Eternal food paradise

Chapter 284 Stew

As for 'Xiangshui Tribute Rice', Xia Yan decided to ignore its place of origin and product name and treat it as ordinary rice.

After all, the "Comet Fried Rice" recipe focuses on luminescence and is one of Liu Pleiades' masterpieces. It has a very high concentration of metaphysics. In addition to the very unsophisticated rice ingredients, the rest is a series of assorted vegetables including spinach and green vegetables.

Therefore, this recipe is also called "Assorted Vegetable Fried Rice"!

So Xia Yan wrote a list of vegetables eloquently and handed it to the confused Li Yan, "Help me find all these vegetables."

Then, Xia Yan turned around and opened the large food box handed over by Ren in the first scene.

There is still half of the vine leaves left on the mysterious side, enough to complete another cooking process.

That's right!

What Xia Yan pursues is a simple and fast blitz battle. In short, it is as rough and direct as possible.

He didn't know the details of Hua Fengchun, and he had never seen the so-called exquisite and luxurious dark stunts on the palace side, but Xia Yan's idea was very straightforward. Since the opponent's weight was unknown, he would simply throw a heavy one. Going out with pounds of chips and crushing the scales at once is the way to win in a blitz.

The newly developed "magic" trait/index is a major bargaining chip.

The vine leaves of the "Carnivorous Vine" are equivalent to "casting materials", and now Xia Yan can be used for cooking very stably, and the probability of "casting failure" is extremely low!

In addition, what interests Xia Yan is.

In "Magic Mapo Tofu", the "luminous" quality seems to be missing.

This quality, derived from the recipe framework, is difficult to erase.

The reason why the "glowing" trait does not appear...

Xia Yan reviewed it a little and felt that it was most likely a matter of "timing, location, and harmony." In other words, it was the metaphysical probability of looking at faces. This second time, he once again used the luminous flow recipe from Liu Pleiades' masterpiece. It's time to give me a strong flash, right?

Without the "green light", "Comet Fried Rice" would lose the fun of a miracle!

Take these into account.

Even in a blitz battle in which he was eager to win, Xia Yan did not relax at all. On the contrary, his concentration exploded and he put in 200% more effort than usual.

A large number of vegetables were delivered in all kinds of colors, attracting a lot of attention.

"What does he need so many vegetables for?"

In the stands, the chef of Yangquan Restaurant frowned tightly, obviously unable to deduce the recipe that the contestants on the stage had finalized from the two major elements and clues of ‘Xiangshui Gongmi’ and ‘Assorted Vegetables’.

In contrast, Master Luo Tian is much calmer. This old man with an unattractive appearance and a wine gourd hanging from his waist is actually a strong man whose cooking skills are not weaker than those of the Dark Kings such as Yakan and Yan Xian. Strictly speaking, He is a top-notch dragon chef, just like Master Longman, he is a giant who can cause earthquakes in the food circles of several provinces by just stomping his feet.

"Compared to this one, this generation's 'Xiao Li Guang' is really something that should not be underestimated!"

Luo Tian's eyes turned to the kitchen area where Hua Fengchun was, and saw him holding a wooden basin, pouring rice into it, and carefully washing the rice.

In addition, a large free-range chicken had been slaughtered, drained, and its feathers were plucked. It was placed on the chopping board to be chopped.

Obviously, this is also one of the main ingredients of Hua Fengchun.

But, what kind of recipe is the combination of chicken and rice?

"Shandong cuisine has always been the representative of northern cuisine. The designated ingredient selected in this lottery is 'rice', which is a great disadvantage for him." Luo Tian said, stroking his white beard.

"Yeah, north to south rice!" Ding You agreed, "Besides, the difficulty of Shandong cuisine is that it must maintain the golden mean. It cannot veer to the right or left. Its taste impact is stronger than other cuisines. Sichuan cuisine is much more bland, such as Sichuan cuisine, which is spicy and spicy, but Shandong cuisine requires that the sweetness, sourness and saltiness of a dish should be reflected in each other, and no one should overpower the other..."

