Soon, all the zombies at the gate of the village were cleared, and huge holes appeared on the ground...

Looking at the big holes destroyed by Vegeta, Ye Mo pondered for a moment.

If calculated according to the power of the ordinary world, Vegeta might be able to destroy the entire planet with a single Qigong wave.

But this is a world where everyone changes jobs, and the area is ten thousand times the size of the original earth, and the rules of the world are also different.

Vegeta is only a summoned beast, and it is impossible for him to destroy the entire planet with a single energy bomb.

Otherwise, what else would others play? What's the point of destroying the entire planet with a single energy bomb?

But even if he abides by the rules of this world, Vegeta is still the strongest among the strong.

At this moment, Ye Mo looked up and saw three equipment dropped from the holes.

He walked forward and picked them up one by one.

【Worn Scythe: Strength +3」】

【Zombie Eyeball:"Spirit +1"」】

【Cowhide boots:"Speed +4"]

There are three equipments in total, but none of them are very good.

Ye Mo's eyes flashed, and he directly gave the worn sickle to Wang Lin, and threw the cowhide boots to Li Bingbing, who was a ranger, because rangers need speed.

The two who got the equipment immediately smiled and thanked Brother Ye.

At this moment, Murong Xue and Murong Yu, two little loli, looked at the two people dividing the equipment with their eyes wide open, and they couldn't move their eyes away.

They also wanted Ye Mo to give them an equipment, but they only had a relationship of interest, not classmates...

But at this moment, Murong Xue's eyes flashed. The attribute of the zombie eyeball was mental power +1, which was a very suitable equipment for her.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and said:

"Brother Ye, can you sell me that zombie eyeball? I'm willing to pay 15,000!"


Ye Mo looked at her. The Alchemist profession does require a mental power boost.

Although the price of 15,000 is relatively low, he can afford it for the sake of his teammates.

""Okay, transfer the money to me and I'll give you the equipment."

After saying that, Ye Mo directly threw the equipment to Murong Xue, and then led everyone to continue to go deeper into the Saint Maiden Village.

The transaction between the two was successfully completed, and at this moment everyone also arrived at the middle of the Saint Maiden Village.

"Brother Ye, the guide says there is a level 5 Tibetan mastiff here.

After defeating the Tibetan mastiff and moving forward, you can reach the destination, the well.

After defeating the zombies next to the well, you can pass the level."

Wang Lin said nervously.

They had no experience in Shenyuan. Although Ye Mo's summoned beast was extremely powerful, they were inevitably a little scared.……

"You guys step back, the Tibetan mastiff is coming out."As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces changed and they all stepped back...

At the same time, a series of rough panting sounds came from a distance, accompanied by heavy footsteps, which made people feel depressed.

A Tibetan mastiff with red hair, 2 meters tall and 5 meters long, slowly came over, its cloudy eyes full of murderous intent, blood and saliva flowing from the corners of its mouth, and its pressure was terrifying.……

【Bloodthirsty Lion Mastiff】

【Level: lv.5】

【HP: 2499】

【Attack: 63】

【Skill I: Vicious"All damage is accompanied by a vicious curse, increasing the damage by 20%」】

【Skill II: Bloodthirst: Restore 20 HP for each enemy unit killed%」】

"Damn, 63 attacks, whoever doesn’t get hit will die!"

Wang Lin couldn’t help but shudder when he saw the Tibetan Mastiff’s faceplate. If he got hit by this bite, he would die. He had to restore 20% of the other person’s health.

"I really don't know how those people got through Shenyuan. Are they fucking beaten by humans?"

The three beauties also turned pale and couldn't help but retreat behind Ye Mo.

It's not an exaggeration to say that this Tibetan mastiff is a nightmare for novices. I don't know how many professionals have died in his mouth!

However, Ye Mo's expression was still calm. He looked at Vegeta beside him and said:

"Get it resolved quickly and don't get yourself hurt"

"Haha, just a mixed-haired beast, you underestimate me too much, Master."

Vegeta grinned, then directly took a stance on the spot and blasted away with an energy wave!

At this moment, the Tibetan Mastiff had not yet reacted, only feeling that the golden light filled its eyes, and then a sharp pain came over its body!


"Holy shit! Four-digit damage!?"

"He's only level 2, damn it!"

Wang Lin was the first to exclaim. He had dealt 4-digit damage with one attack, and he was only a level 2 summoned beast. How could he be so powerful?

Although the other three women were shocked, they were already numb.

After all, Ye Mo's summoned beasts could not be judged by common sense...

But at this moment, Vegeta's expression was not very good.

Even a single energy wave could not solve the beast in front of him, how could the Saiyan prince feel!

The master was still watching from behind, this was fucking embarrassing!

Thinking of this, Vegeta was furious.

He flew directly in front of the Tibetan Mastiff as fast as lightning and kicked it hard!



The Tibetan Mastiff seemed to be awakened by the kick. Its cloudy eyes flashed with cold light and it was about to bite Vegeta.

However, as a Saiyan, Vegeta's fighting talent was very strong. The Tibetan Mastiff could not touch him at all and could only passively take the beating!


Vegeta used his fists and feet, and various moves emerged one after another, such as Double Dragons Playing with a Pearl, Azure Dragon Coming Out of the Sea, and Overturning Mountains and Seas. He used various moves with ease.





【Kill the bloodthirsty lion mastiff, experience +25]

Although he is dead, Vegeta has not yet finished whipping him and is still beating the corpse……

"Ahem...Okay Vegeta, he's dead."

After hearing Ye Mo's words, Vegeta stopped but still kicked the body of the Tibetan Mastiff, with a bit of unhappiness on his face. It was really embarrassing today. He couldn't even kill a Tibetan Mastiff with one blow in front of his master. It really damaged the face of the Saiyan prince!

"Brother Ye, the equipment has exploded!"

Wang Lin looked at the direction of the Tibetan Mastiff's body with some surprise in his eyes.

He looked over and saw a white tooth falling on the ground.

【Lion's Tooth: A Tibetan Mastiff tooth with a trace of lion blood. Strength +10」】

"Hey, it's a double-digit increase, it looks like a small top-grade item among ordinary ones."

Ye Mo picked up the equipment and put it directly on the trading platform, setting up an auction for sale.

After all, he had just distributed equipment to these people, so this small top-grade item was worth 70,000 or 80,000 yuan.

At this moment, many people saw the [Lion's Fang] that suddenly appeared in the trading platform.】

"Hey, isn't this Lion's Tooth a rare item in the Saint Village?

How come someone has posted it? Is someone playing the Saint Village today?"

"That's not right. I remember there was only one team going to the Saint Village today. Could it be that they were the ones who were killed?"

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