Eternal food paradise

Chapter 354 The front is shattered

"Perfect fried golden brown." Li Yan's face twitched, and he turned to look at his plate and the fried shrimps on the plate. It was just a competition of 'color' and 'appearance'. Here, he was crushed by the front again. .

One is yellow and bright, close to the brightness of the morning sun.

One is a dull color, like the yellow of the setting sun.

This sharp contrast can be attributed to the fact that the hot oil was not removed in time and too much grease remained. But for most of the reason, Li Yan knew very well, "His fire skills are far better than mine!"

There was a hint of trembling in the voice.

Xiang En often serves as the host of important cooking competitions in the dark world. He can also see how rare this crisp and beautiful golden color is: "Why does it feel like that king..."

"Who?" Li Yan asked in a deep voice.

Xiang En gave him a strange look, "Chef Bakuyan, Yakan."

"No, it's impossible!" Li Yan shook his head violently, "In my opinion, his sword skills have almost caught up with those adults. If he has such attainments in fire engineering, even if he is not a king, he will be a quasi-king. It's impossible. No name! I’ve never heard of this person!”

Xiang En didn't seem to dare to say too much on this topic. He hesitated, took his chopsticks, and gently pinched the middle part of the complete fried shrimp body.

There was a "click".

The shrimp's body was disconnected, and the hot mist suddenly spat out.

Then, a sweet flavor accompanied by the white soup burst onto the bottom of the plate.

"Egg yolk, milk." Li Yan lost his voice, "Is this the special 'thick soup' hidden in the shrimp body? How did he do it so quickly? I have a similar dish idea, but I want to pair it with fried food." The shrimp soup is fresh shrimp shell soup.”

"The key is, if you hide the soup in the shrimp body and fry it in the pan, why doesn't the shrimp body explode in the oil pan?"

Thermal expansion and contraction.

What's more, in the oil pan, the structure becomes crispy.

Xiang En picked up the tail with his chopsticks and put it under his eyes for observation. His pupils suddenly shrank slightly: "There is a tough 'film' between the crispy shell and the thick soup layer!"

"Eh-" Li Yan simply picked up the fried shrimp at the head with his hands, carefully tore off a piece of flexible skin, and put it into his mouth to chew on the taste:

"Is it tofu skin?!"

"I see!"

Xiang En's eyes lit up, and in his mind, he had already imagined how 'Mr. Qin' would handle fried lobster.

First, peel off the shrimp meat completely, put it in a mixing bowl filled with egg yolk and milk, soak it, roll it for a few times, and then wrap the shrimp meat tightly with tofu skin.

After that, there is a deep-fried shell made of crushed fruit cores, and the shrimp meat wrapped in tofu skin is piled full and airtight.

“So many steps!”

"In such a short time, he completed the "fried lobster" with such an amazing amount of work? "

Xiang En and Li Yan looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

Since he has already lost, there is no need to worry.

The two chose to taste it intimately!


A piece of hot fried shrimp, chewing on it, the faint shadow of the shrimp that I saw on the plate before suddenly shot up to the sky.


The roar echoed throughout the underwater world.

The tofu skin, in the chaos, shattered into misty clouds. This giant shrimp shadow had its long beard swaying in the wind, and its head hung high in outer space, overlooking the world.

The entire alien hall seemed to be under the gaze of dragon eyes, and the air almost stopped flowing due to some kind of pressure.

“It’s hard to paint the skin but the bones.”

Xiang En and Li Yan were both stunned, and a sense of déjà vu came to their minds:

"The chef said 'it' is a dragon, then it is a dragon!"

"The chef will let diners taste the 'real' in his dishes!"

It turns out that that person is a Lin chef!

Xiang En's face was covered with cold sweat, "If you put them in the dark headquarters of Liangshanbo, they are also the top group, only one step behind the King of Heaven."

"Compared to this person, the people like Lai He and Yang Shi I brought this time are as small as dust!"

