Eternal food paradise

Chapter 491 The Demon King’s Meal (Part 1)

“Japanese cuisine!”

“Japanese meal!”

Nakiri Senzaemon's expression was wonderful.

He is the 'Demon King of Food' and is recognized as the king of gourmet food in Japan. If he is to say that he is best at cooking, it is definitely his Japanese cuisine.

As for Xia Yan, he enrolled in Totsuki and majored in Chinese cuisine. He neither studied Western food nor Japanese food. But Senzaemon thought about it and said, well, this student seems to be good at everything. The dishes he once performed Style is far more than just Chinese cuisine...

Senzaemon finally nodded and said solemnly: "I hope you won't hold back. Since it is a feeding move, it is to give the opponent the greatest pressure. I urgently... feel the suffocation and oppression that I have not felt in decades. feel!"

Xia Yan wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

"Commander, just don't turn your back on me after this is over."

Senzaemon smiled heartily: "I will only be grateful to you, so how can I fall out with you?"

But the weirdness in Xia Yan's tone seemed to be noticed by others.

Dojima Gin poked his friend Joichiro in the waist and whispered from the back of the crowd: "This kid obviously plans to kill him."

Saiba Joichiro's eyebrows jumped wildly, "What nonsense!"

He also lowered his voice:

"Sir, why are you nicknamed the Summer Demon King again? This kid never strikes lightly, and the commander-in-chief will suffer a serious blow!"

Saying that, the two gay friends exchanged sour looks again.

But that’s the whipping.

They can't help but want to experience it for themselves!

This has nothing to do with physical prowess, it is about being willing to bow down and listen to the teachings of a master of cooking. For the two of them, perhaps the more bruised and bruised the pain, the more they will be inspired by the decades of accumulation after graduation. Breaking through to a new peak in culinary life in one fell swoop.

So, compared to new heights, what are you going to do with a whipping! Just please beat me to death!

All the gay friends saw the determination in each other's eyes.

If the commander-in-chief benefits a lot this time and the family gathering is over, no matter what they have to do, they have to ask the Summer Demon King to whip them!


Senzaemon, the head of the family, ordered that all Totsuki's resources, not to mention the family home, pour into the garden.

Within a quarter of an hour, Senzaemon's recipe and the required ingredients were all prepared.

"My recipe is ready."

The old man handed over a handwritten recipe he had just written, "I have written down the amount of required materials, each process, and the essence. You can read the recipe and compare it with my practical interpretation to understand what I am doing." "Royal Rice" recipe."

After saying that, the old man did not go to wash the vegetables immediately. He got an ice-cutting tool and began to pound a piece of ice that was giving off bursts of cold air.

This scene is familiar to Xia Yan. It's not just sculpture, it's the art of ice sculpture. His seafood classic "Ice Steps to the Nine Heavens" has similar production steps.

"I didn't expect the commander-in-chief's ice sculpture skills to be so good." Xia Yan didn't even look at the handwritten recipe the old man gave him. There was no need.

Although he didn't select the god-level talent of [Super Vision] and the experience card was used up, he did have [Super Hearing] and [God's Tongue].

The former allows him to control the kitchen and watch all the details of Senzaemon's cooking.

The latter can get more taste information when trying the dishes after Senzaemon has finished cooking. Of course, it can also be said to be a complete and perfect deciphering of Senzaemon's recipes from the perspective of taste.

A two-pronged approach.

In addition, Senzaemon's cooking skills are not as good as his now, so Xia Yan is not worried at all about getting an eyelash.

"Isn't it awesome?"

Has a lively voice.

Alice came closer to her at some point, "Grandpa has always been proficient in carving. He can carve complex textures and patterns out of a small turnip stalk."

Xia Yan glanced at the white-haired girl who slipped over and saw her smiling, but a few steps away, there was Erina with a frosty face.

In front of her sister, the girl acted as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, women who always smile are scary. What's even more scary is that Alice is obviously not a pure neon blood, but she can't read the air at all, and completely ignores her sister's aura of resentment... Got it!

Taking a small step back without leaving a trace, Xia Yan seemed to be very serious. He was watching every move of the old man's cooking performance. He knew in his heart that if he dared to say a word, the tsundere not far away would be furious.

Alice wanted to say something, but someone grabbed her by the collar.

“You can’t be naughty~~”

A woman with a more terrifying smile, Nakiri Shinagi.

When Alice turned around and saw that it was her, she shrank her neck back in fear. This direct daughter of the 'Food Demon King' who had been away from home for many years, even her father Nakiri Munue, had to bow her head and be polite.

