Eschatology: Raise a Man Into a Husband

Chapter 372 The Poor Man Turned into a Zombie

We no longer have zombie beads on hand. We thought protesting might be useful, but now it seems that this method can't be used at all. Now, apart from becoming a supernatural being, maybe we can have water-type abilities without using zombie beads. Go buy some water. Brother Huang looked at the crowd, they were now at the end of their rope.

If you don't want to do anything today, you will have to go hungry.

It didn't matter if they were hungry, their children couldn't be hungry.

Confused, Brother Huang swallowed the zombie beads.

The others watched Brother Huang swallow the zombie beads and waited for his reaction.

After all, they knew that they would become supernatural beings by eating zombie beads, but wouldn't it be too dangerous if they became zombies instead of supernatural beings?

Seeing that Brother Huang hadn't turned into a zombie for a long time, the others swallowed the zombie pearls with confidence.

Xiao Lei, give it a try. What's your supernatural power? Seeing that his nephew looked fine, the old man immediately felt relieved.

Okay, let me give it a try. Brother Huang thought about sending out water, and then a stream of water came out from between his fingers, but the water flow was pitifully small.

The flow of water that almost played with cotton swabs and sticks made the old man look unhappy.

Xiao Lei, this kind of water ability is really not enough for one person to drink.

Uncle, I can only send out so much now. I guess it's because I'm not yet proficient in using my abilities. That's why this happened. I'm going to practice now and try to make the water flow bigger, so that we can have more water. You can drink water, and you can even sell it. Huang Lei looked at his fingers, and if he had water, he could exchange it for zombie beads, and if he had water, they could live a good life.

The old man nodded slightly, and the people around were immediately excited when they heard it.

Quickly ate the zombie beads.

The remaining four zombie beads entered the stomachs of the four people and reacted quickly.


Instead of becoming supernatural beings, they turned into zombies.

Chen Hao, Dong Sheng, you... Huang Lei was delighted that they were going to become supernatural beings, but the next moment, the two of them turned into blue-faced and fang-toothed zombies.

It was completely unexpected, before the old man could react, a zombie flew towards him.

Uncle. Huang Lei yelled, and rushed up to push the old man away, but the four people who didn't want to become zombies flew towards him.

Roar. After the zombie roared, its sharp teeth bit Huang Lei's neck.

Chen Hao, Chen Hao, are you crazy? The people around shouted.

However, zombies don't consider these at all.

After biting Huang Lei, the old man was unfortunately bitten too.

Who will kill them, who will kill them. A woman screamed.

There are zombies, kill them quickly, kill them quickly.

Someone suddenly yelled, and the zombies quickly ran towards the crowd.

No matter whether it is scratching or killing people, the lively market has turned into a zombie battlefield in a blink of an eye.

What happened outside the base did not attract the attention of the insiders at all.

The two people staying at home were discussing about food when there was a knock on the door.

After hearing the knock on the door, Lu Jingxuan opened the door of the apartment indifferently.

After seeing the people outside the door, Lu Jingxuan was slightly surprised.


I haven't seen a soldier appear for a long time. I didn't expect to see a soldier here, and they were still very formally dressed.

Seeing that the clothes worn by the person in front of him were somewhat different from the clothes he wore before, Lu Jingxuan couldn't help but ask, May I ask what you want?

Hello, can I go in and talk about it? The soldier glanced at Lu Jingxuan. With his handsome face and broad shoulders, and his slender hands with traces of holding a gun, this man is not simple.

He must have been a soldier too.

The soldier was thinking about all these things in his heart, Lu Jingxuan glanced at Song Fengfu behind him, and after seeing her nodded slightly, Please come in.

I'm really sorry to disturb your life. I heard rumors from outsiders that you know the city master of the crystal base, so I would like to ask two people to help introduce the city master of the crystal base. The soldier sat on the sofa while talking , while looking around.

A clean and comfortable environment is really rare in the last days.

Thinking of the place where he stayed before, the soldier couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Hearing the soldier's sigh, Lu Jingxuan and Song Fengfu looked at each other, as if they were exchanging information.

I'm sorry, we can't help you. The castellan has always had a weird temper. We have the opportunity to live here because we saved the castellan's life. But that doesn't mean we know the castellan very well. If you want us to help you introduce , Seriously, you might as well go to the housekeeper. Song Fengfu looked at the soldier in front of him, and he must have come from somewhere else.

Looking for the butler? Who is the butler? The soldier who had never heard of the butler before was slightly taken aback.

The butler is the steward of the crystal base. He will pass on what you want to express to the city lord, and let the city lord make a decision before giving feedback to you. Anyway, it is very difficult for you to meet the city lord. I suggest you give up.

Song Fengfu blinked, she didn't want to be stoned to death after people knew she was the city lord.

God knows how many people outside this crystal base are very dissatisfied with her and want to eat her alive.

The soldier pondered for a while listening to her words, Since it is so difficult to meet the city lord, I wonder if I can ask the two of you for reference. We are troops from other places and want to live in the base. On the one hand, we can By working for the base, on the other hand, we can also help the people here to resume their normal lives.

Listening to his words, Song Fengfu raised a faint smile.

It turned out that this soldier came under the banner of eating and drinking for nothing.

It's hard for me to say this. I think you can communicate with our army. We have some troops stationed here. The garrison at this base is led by General He Long. You can go to find General He Long. He is now a marshal. .”

When Song Fengfu mentioned the word marshal, the soldier's face changed slightly.

Marshal? Is there a marshal here?

That's right, don't you know? Where did you come from? The clothes are quite clean. Song Fengfu was very curious about how the soldier was dressed so clean, and there seemed to be no signs of fighting zombies.

This is not scientific at all.

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