She hurried away, intending to send a letter to the headquarters by flying pigeons, telling Lord Kaiyu that the infiltration work of "Shenqian Sword Skill Showdown" encountered huge obstacles, and it was necessary to send another powerful Linchu to obtain the "Eternal Spirit Sword".

After Xia Yan finished "Fried Cloud Lobster", he patted his butt and left without encountering any obstacles from the dark crowd in the alien hall.

Ding You and his group didn't meet on the road. They walked very quickly and actually returned to the city at night.

On the way, Xia Yan also received a task settlement prompt:

[Li Yan and Xiang En were defeated. 】

[You won the "Lobster Trilogy" showdown in the Ijin Pavilion! 】

A ding-dong sound.

In the backpack, there is an extra recipe booklet.

"Weak Hypocrisy·Eight Formations of Destroying Demons".

Xia Yan was not in a hurry to go back. Ding Meili's life was not worried for the time being. He found a pavilion in the countryside outside the city and studied and studied this booklet:


After reading, Xia Yan sighed.

It's true that it has something to do with the original masterpiece's legendary recipe "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations", but it really only scratches the surface.

The content is rigid and rigid.

You can only use a set of assembly-line banquet dishes to create the secret of the original "Eight Demon-Breaking Arrays"——

The five elements are reversed and the yin and yang are reversed.

Of course, Kaiyou's ultimate goal in studying the "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations" is to control the entire Chinese food industry, and even make everyone in the Forbidden City become his puppets. Therefore, the secret is essentially - "Capture the hearts of the people."


This fur manual focuses on the five elements and mutual restraints of food.

In other words, it is just a set of luxurious banquet dishes used as a tool for poisoning without any core meaning.

"But as long as the booklet is there, there will be a solution to the poison Ding Meili suffered."

In the city, Yangquan Restaurant.

After hearing the news, Luo Tian hurried to the house and went to check on Ding Meili, who was lying unconscious on the couch.


He held a few golden needles in his hand and found the acupuncture points. Luo Tian hesitated for a while and did not dare to inject the acupuncture. After a moment, he put his hand back and sighed: "The pulse is unstable, and random acupuncture will aggravate the disorder of qi and blood." .”

Seeing that Luo Tian was unsure, Ding You, who had always been calm, could no longer remain calm:

"Master, is there really nothing we can do?"

Liu Pleiaxing was sweating anxiously, "Save Meili!"

Luo Tian looked troubled.


In the night, there was a sharp sound breaking through the air.

A souvenir was nailed to the door. Liu Pleiades took it off with difficulty and read in the dark: "Yinhua, Poria, rhubarb, saposhnikovia... Hey, why are they all medicinal materials? Is it some kind of medicinal soup?"

When the souvenir was circulated to Luo Tian, ​​the master was surprised, "The solution?!"

Ding You said with determination:

"It's him!"

"The mysterious man who stopped Li Yan and Xiang En for us at the Foreign Mansion!"

came back?

Late at night, in the front yard of Lei Mansion, Mrs. Lei Hua heard the doorman opening the door. She turned around and saw 'Mr. Qin' coming in from the side door.

The doorman stepped forward unhurriedly, bowed slightly to her host, and then went back to his room.

Watching the other person disappear into the night.

Lei Hua pondered, and quickly returned to the bedroom to change into a dress that was easy for walking. He planned to go out at night to explore and see what happened in and around Guangzhou City tonight, and then deduce the identity of the guest 'Mr. Qin' from the incident. Clues.

"Cut off consciousness."

Phew, Xia Yan himself woke up in his bedroom and opened his eyes:


When he woke up, he tilted his head and sighed.

"Playing a powerful trumpet, Xiang En and Li Yan are simply not enough to play! It's not fun!"

Far away in the Foreign Mansion.

In their respective bedrooms, Xiang En and Li Yan were thinking about life, and felt a chill on the back of their necks at the same time.

Where does the coolness come from?

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