Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 71 Neville's Letter

Chapter 514 Neville’s Letter

Arthur Weasley actually had something he didn't say.

In fact, these were not the things that bothered him the most.

Instead, he greeted the officials from the German and Austrian Ministry of Magic who came with Grindelwald.

In fact, it stands to reason that these matters should be handled by the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

Failing that, it should be the Minister for Magic.

The Minister of Magic has a dedicated logistics department. The Office of the Advisor to the Minister of Magic, the Office of the Senior Deputy Minister of Magic, and the Office of the Assistant Minister of Magic all have sufficient manpower to receive guests.

But in order to prevent the spread of Grindelwald's dangerous ideas, only he who knew about it and had a high enough position could receive him.

Thinking of this, Arthur Weasley couldn't help but shook his head.

However, he forgot one thing.

That is, his head is still buried in his wife's arms.

"Hey! Arthur! The kids are still here!" Molly Weasley said sweetly.

Her face was as red as her husband's thinning hair.

Cough cough. Cough cough cough.

The dining table was filled with coughs one after another.

"I'm leaving first!" As soon as Draco finished speaking, he disappeared from the spot.

"Me too"

"I'm full!" Seeing this, the others followed closely and disappeared from the dining table.


On the third floor platform, in front of the door of Harry's room.

Ron was holding a pile of pies, "Harry, please open the door, it's not convenient for me."

"It's so late, why don't you go back to your room and rest. Just like Bill and Charlie." Draco teased from the side.

"You just yawned.

Fred and George even went back to their rooms obediently—" When Ginny said this, there was an explosion from George's room on the fourth floor.

"Fred! George! What are you doing so late?" Mrs. Weasley's voice came from downstairs.

She was very angry.

Arthur was finally willing to hand in his homework today, but the result was——

"Nothing, Mom! We are just practicing magic according to Dumbledore's instructions!"

"School is about to start! It's all Ron's fault!"

"Yes! He said that Krum will also participate in the competition!"

"Fred and I are so anxious!"

"If you don't practice magic every day before going to bed, you won't be able to sleep!" Fred and George had just finished speaking.

Percy's voice suddenly sounded, "They are both lying!

They must be up to those tricks again!

I think they are rushing to make enough goods to sell to other schools! "

"You are slandering!"

"Percy, the model student, never likes us!"

Then there was the sound of Mrs. Weasley thumping upstairs.


The four of them hurriedly opened the door and hid in Harry's room.

“I can’t sleep now even if I yawn another hundred times!

I wish I could hear Fred being spanked! "Ron put the pie aside and leaned against the door, looking gloating.

"Ron, I remember that you also had a hand in Fred's business.

How did you—" Harry looked at Ron sadly.

Why is this child like this?

You must know that besides being in the limelight, Ron only likes to eat and win Galleons.

But faced with the risk that his business might be corrupted by the angry Mrs. Weasley, Ron actually put down the food and just wanted to watch the show.

"If I were Fred and George, if I knew you were like this, I would rather turn my business into a puddle of stagnant water than sell your smoke bottles." Draco also looked at Ron with contempt.

Ginny next to Harry didn't speak, but from the look in her eyes, she probably had the same idea as Draco.

“This summer I worked overtime at both of them making smoke bottles, so I didn’t even have time to spend time with Harry.

Now that school is about to start, the number of smoke bottles has already been enough for the two of them to sell.

What they are currently studying in George's room must be their own products.

It has little to do with me.

And didn’t you hear it just now?

The first moment something happened, they both wanted to blame me. "Ron said that, but still moved away from the door.

An indignant look on his face.

But when he turned around, he quickly found something on Harry's pillow that no one else had noticed.

"Harry, what is that?"

"Let me take a look." Harry followed the direction Ron pointed and looked towards his bed, "A letter?"

"Whose?" Ron approached directly.

The movements were faster than Harry's real girlfriend Ginny.

The whole person was pressed against Harry's back, and because he was a head taller than Harry, he looked directly at the letter in Harry's hand.

"Dear Harry——"

"Stay away from my boyfriend! You have a girlfriend, Ron Weasley!" As soon as Ron read 'Harry', Ginny grabbed the back collar and pulled away from Harry.

"You should have paid more attention." Draco walked slowly past Ron and said sarcastically.

In his opinion, Ron's bad habit of being in physical contact with Harry should have been changed long ago.

Especially when Ron has two identities: an Englishman and a loyal fan of Dumbledore.

"What to pay attention to?

Harry is my brother, what's wrong with me being close to him?

Ginny has always liked to make a fuss, but I didn't expect you to do the same, Draco. "Ron rubbed his throat dissatisfied. When he was pulled by his collar, it was very uncomfortable.

"By the way, who sent the letter?" Ron asked immediately.

Harry said without looking back, "It's Neville."


Is he going to invite us to his home? " Ron guessed.

"No, he is coming to us.

Say it in advance. Harry said in surprise.

"What! X3" said Ron, Ginny and Draco.

"Isn't this a nursery in our house?" Ron patted his thigh.

Harry and Draco felt very embarrassed.

"Is this wrong?

If I were Neville, I would be stuck with my parents all day long. "Draco touched his chin, thinking.

"Show me!" Ginny laid the letter flat on the table and pushed Ron's pie aside casually.

Ron and Draco also came over.

Dear Harry:

Hello Harry, it’s been 23 hours since we last saw each other.

You should have seen the news in the newspaper that my parents woke up. Ron's parents, Dumbledore and others also came to my house.


They talked a lot, and the name Grindelwald was mentioned among them.

It is said that he assumed the name of one of Durmstrang's accompanying professors.

They also mentioned your name.

Grindelwald seems to care about you too.

Moody says Grindelwald is jealous of you.

Because Dumbledore had never paid so much attention to someone.

Not even Newt.


Eventually, my mum and dad became Aurors again.


They both have been very busy recently.

Plus school is about to start. Wei

Mrs. Sly suggested that I come and stay with her for a while until I started school.

Your friend Neville Longbottom

"That Grindelwald is really not a good person.

He actually targeted Harry! "Ron once again said angrily before his decent girlfriend Ginny could get angry.

Ginny was hesitant to speak, her expression was very exciting.

Thank you to classmates Taishi and Guguguah for their monthly passes, and other students for their recommendations and subscriptions.

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