Early in the evening, the headmaster's office at Hogwarts.

This is a large, beautiful, round room, full of funny little noises. On the spindly-legged table, there are many strange silver objects, spinning and spewing small puffs of smoke.

The walls are covered with portraits of former headmasters and headmistresses, who are napping in the photos.

Some of them lazily lean their heads on armchairs, while others lean on the frames of the portraits.

There is also a huge table in the room with claw-shaped legs.

On a shelf behind the table, there is a tattered and wrinkled wizard's hat - the Sorting Hat.

On a tall gilded perch behind the door, there stands an old bird, like a turkey with half its feathers plucked out.

On the high-backed chair behind the table, a wizard with a long hooked nose, half-moon glasses, and a silver-white beard that glitters like a ghost, is sitting upright.

At this time, a brown owl flew in from the window and landed on the silverware beside him. Dumbledore wiped his eyes, and the note on the owl's leg turned into a flying bird, landed in front of him, and then automatically spread out.

Dumbledore's blue eyes were slightly dimmed, as if he saw some good news. He immediately patted the table, and a clean parchment flew out from the side of the table. Dumbledore picked up a pen and wrote a few long, circle-in-circle words.

Then, a dusty file bag stood up by itself, shook off the dust, took out an envelope from its body, looked at the recipient, and it was already written on it, the words "Penny Evans".

Dumbledore put the written letter into the long-sealed envelope, and then the envelope caught fire without wind, accompanied by silver-white flames, and disappeared from the original place.

"Everything is going in a good direction, so Harry will be safer."

"But is it an illusion? The new generation of Smith, Longbottom, and Potter are all gathered in one college, the black wizards in Knockturn Alley keep disappearing, and Skywalker suddenly appears? Then." Dumbledore said to himself.

If Ryan knew, he would be very surprised. There is no causal relationship between these events.

However, he did not expect that as the greatest white wizard, especially Dumbledore, who has reached level 6 in the philosophy of love, he acts more based on emotion and intuition.

His intuition is more useful than any reasoning.

After about 10 minutes, Dumbledore smiled inexplicably and disappeared from the spot.

Today is Wednesday. At about 10 o'clock last night, the prefects of each college notified the students of each college to go to bed early.

It means that Dumbledore has something to say at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning in the Hogwarts Great Hall.

At 7:40 in the morning, the sleepy little wizards, according to the division of the college, turned into 4 neat streams of people and went to the Hogwarts Great Hall.

This is the most crowded time in the hall since the beginning of the school term. The prefects are walking around the tables of their respective colleges and counting the number of people.

The Sorting Hat appears again on the high stool in front of the teacher's seat.

The professors are all sitting in the teacher's seat, except for one person, Snape.

It is almost 8 o'clock, and Dumbledore stands up. The hall is calm again, and all eyes are looking towards the teacher's seat.

"Good morning! Before you start eating, I have something to say, which is why you all gather here at 8 o'clock."

"For special reasons, a new classmate of yours will join the Hogwarts family today."

"Later, when he arrives, we will start the sorting."

After that, the long tables of each college sounded like boiling water, and every little wizard rushed to ask the most informed little wizard in his own college.

Gryffindor is the Weasley twins, and Ravenclaw is petite, like Kate, a first-year student.

The students around Kate stretched their necks and ears to get some information.


Then, the door of the auditorium was slammed open.

It was Professor Snape, who walked quickly, and his robes were raised, making him look like a vicious bat.

Everyone couldn't help but stand up. Behind Snape's robes stood a timid, huge little wizard in a wizard's robe. Even Crabbe and Goyle were dwarfed by him.

"No!" Harry stood up abruptly and looked in the direction of the little fat man.

The little fat man also stood there in a daze. Snape turned his head suddenly, and the little fat man began to walk forward timidly.

The Slytherins couldn't help but suddenly become noisy. Who was this boy who could be picked up by his own dean and attracted Harry Potter's roar?

Snape saw that the fat boy did not stay any longer, glanced at Harry, paused briefly, and then continued to move forward to the Sorting Hat.

"Dudley Dursley!"

Dudley walked towards the Sorting Hat tremblingly, wiped the cold sweat from his head, and put on the Sorting Hat.

"Rare, rare evil, likes to play with strong men! Then, Azkaban!"

"No, no, no, that's not right, fear, don't want to be in the same school with Harry Potter, don't want to go to Ravenclaw? Then, Hufflepuff!" For some reason, the Sorting Hat actually made all the conversations public, instead of having a normal conversation with the little wizard directly in his mind.

What surprised all the little wizards even more was that these different evaluations came from one person?

Harry couldn't help but cover his buttocks, and couldn't help but feel lucky that he was too thin. Aunt Petunia didn't let him eat enough. Was it to protect him? Harry thought for no reason.

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And Dudley's friends, Pierre, Danny, Morken, Gordon and others are all big guys, so?


At the same time, Dumbledore suddenly stood up and strode towards the Sorting Hat. He didn't speak, nor did he put it on. He just picked up the Sorting Hat with both hands and communicated with it in an unknown way.

About a minute later, Dumbledore raised his head and scanned the surroundings with his light blue, penetrating eyes, and the surroundings became quiet again.

"Rumors are terrible things."

"I have to waste some of your time to clarify that the first half of the Sorting Hat's evaluation of Mr. Dursley just now is untrue, which made it unable to stop saying it out loud."

"The latter part is the true evaluation, in order to tell you all the real Dursley. The Sorting Hat also directly told you the actual evaluation of him, which is also to tell you which sentence is appropriate."

"Now, let's eat." Dumbledore paused.

The Hufflepuff table finally rang with sparse applause. At Dumbledore's signal, Dudley trotted all the way and sat down at the Hufflepuff table. Almost all the little wizards at the table moved away from Dudley without any agreement.

"Harry, the Dudley you are talking about is not just like the bully Darth Vader (Fat Tiger)."

"Do you have it?" Ron looked at Harry with an unprecedented sympathetic look.

"Eat your meal, Ron," Harry said gloomily, completely unaware of the unprecedented concerned look from Snape in the professor's chair.

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