Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 32 Killing the Spider

The next day, in the study.

Ryan flipped through Penelope's letter. It seemed that nothing had happened in the letter. It was just a few simple magic questions in Ryan's eyes. At the end of the letter, Penelope mentioned that she did not return to Hogwarts yesterday, but went directly from the Hogsmeade station to go home for Christmas.

"It seems that yesterday was premeditated." Ryan nodded slightly.

Picking up the pen, he answered Penelope's questions from a high-level perspective and simply added holiday blessings.

After writing, Ryan handed the letter to Jack and asked him to arrange for an owl to mail it. After a simple breakfast and a simple outfit, Ryan prepared to go to the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts again, but this time he went there in person.

Originally, he should have gone there to check the place yesterday, but a wonderful accident happened.

However, it was no big deal. Hogwarts had been visited almost when Ryan turned into a phoenix.

If you want to find a place without "people" in the Forbidden Forest, there are several good options.

There are three rarely visited places in this forest located on the west side of Hogwarts Castle.

First, the centaurs' territory is close to the rock wall of the back mountain. As one of the largest populations in the Forbidden Forest, no creature dares to approach their territory. They are good at hunting with bows and arrows, and even the sky has become a forbidden place for all creatures. The rock wall of the back mountain is steep, difficult to attach, and covered with moss. Except for birds like the spherical shield bird that can teleport in a small range, large creatures like the augury and the hippogriff cannot stay at all. This is a natural barrier in itself, and the centaurs can only guard the front.

Second, the surrounding area of ​​the depression of the Acromanthus spider is dim even in the daytime due to the lush trees blocking the sunlight. To get here, you have to follow the direction of a large sycamore fig tree next to Hagrid's hut and walk forward. When you find that the ground seems to be tilting down, you have arrived. The Acromanthus spider hides during the day and comes out at night. In addition to over-breeding, no creature (except Hagrid) dares to set foot in it, even during the day. All the trees in this wide hollow were cleared, and a misty, hemispherical spider web covered the entire hollow, covered with black, hairy spiders, each as big as a cart horse, with eight eyes and eight legs.

Third, beside the stream in the center of the Forbidden Forest, there are a lot of thorn grass, yew trees, oak trees and two-eared grass. It is the gathering place of powerful magical creatures such as unicorns and thestrals who prefer vegetarianism or gentle personalities.

Fourth, in the deepest and darkest place of the Forbidden Forest, there are werewolf groups. During the day, they catch and store food and rest at night. When the full moon is crazy, they use pre-prepared fences to surround themselves. They are the most secluded and unknown werewolf community. They do not interact with any intelligent creatures and exile themselves. Only the occasional wolf howl from the depths of the Forbidden Forest can know their existence.

Ryan is going to the rock wall, where there are several blind spots. The centaurs cannot observe it, although it is very small, only about one square meter in size. But Ryan already has martial arts skills, and he can fly. This is a perfect place to practice, and he can also overlook the beautiful scenery of the forbidden forest from a high place.

"Shattered into pieces! Obstacles everywhere! Shattered to pieces! Thunderbolt explosion! Shadowless! Avada eats a big melon!" Ryan chanted in his heart, and a series of magic beams formed by spells rushed into the sky.

When he was in the mood, Ryan flashed and stayed in the air, "Avada eats a big melon!".

A dazzling green light flashed, piercing people's eyes, and there was a chaotic sound, as if an invisible behemoth flew through the air-at the same time, a spider turned over and lay on its back on the rock. There was no scar on its body, but it was undoubtedly dead.

In the evening, Ryan, who had gotten rid of eating, came back to his senses with an unsatisfied mind. Ryan, who had been casting spells continuously, was still energetic. Accompanied by the fiery red magic breath, Ryan disappeared from the spot, leaving only spiders lying on their backs all over the rock wall.

"Jack, let's have crabs for dinner." On the other side, Ryan, who returned to the castle, straightened his collar and said to the air.

"Yes, young master." The house elf Jack appeared and said.

After a while, Ryan, who was eating crab roe noodles, smacked his lips and couldn't help but sigh, "It's so refreshing, this kind of continuous output is refreshing."

Ryan also truly recognized his own power for the first time. The spiders that were Avatar could be wizards. If he was inspired, flashed, and Avatar continuously, the Ministry of Magic would be slaughtered in less than an hour.

Raising his slender white fingers, Ryan couldn't help but be a little stunned.

"I am invincible like this. Wait until 4 years later, when school starts?" Ryan asked himself.

"Why not? Isn't the immersive version of Harry Potter more interesting?"

"It's just that Voldemort will never have the chance to kill any innocent life again."

"Really, I, Avada, haven't really touched level 5 yet. I can't lower my requirements just because the current wizards are weak. What kind of scenery will the level 7? Level 8? Death Curse be?"


"Master, do you want crab vinegar?" Jack interrupted my thoughts in poor Chinese.

"No need." Ryan answered calmly.

Back in the pink room, Ryan changed into pajamas and closed his eyes.

Unknowingly, three months have passed and it is already 1988.

March 23 is Easter, followed by a two-week vacation. If only I had so many vacations in school in my previous life, Ryan thought after receiving Kate's letter and knowing that he would have another vacation.

Ryan suddenly thought of something, and wrote a wicked reply, mentioning that the school year exams will be held in June, and he suggested that he should review carefully to avoid bad results after the holidays.

This is a trouble that only Kate will encounter. She is weird, always unable to concentrate, and has poor transformation skills.

She could treat every professor with a normal attitude, even Snape, but she was most afraid of Professor McGonagall because of her poor transfiguration.

Ryan imagined Kate's distressed look after being awakened by him, and smiled broadly.

But when Ryan wakes up for a while, Kate, like Ron, will probably disapprove of it. After all, there are still two months until the exam, and cramming is always the nature of scumbag students, as well as that strange optimism.

"Well, please send this letter to Penello instead, to stimulate her. The top academics probably pay the most attention to this. Penello will probably discuss the study plan with me in the next letter. By then, Kate will There’s no way to escape it, haha.”

After correcting the letter and finishing the last bite of the meal, Ryan straightened his body compassionately, crossed himself on his chest, and prayed for Kate, who still had to study during the holidays.

Really, madam, happy, no, pitiful.

Ryan changed into a plain wizard robe and went to the Forbidden Forest to practice regardless of rain or shine. Spiders, your emperor is back.

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