Eternal food paradise

Chapter 154 Black Dumplings

"Ding dong."

Not long after it went online, a message prompt sound effect suddenly popped up in a forum.


Nakiri Erina looked at the undisplayed ID of the sender and read the content, only to see this sentence:

"Haha, it seems you have initially adapted."

Nakiri Erina took a breath.

"Who are you?!"

"The person who sends you a courier."

The other party's delayed reply for a second or two made Erina's eyebrows twitch, "What is your identity? Why can you let me in here?"

"You can understand me as the agent of Paradise's will. I have the right to assign the 'port'."

Nakiri Erina fell silent.


The express delivery went directly to her home, was delivered to her, and she appeared here mysteriously. All of this, wasn't it convincing enough?

She stared closely at the ID name that was not displayed, but her mind opened up and she thought of more.

For example, why can this person accurately locate her? Knowing her identity and residential address, is she/he also from her own world?

Erina, who had browsed the player forum, actually knew a lot, including the existence of "players" and even the fact that they were from a different world than her. She had carefully checked and sent a private message to a certain celebrity on the forum who claimed to be a beta player. , but after the other party read her letter with only the word "Yuanyue", the reply was just a series of question marks.

Or maybe this guy is what forum players call a veteran who has been to more than one world?

Nakiri Erina was shocked by her thoughts.

The world she is in now, she has probably only seen the tip of the iceberg, it can be called magnificent and magnificent, so Erina suddenly immersed herself in a state of severe Internet addiction, a kind of breaking away from the barriers, from the small rivers in the original world, The feeling of broadening her horizons when she suddenly swam to the ocean made her extremely addicted.

Therefore, there is a bigger and broader world that the girl simply cannot imagine. Anyway, just to open up her imagination, the factor hidden in her body called the heart of cooking fanaticism started to stir for a while, resulting in strange and exciting emotions.


Nakiri Erina suddenly remembered something and immediately wrote a message:

"There is a person."

"He can use some cooking skills that have a shadow of this world in my world. Why?"

This question made the other party pause for about ten seconds.

"Perhaps, he may also be a 'player', and his level is quite high."

Is that really the case...

Nakiri Erina was both happy and worried.

Fortunately, there is a similar person among the people close to me.

What worries her is that the level distance between her and him is probably too great for her to observe at the moment.

"Well, that's enough prologue, let's get down to business!"

"The reason why I chose you and allowed you to access it, I think you should be self-aware..."

"That's right, I am greedy for your talent. Your [God's Tongue] is also a first-class talent and qualification in the world of gourmet food."

"So don't waste this talent and qualifications, level up as soon as possible and improve yourself!"

"When the time comes and your level is up, I think we will become 'teammates'..."

Seeing the last post of this private message on the site, Nakiri Erina felt much relieved.

So is this guy planning to train me into a qualified teammate?


My ‘Tongue of God’…

The most proud treasure of the Nakiri clan...

Nakiri Erina suddenly gained the confidence to survive in this world.


The girl 'God's Tongue' probably didn't expect that a person she knew well took off his "waistcoat" and breathed a sigh of relief in the small shop.

Xia Yan ended his first conversation with a vest and immediately checked his chat history to see if there were any loopholes.

Fortunately, everything can be said to be very tight.

You need to pay attention to it in the future.

When facing people you know well, the more you talk, the more likely it is that flaws will appear.

But having said that, the operation of "wearing a vest" is indeed addictive. Xia Yan felt that after covering up, he would dare to say something to Nakiri Erina without any scruples and no need to worry about the other party's reaction. As for your mood, just go straight.

"Well, wearing a vest has many advantages."

"Except for Erina, I may drag more Shoji natives in in the future. Regardless of whether we are familiar with them or not, they will all be received in vests, which saves trouble."

After a few operations, Xia Yan could finally feel at ease and start studying the recipes for the 'Dumpling Conference'.

First of all, it must be "dumplings"!

Read the requirements of the task carefully.

Fortunately, he and Erina's small team were not asked to fight against Liu Pleiades and the Yangquan Restaurant he represented, otherwise they would have died miserably.

Not to mention Liu Pleiades showing off his true domineering power, let alone Brother Dumpling, he would not be able to overcome this hurdle.

He remembered the Dumpling Brothers who played against Liu Pleiaxing in a Taiwanese drama.

Brothers Takeo and Takero.

In this plot, I present "Flame Dumplings"...

Xia Yan looked at himself.


Do you want to make "Chilled Dumplings"?

How to put his 'Ice Purgatory Master' mark into the dumplings layer by layer?

The task requirement is to obtain the approval of Master Longman, not how many copies are sold.

Let’s talk about Master Longman in detail.

The legendary authority in the food industry, a Taishan and Beidou-level figure.

He was Admiral Li's predecessor and his immediate boss. After he was discharged and returned to his hometown, he lived a life of idle clouds and wild cranes, leaving legends in teahouses everywhere.

If you want to get favorable reviews under the picky appetite and tongue of such a character, you must innovate and bring out the new.

"Is it novel and interesting?"

"It seems like I'm pretty good at this!"

Xia Yan probably had an idea, but another question came one after another.

He wants to tone down the technical content of his recipes!

In order for Erina to learn the art of bagging, there must be no things that are ‘unintelligible’.

Two days later, the cooking laboratory of the ‘Dark Cuisine Club’.


A scream.

Pointing to the steamer that Xia Yan had just opened, Nakiri Erina covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Black, black!"

Yes, against the contrast of the white steam, the dumplings placed in the steamer, with their pure black dumpling skins, looked too bright and blinding.

Xia Yan was surprised: "Why, this is the effect of 'squid ink'."

"Even if you major in Western cuisine, you should be very familiar with 'squid ink'."

"Squid ink paella and squid ink pasta are all traditional."

Mentioning the traditional dark squid ink pasta.

Nakiri Erina's face looked even worse. She hesitated for a long time before saying: "Wouldn't it make the person who eats it full of black teeth and look ugly after eating?"

As he said that, he saw that Xia Yan had already picked up a black dumpling with chopsticks, put it in a bowl, and handed it over with the chopsticks.

"Use your 'God's Tongue' to remember my recipe——"


The girl curled her lips slightly, thinking it was an ordinary dish, and wrinkled her nose in disgust, but she still took the chopsticks and tried to take a bite.

Her beautiful eyes widened instantly.

Bite open a layer of "black" dough with a light umami flavor.

Inside is where the beauty lies.

“This umami taste and texture is like fish roe!”

"After being steamed, the texture is slightly hard, but there is no fishy smell at all. One fish roe burst, and the second one..."

Not caring about the freshly baked fish, she almost swallowed it raw and chewed more fillings, so the 'God's Tongue' captured more information outside the fish roe.

Ginger, mushrooms, fresh bamboo shoots.


These were all broken into pieces, except for the fish roe, which remained intact one by one.

"another one!"

Nakiri Erina shouted sweetly, raising the bowl high.

Xia Yan tried hard not to laugh.

Sure enough, ‘squid ink’ has its own black teeth makeup effect.

The girl's teeth and lips have been stained with a layer of black luster.

A thought flashed through Xia Yan's mind:


When did neon and ‘black tooth makeup’ become popular?

Xia Yan murmured to the stern-faced, extremely cute girl with "black teeth" and still bright eyes.

"Having a foul face and foul looks are really important!"

"This is also a cheat that defies heaven! I want it!"

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