The next moment, countless zombies came like a tide, densely packed and endless!

""Roar! Roar!"

Countless zombies with bags rushed over, but Ye Mo was not panicked at all:

"Vegeta, the old rules!"

Then, Vegeta sent everyone to the roof again, and he faced thousands of zombies.

There was no other way. The Saint Village could go to the roof to avoid monster attacks. This little trick was mentioned in every guide.

Although it could only be used against zombies, it was also very useful!

At this moment, Vegeta showed his power again. His figure flashed among the zombies, bombarding like a human nuclear bomb!




Horrible injuries appeared on the heads of the zombies. It is believed that they will be wiped out in no time.

However, everyone's faces were still solemn. Any normal person could see that these zombies were just some soldiers.

The real big boss was still watching the battle!

At this moment, everyone looked over and saw that Su Qi'er was still sitting on the top of the poisonous dragon and watching the battle quietly. He seemed very satisfied.

And after each zombie was killed, Su Qi'er's smile became even bigger.

This made several people speculate. Logically, shouldn't the big boss be furious when seeing his subordinates die?

Why did Su Qi'er look so happy?

""Brother Ye, the Poison Dragon's panel is very strong, and why does that kid have no health bar?"

Wang Lin frowned.

At this moment, Ye Mo had already noticed that the Poison Dragon's panel had appeared in front of everyone:

【Poisonous Dragon of Dry Well】

【Level: lv.20】

【HP: 79999】

【Attack: 288】

【Skill I: Venomous Body"Poisons the enemy in battle, causing them to lose 2% of their HP every minute」】

【Skill II: Acid: Causes 260% damage to the enemy」】

【Skill IIV: King Poison [Recover 10% of your own HP for each unit killed by poison]

The HP is very high, and the skills are all standard boss skills.

But the problem is that kid Su Qier!

This guy actually has no HP bar, and no panel!

This makes everyone look a little ugly, how can you fight without a HP bar?

At this time, as time slowly passed, Vegeta's battle was about to end.

【Kill the bag zombie, experience +30】

【Kill the bag zombie, experience +30】

【Kill the bag zombie, experience +30】

【Your experience has reached the threshold, you can choose to upgrade.

The sound of adding experience continued to ring. Ye Mo could already reach level 10, and he could get the next talent at any time.

But at this moment, he didn't plan to use it. Instead, he waved his hand and summoned Xuanwu directly!

The next moment, Xuanwu's huge body appeared on the ground, instantly raising a lot of dust.

【Summoned beast: Xuanwu】

【Level: Epic】

【Talent:"Auspicious beast: Increase summoner's defense by 50%」

「Counter: Return 25% of the damage to the enemy when attacked」】

【Level: Iv.8】

【Strength: 268】

【HP: 1469】

【Speed: 199】

【Defense: 1569】

【Mental strength: 655】


「Basalt Shield: Designate a friendly unit to obtain Basalt Shield, which will increase the friendly unit's defense by 200%.」

「Xuanwu Mark: Designate a friendly unit to obtain Xuanwu Mark, and Xuanwu will bear all damage on behalf of the friendly unit through Xuanwu Mark.」

「Power of the Divine Beast: When any beast-type enemy faces Xuanwu, its attributes will decrease by 20.%」】

【Equipment: None】

"Haha, the poisonous dragon is also a beast-type enemy, right?"

Ye Mo sneered

【The poisonous dragon is suppressed by the black tortoise, and all attributes are reduced by 20%】

"Xuanwu, assist Vegeta in killing that dragon!"

"Vegeta, activate the Super Saiyan form and kill him in one second!"

Ye Mo gave the order.

Vegeta's aura surged, and he turned into a Super Saiyan after a burst of dust.

At the same time, a black tortoise mark flew from the black tortoise to the back of Vegeta, and the next second it formed a set of silver-white armor that shone brightly!

At this moment, Vegeta was even more powerful, with a dazzling golden hair, and the white armor formed by the black tortoise mark was very intimidating!

""Haha, it's just a green bug, come and fight!"

Vegeta hooked his finger at the poisonous dragon in a very arrogant manner.

Feeling provoked, the poisonous dragon roared and then bit Vegeta!

"Haha, you're looking for death!"

Vegeta waved his hands, and two Qi Yuan Zhan appeared in his hands at the same time!

The next second, the two Qi Yuan Zhan merged into one, becoming even bigger!

The poisonous dragon's head just bit over, and Vegeta's oversized Qi Yuan Zhan directly stuffed into the poisonous dragon's mouth!


Poisonous blood spurted out! The dragon's upper jaw was cut off!

-62888!"Broken limbs」

""Duo Shao! ? ?"

The Murong brothers and sisters said in unison. This horrific damage stunned everyone!

Ye Mo, as a summoner, was also stunned!

After Vegeta transformed into a Super Saiyan, his attributes increased by 500%, and then the multiplier of the Qi Yuan Zhan was 700%

, and Vegeta's strength attribute was more than 800, which should be more than 30,000 damage!

But how did Vegeta merge the two Qi Yuan Zhan together?

He doesn't have this skill!

Ye Mo smiled bitterly.

It seems that Vegeta still has a very high combat talent, otherwise how could he create his own skills?

Due to Xuanwu's"Power of the Divine Beast", the blood volume of the poisonous dragon dropped to 60,000, so this move directly killed the super boss!

At this moment, the upper jaw of the poisonous dragon fell to the ground, and the huge body collapsed directly.

【Kill the poisonous dragon, experience +400】

【Your experience has reached the threshold, you can choose to upgrade! 】

At this moment, due to Vegeta's amazing performance, the scene temporarily froze.

However, everyone still stared at Su Qier, who had no health bar, cautiously, fearing that he would suddenly go berserk.

However, Su Qier just stood there, looking at the poisonous dragon's corpse speechlessly.

"No, outsiders? What are you going to do? The baby poison dragon has been with me for more than 4,000 years. What do you want to do now?"

Su Qi'er said while lowering his head and stomping his right foot on the ground, looking puzzled.

In his opinion, the poison dragon was very powerful, how could it be beaten to death by a punch today?

Su Qi'er was indeed a little depressed!

After stomping his feet and thinking for a while, he looked up at everyone again and said:

"It doesn't matter if the poisonous dragon baby dies, his great grandfather is still in the well.

The great grandfather was given to me by Lord Yog-Sothoth, you have to watch out for him!"

Everyone was confused by Su Qier's words, but the next second, the well in the center of the village suddenly exploded violently! A huge hole more than 30 meters wide was directly blown out!

Then, a giant dragon hand bigger than a house climbed out of the hole!

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