance and necessity of the Magic Council.” ”

Hearing Makarov’s words, Ling Yan also had a headache, indeed, it seemed that no one in the guild really cared about the Magic Council, of course, the main reason for this matter and the old man in front of him had been degrading the Magic Council as worthless in front of them.

But Ling Yan was not affected by Makarov, and he could even be said to know the importance of the Magic Council better than Makarov, because he knew what the Magic Council represented, the rules.

The Council of Magic represents the rules of this world, like the laws of the earth, without which humans would be like beasts.

He rules that everything that is done by the regulator, and if someone offends him and is discovered, he will be punished.

Of course, the establishment of rules ultimately follows a fundamental rule: the strongest has the final say. It’s a meta-rule, the rules that determine the rules, so the group of members of the Magic Council will turn a blind eye to the fouls of Fairy Tail.

But everything has to have a degree, if Fairy Tail does too much, the Magic Council will also destroy Fairy Tail, but in the entire guild, except for Makarov, only Ling Yan seems to understand this clearly.

No, Mites should have known too, but Makarov clearly knew that he would not agree to become the president of Fairy Tail, so Ling Yan became Makarov’s only choice.

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