Nakiri Leonora stared at her cowardly husband Nakiri Munuei, stood up, and brought her daughter Alice back to her. Then she also laughed, winked and said to Nakiri Managi:

"Oh, Alice is still young, please be more patient."

His eyes deliberately glanced at Erina again.

"Erina is the eldest granddaughter. As an older sister, you should love and care for your younger sister. Sometimes you should not forcefully grab your younger sister's things..."

This is quite meaningful.

Those present were not from the Nakiri family. After hearing this, they all turned their eyes away, and each of them seemed to be focused on enjoying the live cooking performance of 'The Demon King of Food'.

Anyway, it is not for others to interfere with the civil strife in the Nakiri family.

"Shh, be quiet."

Xia Yan suddenly frowned and said something, and the garden returned to peace and tranquility, as if the smell of gunpowder and gunpowder in a high-end and deep palace just a second ago was all an illusion.

See this.

Dojima Gin and Saiba Joichiro, who were at the end of the crowd, looked at each other in astonishment:

"Whether the Nakiri family is in chaos or not, the Natsu Demon King has the final say?"

From this scene.

The two felt that the in-laws had not yet been formed, and it was terrible that a boy with a foreign surname, Natsu Demon King, had a status second only to Senzaemon in the Nakiri family.

Senzaemon chiselled a complete piece of ice into the shape of a bowl used by monks, but because it was made of ice, it was completely transparent. After placing a large green leaf on the dinner plate, he placed the ice bowl on the leaf, and it suddenly turned green. Italian onion.

Duansheng's utensils are specially handmade, and the ceremony feels very grand.

Next, Commander Yuanyue started the topic.

Wash the rice and cook it.

Xia Yan discovered that the rice grains that the old man used were sealed in an iron box by a servant at home. He couldn't help but curiously went up to grab a handful and put it on the palm of his hand to observe.

"These rice are the 'Hikari' produced in Tottori Prefecture." said the old housekeeper.

"Hikari? What's the difference between Niigata Koshihikari rice?" Xia Yan was curious. The neon rice he knew best was probably the most common people in the country who only knew the existence of 'Niigata Koshihikari rice'. This kind of rice was all Classified as Japonica rice, it has a plump and round appearance.

And now Xia Yan discovered that the rice on his hand was also Japonica rice, with each grain resembling full small pearls and extremely glossy.

"It is a hybrid of 'Koshihikari rice' and 'Huanghuangqing'. The grains are smaller than Koshihikari rice, but rounder and fuller. It is also a rare alienated grain species." The old housekeeper explained.

Xia Yan looked undeniable.

Rice can be said to be very important, or it can be said that it is not critical.

But the Commander-in-Chief's "Imperial Rice" recipe clearly states that it should have a sticky texture and be served with rich ingredients.

There are 3 types of fish roe.

Treasure sturgeon's golden roe, plus raw mullet roe, herring roe.

These three kinds of fish roe are piled alternately in the corner of the ice rice bowl.

Slices of seaweed were piled next to it.

The display area is made of bowls and noodles in a circular shape, and then traditional pickles are placed.

The last thing piled on the mountain of rice was a side dish that Xia Yan couldn't understand. When he was surprised, a voice from the crowd answered:

"Hey, isn't this a traditional snack in Kyoto? Real sansho pepper produced in Kyoto, stir-fried sardines, super small dried fish..."

Isn't that "Dried Fish Dried with Green Sichuan Peppercorns"?

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Looking at Mr. Senzaemon, he also placed a ball of translucent white dried fish snacks in the ice bowl.

At this point, all the steps of the old man's "Imperial Rice" recipe have come to a perfect end.


Senzaemon exhaled a breath and turned to look at Xia Yan, "Do you want to taste it immediately, or make your share of the dishes first?"

"One chopstick, I'll eat one chopstick first!"

Of course, it is difficult for chopsticks to pick up several types of fish roe and snacks with rice at one go. Xia Yan changed his spoon and smashed his mouth after eating. He thought to himself that it was indeed a classic Japanese meal and Japanese style. It was so good. It's high, but it's too bland to eat in your mouth.

For a dark gourmet who started his culinary career as a ‘Spicy Specialty’, this is really not exciting.


Xia Yan felt that he might also see the reason why Mr. Senzaemon had not taken that step.

"The fence in the heart is always difficult to break!" He couldn't help but sigh.

Nakiri Senzaemon: "???"

Boy, you seem to have noticed something.

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