Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 62: Evil Hoklap

Under the sun, Ryan looked at Kate, who was still sulking, with a speechless face.

"Does it mean that we should let girls play games?" Ryan yawned boredly, "There is still almost an afternoon left. If it keeps like this, there will be no fun."

"Yes!" Ryan pretended to be surprised. Kate looked sideways at him, and then quickly turned back as if nothing had happened.


"What do you think this is?" Ryan pulled out a strange creature from the air on the right side like a prank. It was a dark brown, similar to an elf without wings, about 7 inches in size.

I saw this little thing struggling violently in Ryan's hand, but it seemed to be gently restrained by invisible spider webs, making a weird sound.

Kate couldn't help but be attracted by this funny-looking creature and couldn't help but get closer and observe.

"This should be a little devil. It usually lives in moist and soft environments, such as near river banks." Kate guessed dubiously.

"However, this kind of magical creature should only be found in the United Kingdom and Ireland. I have seen it at my relative's house, but the color is darker, pure black."

Kate said as she took out her wand and moved an innocent flying insect towards this little thing.

"Well, yes, it's a little devil. It should have been brought over by the British when they conquered India." Kate confirmed when she saw this little thing decisively picking up flying insects and feasting on them.

"That's right, the little devil's food is insects." Ryan showed an imperceptible smile. Ravenclaw was easy to deal with and moved the world to the professional field. The harmless little temper he had before was indeed unimportant.

Ryan moved the little devil to the shore with a casual finger and began to ask further questions.

"So, what's the little devil's favorite food?"

"Tip one, it is an x-level dangerous magical creature."

"Tip two----" Ryan was about to continue, but was interrupted by Kate.

"Do you still need a reminder? The most common ones with level

"Flobber caterpillars are the little devil's favorite food!" Kate returned confidently, forgetting all her previous unhappiness.

"What are the characteristics of Hawklap? What creature's favorite food is it? What is its most famous allusion?" Ryan suddenly asked a long series of questions, "Huh, look, I can't cure you." Ryan thought to himself, completely Forget that this was to stop Kate from being angry.

"It has strong and powerful tentacles, which extend underground as rhizomes to find earthworms it likes as food. Its characteristic is its strong reproductive ability, and it can cover an average-sized garden tightly in a few days."

"It's the goblin's favorite food."

"Famous allusion, um~, by the way, Newt Scamander once made a mistake with this creature."

"Hmm, it's Hufflepuff as expected. He said in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" that Hawklap has no other use except for making food for goblins, but in fact Hawklap juice can be used to make healing potions. Herbicides and potions are all taught in potions class." Kate shook her finger and replied confidently.

"Kate, Kate, what you said in the allusion is not wrong."

"But it's not the most famous allusion in the British wizarding world." Ryan smiled teasingly and rubbed Kate's head mockingly.

"How is that possible????" Kate's eyes were filled with question marks.

"Kate, is this related to your idol Dumbledore?"

"Kate, do you know what Hawklap looks like?" Ryan asked evilly.

"Like a fleshy pink mushroom covered in black bristles."

"What? Is it weird?" Kate was puzzled. It seemed that she was still too young.

"Albus Dumbledore's aunt Honoria once decided to break off her engagement because she found her fiancé playing with a few hokraps."

"And Dumbledore once publicly talked about this topic in an interview. His original words were 'Hawkclapp is a pink, spiky, mushroom-like animal. It's hard to understand why anyone would want to tease them.' ”

"It's hard for me to understand why Dumbledore would say that. Didn't he have a passionate fight with Grindelwald?" Ryan prompted.

"Ryan! You bastard!" Kate's little face suddenly turned as red as a tomato. As if she understood something, she ran back to the cabin.

"I win again!"

"But, did I do it in the first place to make Kate forget that I made her unhappy?"

"Damn! It's over again." Ryan hammered his calf in frustration.

When I maintained my mortal mind, I was still too "straight". No wonder I had been single in my previous life. If I hadn't become more knowledgeable and handsome after time travel, I would have ended up single for the rest of my life.

Ryan didn't go in to look for Kate again. At this time, Gong Huo was probably going to die.

Ryan was lying on the lounge chair, and the fiery phoenix flashed past, and a beautiful creature appeared in Smith's castle.

"Master, what are your orders?" The Lord God's cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded.

"Master Ryan, do you have any instructions for Jack?" Crack! Jack the house-elf appeared on the spot.

"Master Ryan, just tell Jack, that weird thing can't do anything!" Jack raised his ugly little face, and his words showed his dissatisfaction with the Lord God.

It was probably during this time that I realized that a lot of my work had been saved.

"Alas, this is also for Jack's good, he is quite old."

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"Okay, Jack, did the letter arrive?" Phoenix-looking Ryan comforted helplessly.

Ryan has cancelled the coordinates on Kate. After all, she has already fled to India. If Penelope writes, her owl will probably be exhausted.

"Master Ryan, the letter." Jack handed over the letter respectfully.

What came into view was a maple leaf red letter, which opened automatically under Ryan's magic. Attached was a photo and a letter full of beautiful handwriting.

The letter briefly mentioned the popularity of French alchemy, and a friend she met recently, Furong, said that she knew a lot about alchemy, and asked Ryan about his holiday arrangements by the way.

The photo was a group photo under the Eiffel Tower.

The bald uncle and the steady, dignified and slightly fat blonde behind Penelope are probably her parents.

"Fleur? Is it Fleur Delacour?"

"It's a bit strange. Isn't Penelope a Muggle?"

"Is this why Fleur sat in Ravenclaw during the Triwizard Tournament, even though Penelope had already graduated at that time?"

Ryan suppressed his doubts and wrote back that he stayed at home during the holidays and didn't go anywhere. He also pointed out bluntly that if it weren't for Nicolael, French alchemy couldn't be compared with that in Britain, and its popularity was also due to the policy of the French Ministry of Magic.

Otherwise, Beauxbatons wouldn't have so much extra funds for magic learning in France. In addition, Nicolael had mastered the Philosopher's Stone, which could transform other substances into gold, and he had been providing funds for his alma mater.

Although the British Ministry of Magic did not dare to deduct the salaries of Hogwarts professors, it had been looking for seemingly legitimate reasons to reduce the flying classes and other funds.

In this case, the more expensive alchemy was only available to sixth graders at Hogwarts and was not included in the O.W.L exams.

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