Everyday Players at Hogwarts

Chapter 145 Broken Friendship

At 4 o'clock, Quirrell was in class on the third floor of Hogwarts Castle. In this class was today's scheduled guest Draco Malfoy.

At the same time, Ryan looked at this ugly guy with disgust and stopped breathing temporarily. Ryan was a little suspicious that a large part of Quirrell's smell came from this.

This guy is as gray as granite, with a huge body like a huge rock, and a small, bare head like a coconut and long ears on top.

Its arms are long, its legs are short, as thick as a tree stump, and underneath are large, flat, thick, calloused feet.

Ryan stood there, majestic and cold spells kept sounding from his mouth, and the sounds turned into substantial runes, beating and attached to the sleeping creature.

"Okay, the villain is done, now it's time for the 'second female lead', the arrogant golden retriever." Ryan thought as the box closed automatically and disappeared.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Draco and his two friends sat in the last row.

"Damn, this Quirrell, I can't stand it anymore, I must tell my father." Draco said angrily, holding his nose, but Crabbe and Goyle did not nod in agreement as before.

There had been a gap between them and Draco a month ago when Draco ran off alone, leaving them with the demon Dudley Dursley.

Moreover, during this time, Draco Malfoy even made friends with Harry Potter. Harry Potter was so good, and the two of them were Draco's childhood sweethearts!

You know, their full names are Gregory Goyle and Vincent Crabbe respectively, but Draco didn't even call them by their names affectionately, but not long ago he called them Potter, haha profit!

After this incident passed, although Crabbe and Goyle still stood behind Draco like door gods, they were not as dedicated and dedicated as before.

The reason why they didn't break up with Draco was because of the relationship between their family and the Malfoy family, just like the relationship between the two of them and Draco in the past.

Second, it's shameful to say that Draco's mother often sends him a lot of delicious candies. Only a fool would ignore him if there was so much to eat.

On the other side, Draco saw that his little friend had not left him. He turned around and found that even in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, the two of them were still eating. Quirrell's smell of smelly socks was similar to garlic. Son.

Draco shook his head, but saw Crabbe suddenly stopped eating, "What, Crabbe, did you remember that today is Halloween and prepare to save some stomach?"

"Draco, my belly." Then an overwhelming sound came from Crabbe's belly. Goyle also put down his half-eaten chocolate frog and looked at his inseparable friend with concern.

Then, for the next half of the class, Crabbe never showed up again. Draco and Goyle followed the flow of people downstairs to the restaurant to attend the Halloween banquet. They overheard Seamus saying to her friend Dean , the stench and the obvious sound of diarrhea have been coming from the toilet where Crabbe is, and it has not stopped until now, which resulted in the two of them having to climb two more floors to the boys' bathroom on the seventh floor.

"Goyle, why doesn't that guy Crabbe go back to the lounge to solve his personal hygiene problem? It's such a shame."

"How can you eat under the smell of Quirrell? You see, Crabbe is so hungry." Draco babbled, but his footsteps were obviously much louder, and Goyle nodded innocently. .

But when they walked into the restaurant and saw the colorful Halloween decorations, they immediately forgot about Crabbe.

A thousand bats fluttered on the walls and ceiling, and a thousand more circled like low dark clouds over the dining table, making the candle flames flicker in the pumpkin's belly.

Delicious food suddenly appeared on golden plates, just like at the banquet at the beginning of school.

Malfoy was eating a meatball when Professor Quirrell suddenly rushed into the dining room, his big scarf on his head with a look of horror on his face. Everyone stared at him and saw him walking to Professor Dumbledore's chair and leaning on the table.

Panting, "The troll...in the underground classroom...thought you should know."

After saying that, he fell to the floor and passed out. The restaurant suddenly became a mess.

Professor Dumbledore had to make several piercing pyrotechnic explosions on the tip of his wand before everyone fell silent.

"Prefects," he said in a low voice, "lead the students from your college to the dormitories immediately!"

So, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor walked upwards under the leadership of their prefects, while Slytherin and Hufflepuff, led by their prefects and teachers, also prepared to go back to the lounge, the most dangerous underground place. - A place where there might be trolls.

"Damn it, why are we living underground? I hope we don't encounter a troll." Draco murmured.


"What?" Malfoy didn't come to his senses for a while.

"Crabbe, he's still in the bathroom. He doesn't know about the troll yet!"

"I'm going to find him!" Goyle said what I wanted to Draco for the first time in his life.

"Don't go. He's on the 5th floor. We are the most dangerous. It's just a giant monster. Let me tell you-" Draco said, but was interrupted by Goyle, "That's enough, Draco, no." , Malfoy, you have never regarded Vincent and me as friends, before you left me and him alone with the monster Dursley."

"Now, you want to leave him behind and hide in the lounge comfortably with the large army." Gower said so many words for the first time in his life.

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"Come on, I'm not, it's just not necessary," Malfoy said.

"So, what is my name? It's not Goyle. It's my full name. It's just like your name is Potter or Harry!" Goyle replied coldly.

"Grace? Damn it, that's not what's important, Gower, you idiot!" Draco couldn't answer for a moment, and Gower smiled contemptuously and disappeared into the crowd.

Draco stood there blankly, and after a while he left the team heading to the basement and ran to the fifth floor.

On the other side, on the road, Harry and others encountered some people rushing in different directions. Harry grabbed Ron's arm sharply as they struggled to squeeze through a crowd of confused-looking Hufflepuffs.

"Look, that's Malfoy!"

"What's wrong with him?"

"He went upstairs, not to the basement." Harry pointed at a flash of light blond hair in the crowd.

"What does this have to do with us? The troll is in the basement, so what's the danger if he goes up?" Ron said with a frown.

"Crabbe," said Harry.

"Who? Oh, the lackey next to Malfoy." Ron thought for a moment.

"He's not here at the Halloween dinner today, it must be because of this."

"And the teachers have all gone to the basement now, and we can't notify the teachers."

"The troll is a living creature, he's not just a piece of wood, he's going to move, and what if -" Harry thought.

Ron bit his lip.

"Oh, okay," he said decisively, "but it's best if Prefect Crivat doesn't see us. Anthony, if anyone asks where Harry is, just say we're back in the common room."

They buried themselves in the crowd of Hufflepuffs and walked in the other direction.

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