Master Luo Tian nodded, "It takes three years for Sichuan cuisine to be established, but it takes ten years for Shandong cuisine!"

As he said that, Luo Tian suddenly let out a sigh.

Hua Fengchun, who put the rice into the clay pot, turned around, held the knife, and started to chop the chicken.

The speed at which he slashes is extremely slow.

Compared with "Seven Stars Breaking the Army's quick cut", this slow and slow sword technique is simply outrageous.

Compared with the "Fierce Bull Blue Dragon Slash", the secret of completing the dissection with one cut without leaking a drop of juice or blood, its knife position seems extremely cumbersome, and the position must be calibrated step by step, and the cuts must be made carefully. .

From the perspective of Luo Tian and Ding You.

The person in the kitchen does not seem to be a bloody chef, but a scholar and scholar with an upright manner.

An extremely contradictory aura spread out unconsciously.


"This is Shandong cuisine. Nothing should be too sharp. You have to restrain your temper and take your time."

"Huh, too much emphasis on skills and craftsmanship, no wonder it is declining day by day!"

"It's difficult to learn, and it's even harder to become perfect. This is just one of the reasons why this line is declining day by day. Its food preparation is too slow, and the price is too expensive. It can't open a prosperous big restaurant, and can only take the high-end route and open private restaurants of dignitaries... …”

Players are also talking about it. You must know that Shandong cuisine disciples are like giant pandas in this group. Very few players can bear the temper and pounce on a cuisine that is hidden in the city.


Xia Yan saw Hua Fengchun cut the chicken into pieces, using only chicken wings and drumsticks, and poured peanut oil and sugar into the heated pot.

As he slowly turned the large pot and spoon, the chicken pieces were colored during the stir-frying.

Next is stewing!


After seeing Hua Fengchun busy for a while, he put the lid on the pot.

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched imperceptibly.

No way, no way!

In later modern times, the famous delicacy ‘Yellow Braised Chicken’, which is popular on two major takeout apps, could it have just appeared? Something is strangely wrong! What a sense of dissonance!

When Hua Fengchun opened the lid of the pot, he took out two large bowls of the half-stewed soup and used it as water for simmering white rice...

Witness this scene.

Xia Yan finally confirmed that this wave is real braised chicken and rice!

The players were also in an uproar.

"What's going on with this sense of déjà vu!"

"No, I'm going to make myself vomit after eating the braised chicken. I'll have nightmares!"

Among them, ‘Zhiyuan Star’ Chen Zhiyuan was in a very heavy mood.

Braised chicken and rice, a classic takeout dish, logically speaking, should not be available in the "Zhonghua Iban" paradise. Although it is a Shandong cuisine, and the technique contained is quite authentic, but that What's going on with the pain in the buttocks? Who was it that ruined this group of aborigines?

In contrast to the noisy players, the aborigines represented by Yan Xian and Luo Tian praised Hua Fengchun's performance.

"It's braised chicken and braised rice. What a clever combination. I thought he didn't have enough experience in handling 'rice'!"

Mrs. Lei Hua couldn't help but express her opinion at the judging table, with a solemn look in her eyes, and said: "Original braised, oil braised, red braised, yellow braised, soy sauce braised..."

"Compared with 'burning', the heat used in braised Zimi is smaller and more precise, and generally does not thicken the soup."

"He covers it and simmers it slowly. After the ingredients are soft and fragrant, he adds an appropriate amount of sauce to make the dish. In this way, the cooked rice and the braised chicken are truly integrated, forming a complete dish!"

Next to him, Xiang En, who was very good at swordsmanship, was shocked by Hua Fengchun's swordsmanship when he chopped the chicken. He opened his mouth slightly and said:

"Didn't you notice? He just 'cut the chicken out of the bone'!"

"So handsome and beautiful with sword skills!"

Yakan, Zhu Qi and Elder Guan all looked at her strangely.

Whole chicken with bones removed?

Isn’t that the basic operation of a Shandong cuisine chef?

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