Although it is said … Alicia and Mebius didn’t deal with each other very well.

But Alicia, she still essentially loves all the people in this world.

So, even if Mebius has made some small changes in his personality.

Alicia is still able to catch clearly and keenly.

But in this matter of Raiden Bud Yi, Alicia also seems to have a different kind of persistence.


This is because both of them are “Origin Lawyers”.

(“The Law of Man”, aka “The Law of the Origin”).


On the other side, in the principal’s office of St. Freya College.

Listen to Mebius’s words to Raiden Bud Yi just now.

All at once!

Limitless Tarjiko and Teresa, the expressions of the two of them also became a little stiff.

“That, Teresa… Did you hear that too?

A woman called Mebius, who called Raiden Bud the Lawyer?

Could it be that in the future really….? ”

I could clearly feel her worry from the tone of Infinite Tower.

That’s right!

Although he usually grinned, he also lacked care for students.

But in fact, Limitless Himeko is the person who cares about his students in the world.

The last thing she wants to see is that her students become “lawyers”.


And listen to the words of the immeasurable Tajiko.

Teresa, she also nodded with a serious expression.

Although she realized… The future seems to be moving in a very optimistic direction.

But Teresa’s heart still seems to be willing to believe in this group of children.

“Indeed, I have felt this way since the first video.

Such a huge amount of collapse energy, it is not like they can emit in the first place.

After the collapse phenomenon, the lawification of lightning buds seems to be a doomed and irreversible thing.

But at least, the current Raiden Bud still retains its consciousness.

Perhaps, we can trust her…”

After listening to Teresa’s words, Infinite Tower Himeko also fell silent.

Indeed, in this case….

It seems that nothing can be done but believe in their own students.


As for being in Lin Hao’s classroom.

It is impossible that the “Royal Three Families” could not have heard Mebius’s lines to Raiden Bud Yi just now.

But it was precisely because I heard

That’s why the classroom was unexpectedly quiet.

This time, everyone did not make a complaining sound.

It seems that everyone is worried about such a future.


But Fu Hua Shangxian’s words, after she saw Mebius’s face, her heart was even more touched.

After all…

Fu Hua is also one of the thirteen heroes of the First Civilization Era’s Anti-Collapse Organization.

The contact with Mebius must also be more.

Even if the memory of that period is lost……

Those memories that were deeply rooted in the depths of the soul were still able to touch Fuhua Shangxian.


And look at everyone’s reaction like this.

Lin Hao, he also showed a slightly satisfied expression.

Such a situation was expected by him.

Slowly broadcast some future things, as well as things from the pre-civilization era.

In this way, everyone can better accept the story behind and know more about the cause and effect.

Otherwise, some of the videos that follow….

These Valkyries may be confused.


Continue to wave the animation in the middle of the surface.

Mebius’s words just now must have had a certain degree of impact on Raiden Bud’s mentality.

But now….

Raiden Bud’s determination and conviction, that is also equally firm and terrifying.

“Sorry, I don’t have that interest…”

“Hehe~~ Big sister, you are really cold to me.”

It’s kind of funny to say.

A person from a pre-civilization era, calling a person from this era of civilization to be a sister.

Of course, Mebius itself is also a symbol of infinite “resurrection”.


Back to business.

I saw Mebius at this time, she continued to say to the lightning bud.

“But I… People have been watching you since you first entered this paradise~”

“Gaze? I think it’s more accurate to say [peeping secretly].

What do you think, Mebius? ”

After becoming the “Law of Thunder”, in terms of intimidation.

Raiden Bud Yi is making rapid progress!


I don’t know why, it seems that the pre-civilization era anti-collapse organization, the fire moth of the thirteen heroes.

They all have a considerable interest in lightning buds at the same time.

Kevin, Mebius, Alicia…….. They are all so…….

But among them, Mebius is the most “dirty” one!

PS: Five more complete, tomorrow will be the impact of six more! Mindset adjustment! By the way, or ask for a wave of flowers, monthly tickets and evaluation votes to support and encourage ah, for the sake of Xiaomengxin’s hard work, it is good to order monthly tickets and evaluation tickets, dear readers, autumn pear paste QAQ

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