Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 89 Sirius's Gift

Chapter 532 Sirius’s Gift

Caradoc Dearborn was undoubtedly a legend.

He must have been very famous among the Gryffindor students at the time.

And he was Dumbledore's secret student.

Why has no one ever mentioned such a person?

Ron was very confused about this.

"Isn't this normal?

Do you still know about the McKinnon family?

Have you heard of Dorcas Meadows? ” Draco said sarcastically.

"No." Ron shook his head.

"I heard Hagrid say that.

And I saw Marlene McKinnon in the photo Ryan gave me. " Harry said.

When he and Hermione were discussing whether it was just for Neville to kill the Death Eaters with his own hands, Ryan projected photos of the first members of the Order of the Phoenix in mid-air, pointed at the people inside, and mentioned their deeds one by one ( Refers to those members of the Order of the Phoenix who died).

"Ryan has photos of the first generation members of the Order of the Phoenix?" Neville looked at Harry curiously.

There is such a photo in his house.

"Yes, I was there at the time.

Let me think - well, it was after Charms.

We were learning the Tickling Charm, and in class our dean also mentioned the disappearance of Azkaban.

If you hadn't walked too fast, Neville might have been able to see it.


That's when I should have noticed that my dad was not in that photo. "Ron patted his head in frustration.

Draco on the side blushed angrily, "Hey! Have you forgotten my question?

Ron, look at me.

The McKinnon family I'm talking about was the most prominent wizarding family in the wizarding world at that time, besides the Bones family.

And Dorcas Meadows, who had just appeared in the paper.

She is a very powerful witch. It was Voldemort himself who killed her.

Now, Ron, you can probably understand why you haven't heard Mr. Dearborn's name.

No matter how prominent a family is, as long as no one survives, it will be forgotten by the world.

Just like Gaunt, the descendant of Slytherin, who would have thought of it if Harry hadn't mentioned it? "

"This is different." Ron blushed, "They are heroes.

He sacrificed his life for peace.

But even I have never heard of their deeds in our home. "

Harry on the side comforted him: "They represent painful memories.

We may think of it accidentally late at night or when we wake up from a dream, but we will never mention it when the family is happy.

Just like my parents, even though I'm famous, I'm still there.

People don’t mention them very often. "

"Yes, Ron. And look -" Ginny pointed to the "Daily Prophet", "Don't they have the names of those heroes on it? Look at the preview again."

"Next week: Brave Marlene MacKinnon." Ron read the newspaper with a bright smile on his face, "Wuhu! So, there will be articles introducing members of the Order of the Phoenix in the future."

“This is long overdue.

Let everyone know what the Order of the Phoenix did. "Draco waved his fist excitedly.

Thousands of miles away in Castle Smith, Kate was very surprised, staring with big silver eyes and said: "What a coincidence, they happened to be reading the Daily Prophet as well.

But why is this Malfoy so excited?

His father was a Death Eater, and his upbringing made him double-dealing.

How to act more excited than Weasley. "

“It’s called convert fanaticism.

Although it is inappropriate to use it here, after all, the Order of the Phoenix is ​​really more righteous and more advanced than the Death Eaters.

But the principle is the same.

As a Malfoy who betrayed his original education, because he received a pure-blood education, he could better see the backwardness of pure-bloods and the advancement of the Order of the Phoenix.

In the process of abandoning the original identity and acquiring a new one, one must undergo a very drastic change in self-identity, and in this constant psychological suggestion, the recognition and behavior of one's new identity often reaches an extreme level. degree.

And have you noticed that even though Draco's family is already on Dumbledore's side, Ron still often inadvertently brings up Malfoy's past.

So Draco will express his agreement with everything now more intensely.

He also expressed his deep hatred for the conservative and decadent pure-blood, evil and stupid group of Death Eaters.

All in all, Draco's behavior was normal.

He saw keenly the impact of this simple act.

In the past first and second wizarding wars, members of the Order of the Phoenix took the lead and made many contributions to the magical world.

But why is it so easy for the Ministry of Magic to take credit for those heroes?

On the one hand, there is the decline of the Bones family and the McKinnon family, the two real powerful families in the Order of the Phoenix.

In the Ministry of Magic, only Amelia Bones is left in the Bones family. Although she occupies a high position, she is unable to support herself.

There was no one alive in the McKinnon family.

On the one hand, Dumbledore was unwilling to touch power and settled in the Ministry of Magic.

Furthermore, the Order's deeds have never been publicized by mainstream media like the Daily Prophet.

Everyone knows that they are great, but the people in the magic world know nothing about how great they are and what contributions they have made.

It was under this circumstance that Fudge's Ministry of Magic claimed the honor that the heroes did not want.

And regarded it as his own political achievement.

But it's different now.

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As long as this action can continue. The justice and contribution of the Order of the Phoenix will never be occupied or shaken by the insects.

How could Draco, who believed that the Order of the Phoenix was justice and his future, not be excited and ecstatic? "Ryan explained.

"So, this action is good?

Who decided this action?" Kate asked curiously.

"Not necessarily.

After the term "Order of the Phoenix" has gained the support of the people, it is actually equivalent to a political group.

And politics is dirty.

If the old people of the Order of the Phoenix die and the name is passed down, it will deteriorate sooner or later.

If I'm not mistaken, Dumbledore's last words are probably-disband the Order of the Phoenix." Ryan shrugged.

Then he continued: "As for the person who decided this action?

It was someone you couldn't imagine-Sirius Black. "

Kate and Penelope's eyes widened.

In their eyes, who knew a lot of inside information, Sirius had always been a reckless guy.

Ryan saw their doubts and smiled, "After all, he was educated by pure-bloods.

Didn't you just hear it?

Now he can even admit his mistakes, and even the mistakes of James Potter, who is more important than him.

Black is not stupid in fact.

He is just spoiled.

His parents seemed ruthless-they kicked him out of the house when he became an adult.

But did you notice that it was after he joined the Order of the Phoenix.

Before that, he had always been the candidate for the head of the Black family.

The education he received was also the education of the head of a pure-blood family that had been passed down for thousands of years.

Now Sirius has the same weaknesses as his parents-Harry Potter and his brother Regulus.

He can only mature.

The politicization of the Order of the Phoenix is ​​the gift he gave to his brother and godson a hundred years later. "

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