Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 83 An unexpected discovery

Now there are only five people waiting for the assignment, Ryan Smith, Lisa Turpin, Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley, and Blaise Zabini.

Ryan couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. It seems that Zacharias Smith, this annoying guy, is not in the same grade as Harry Potter.

There are many people with the last name Smith in the magic world. There is no relationship between Zacharias and Ryan. Just like Hepzibah Smith, she is a descendant of Hufflepuff. Voldemort got the gold cup and Slytherin locket from her.

Zacharias Smith is a student of Hufflepuff College and has also participated in DA (Dumbledore's Army). He is arrogant and gossipy, which makes the Weasley twins have to threaten him with the products of Zonko's joke shop.

The biggest reason for him to join DA is just because he wants to know more about the rumors that Voldemort is back.

Moreover, he was not invited to the meeting at the Hog's Head Pub at the beginning. He just "happened" to hear Hermione invite Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott, and finally had to tell him the details of the meeting.

He even pestered Ginny, trying to find out the details of Harry and his group's intrusion into the Ministry of Magic, and was finally cursed by Ginny.

What a nasty guy, or do you deserve the last name Smith?

Ryan thought while walking forward slowly and unhurriedly. Now Ryan was suddenly exposed in front of everyone.

"I have seen this brother!"

"Mom, I'm in love again, why do you say again!"

"Smith? Is he a pure blood? Never mind, I don't care!" This voice must have come from a crazy Slytherin.


One after another, the surprised and fiery eyes seemed to strip Ryan naked.

Fortunately, it was worthy of being the Sorting Hat. The hat just blocked Ryan's sight, making Ryan's eyes dark, so that he could calm down and communicate with the Sorting Hat.

It is said that this is Gryffindor's hat. Is Gryffindor a ghost swordsman Ashura profession? A blindfolded swordsman who kills everything with his mind's eye?

Ryan did not completely close his brain at this time. After all, it felt a bit like he was trying to cover up his mistake. Moreover, the sorting hat can only check the character of the little wizard, shallow thinking, and has little to do with memory.

"Ravenclaw!" the hat shouted.

Ryan was full of black lines. He had half-closed his brain, and he was sorted into Ravenclaw before he had communicated!

This is different from training to the maximum level to fight monsters, and when you come out of the gate, you find that it is a pure plot game that does not look at combat power at all!

Maybe it was because of the last few students who were sorted, or maybe Ryan was too handsome, the Ravenclaw table rang with applause far exceeding the previous one.

The prefects all sat relatively forward, and Penelope was no exception. In addition, Ryan was relatively backward, so Ryan had to sit next to Hermione, and Harry was opposite.

Lisa Dupin also became a new student in Ravenclaw, Dean became a Gryffindor as before, and then it was Ron's turn.

The result was unexpectedly long, and unlike the original world, Ron actually wore the hat for almost as long as Neville, so what was the result?


Ron trotted and sat next to the smiling Harry, slumped in the chair.

The Weasley twins showed unexpected smiles, and even Percy walked to the Ravenclaw table while holding his chest with the prefect badge pinned on.

"Good, Ron, great!" Percy Weasley said in an exaggerated tone as he passed Harry.

Soon they came to the last one.

"Blaise Zabini!" Professor McGonagall shouted at last, putting away the parchment.

"Slytherin!" the hat shouted.

At this time, as the last student was sorted, Professor McGonagall picked up the sorting hat and left.

The golden plates in front of them were still empty, and Ron and Harry, who had just feasted, looked as if they had not eaten since they got on the train.

Albus Dumbledore stood up, looking at the students with a smile on his face, and stretched out his arms to them. It seemed that nothing could make him happier than seeing the students gathered together.

"Welcome!" he said, "Welcome everyone to Hogwarts to start the new school year! Before the banquet begins, I want to say a few words. That is: 'Idiot! Crybaby! Scum! Twist!' Thank you all!"

He sat down again, and everyone applauded and cheered.

From Harry's perspective, his mysterious wizard friend Ryan Smith suddenly looked shocked when he looked at Dumbledore.

Harry felt the same way, and comforted Ryan with understanding: "Ryan, do you feel the same... a little crazy?"

Ryan did not reply, as if he was still trapped in his own world.

Percy, the young man with fiery red hair, Ron's brother who had not yet left the Ravenclaw table, replied enthusiastically in a low voice: "Mad? He is a genius! The best wizard in the world! But you are right, he is a little crazy. How about some potatoes, Harry?"

Harry realized that the plate in front of him was full of food.

Wonderful, really wonderful!

In Ryan's eyes, Dumbledore, who had just finished talking nonsense in Harry's eyes, seemed like a scorching sun, or more accurately, two suns.

In addition to his own magic power filled with demonic love, Dumbledore is also secretly entangled with a majestic and solemn magic power. Ryan, who knows Dumbledore's private affairs, can think with his feet that the magic power comes from Grindelwald.

Ryan began to "think", and Ryan's mind began to work. The reconnaissance skills were constantly traced back to that summer along with the magic thread.

In Godric's Hollow, they made a blood pact not to hurt each other. The sudden accident destroyed everything, and then there was a long separation. Looking from afar in the United States, using Newt Scadman as a chess piece, indirectly touching each other, feeling the long-lost reunion.

In 1945, on the eve of the war, Grindelwald and Dumbledore met again in private, using each other's bodies as a prison, locking each other's parts, and bypassing the blood pact that was more intimate than the relationship between husband and wife.

The winner can make a request, and the loser can only observe the world through each other's eyes in the future and lose his freedom.

This blood alliance also took a step closer, entangled the magic and even fate between them.

No wonder Grindelwald was willing to stay in Nurmengard, not only because he was defeated, but also because from then on they were like a real one, and could observe the world through each other's eyes.

With the good memories of a summer vacation, it is not impossible for Grindelwald to survive decades of prison life.

But. Dumbledore wanted to stop Grindelwald's atrocities, while Grindelwald hoped to win or regain his lost love.

Really interesting.

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