"Take that thing out, and I'll let you leave!"

Ye Mo said in a cold tone, looking at Duanmu Ji expressionlessly.


"I'll give it to you then. There's no point in keeping it. I'm useless anyway!"

Duanmu Ji smiled miserably, then took out another square ice-blue crystal from his arms and threw it directly at Ye Mo.……

「Copy Crystal: Copy all your strength and skills to others, only effective once……」

Ye Mo took the crystal with one hand, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

"That’s right…using the replica crystal alone will only enhance the strength of others and will do no good to yourself.

But if you pair it with your clone elixir, then it is equivalent to giving the strength completely to yourself, just like the second Liulibing before!"

"Hahaha! Duanmu Ji, I remember the favor you gave me! I'll repay you later!"

Ye Mo raised his head and was about to leave, but at this moment Duanmu Ji trembled and stopped him.……

"How is the Gate of Hell?"

However, just as the voice fell, a world-shaking loud noise suddenly sounded from the center of Xuanyuan Ancient Country, where the Gate of Hell was located!

After this violent explosion, a piece of red debris shot towards the two of them at a high speed and directly stuck into the sand in front of them.

This was a piece of the Gate of Hell!

Seeing this red fragment, even Ye Mo was stunned for a moment, and Duanmu Ji was shaking all the time, with tears and blood in his eyes.……

"It’s over, it’s all over!"

"All my research is on the Hell Gate, and now it's all over!!"

Duanmu Ji cried in pain while holding his head.

He has been studying the Hell Gate since he was old enough to understand, because ordinary people who enter the Hell Gate will never get out, and only the strong can enter and emerge safely, and even take some spoils...

Duanmu Ji is very dissatisfied with this phenomenon.

He believes that the weak can also enter the Hell Gate and take out spoils, and have the same qualifications as the strong.

He even put a lot of effort into this. The Clone Pill and the Ice Blue Crystal are his most outstanding research...

Although it is completely useless for entering the Hell Gate, it has helped other powerful professionals in disguise.

"Oh, don't cry here.

Your so-called research is not even in the right direction. What is there to study?

It's better to find a woman to marry and have children as soon as possible. It's more comfortable than this."

Ye Mo sneered.

Hearing this, Duanmu Ji suddenly laughed.……


"Even if I fail! I fail in my whole life! So what! ?"

"Even if I were given a chance to start over again,

I would still choose to continue studying the Gate of Hell and make sure ordinary people can enter it and gain benefits!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha……"

Laughing, Duanmu Ji suddenly knelt on the ground...

Now, even the gate of hell has exploded, what else can he study?

The direction is wrong, and the efforts are in vain.

Ye Mo looked at him calmly, and then looked at the source of the explosion in the distance.……

"Eve appears, and the world is about to change……"

Ye Mo looked at the sky in the distance with a serious look in his eyes.

He saw a woman's body slowly floating up from there and drifting towards the sky...

Some of the professionals around cursed, some tried to stop her, but they could not stop the woman's body from flying up.

Gradually, the woman's body floated to 3 kilometers in the air, and even continued to rise, 5 kilometers, 6 kilometers, 10,000 meters!

When it reached 20,000 meters, no one could stop it...

She was Eve, and also an Outer God...

At this moment, she turned her head to look at the sentient beings under her feet, and slowly said:

"Maybe illusion is more comfortable than reality, but facts are always facts. Living in illusion will only reduce people's will!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the professionals at the scene changed drastically!

Even Ye Mo's mouth twitched, and he couldn't believe what Eve was going to do next.……

"Stop her! Don’t let her break the disguise!!"

The Thousand-Faced Ghost Monk shouted.

Once the Eye of Fate fully appeared in front of the world, it would cause boundless panic and even riots in various cities. The destructive effect would be unimaginable!

But it was too late now. No one could easily hurt Eve, and even stop her!

As for Liu Li Bing, she surprisingly did not stop it at this moment. Instead, she stood there calmly and silently waited for the disguise to be torn off!

""Master Liu Li Bing! Stop him! Once the Eye of Fate appears, the entire Blue Star will be in chaos!"

Someone shouted anxiously.

However, Liu Li Bing shook his head:

"It's useless. She absorbed the body of the God Emperor. No one can stop her.……"

At least not now...

At this moment, Eve's appearance finally made the world understand what kind of monster she was.

The tiny figure flew far into the sky, even beyond the atmosphere.

However, it did not fly too far, but after reaching a critical limit, it stood at a certain position, then reached out and grabbed a wrinkle in the sky...

This wrinkle was grabbed, and then pulled hard!


The blue sky was torn apart like a curtain, and then it quickly fell downwards like a falling tablecloth!

The curtain fell very quickly, and then the outline of an eyeball began to appear at the top.

Just a few dozen seconds later, a huge eyeball appeared above the entire blue planet!

The curtain fell completely, and the Eye of Destiny appeared completely in front of everyone!

At this moment, everyone's breathing stopped... just because the Eye of Destiny was too huge, as big as a monster from the abyss that stopped above the blue planet, giving people a sense of fear like a giant!

At this moment, everyone who saw the Eye of Destiny panicked!

""Mom, what's that in the sky!" a child asked innocently.

The mother looked up in confusion, and the scene in the sky made everyone pale. They fled regardless of anything, trying to find a safe place.……

""Master Liu Libing, what should we do now?

Do we need to bury the Eye of Fate again?"

Someone nearby asked nervously.

"No need for that. These people have been peaceful for too long. Let's put some pressure on them.

There's no need to cover up the eye of fate anymore. Just think of it as a boulder above our heads.

With its spur, we should be able to progress faster!"

"As for this guy……"

Eve in the sky smiled and looked at everyone.

She waved to everyone, then came to the center of the Eye of Fate and walked into the pupil.……

"Oh, it seems that she is also an Outer God.

It was my fault to venture into the Divine Abyss together this time, but I have to face reality."

"Tell everyone to gather all their strength and be ready to smash the Eye of Fate at any time!"

Liuli Bing gave an order.

From this moment on, all professionals started the crazy adventure mode!

Soon, everyone will face the Eye of Fate and the Mother Goddess Eve!

Maybe many people don't want to do this, but if they are not prepared to break the Eye of Fate now, then when the level of the later ones is getting lower and lower, they may not even have the strength to break it...

Liuli Bing's decision was right.

But Ye Mo was different at this moment.

He stood in the desert on the border of the ancient country of Xuanyuan, silently looking up at the huge eyeball in the sky.……

"The battle against the Eye of Fate has not yet begun. Now is the best time for me to improve my strength.……"

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