Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 87 I’ll help you take a bath today

Each person has a bowl of batter-sweet potato porridge, which is half cold when it is brought here from the cafeteria. Everyone can eat it in just a few bites, and the steamed buns only take a few big mouthfuls, not to mention a plate of peanuts, a mouthful of battered sweet potato porridge, and a peanut. It's so delicious.

After finishing the batter, Zhao Hui calculated that he was a guest and called Zhao Qian in the inner room to clean up the bowl first and wash it later. He would take it to the canteen when he went to work in the commune.

A bowl of batter was eaten, and in front of everyone was a large bowl of white wine. There is food in the stomach, let's take a bite first, and then talk while eating.

Everyone took a big sip, and Luo Cheng took a small sip. The wine cost three yuan a pound and included a plastic bucket for the wine. How about~~ drink less, go back to the future time and space to check, and then drink more freely next time.

At the wine table, Secretary Wang asked Luo Cheng to take the initiative to talk about the exchange of purchases. As for the detour, he asked Luo Cheng to take the initiative to talk about the exchange of purchases. Secretary Wang took the lead in admitting that some things were indeed like this. Some factories in the county can get some things that are beyond the quota, not to mention this is a machinery factory in the urban area.

By exchanging some things beyond the quota with our commune, in fact, it is obvious that the commune takes advantage. For people in urban areas, where they live is surrounded by houses, there is nowhere to catch wild animals, so it is normal to want to eat something from the mountains.

So at the wine table, Secretary Wang took the lead in expressing his support. When Secretary Wang said this, it was equivalent to the matter being settled. Then the Finance Department asked about the specific price ratio, and the deputy mayor asked about the transaction method. The deputy captain does not need to speak or anything, he is responsible for eating and drinking. After the discussion is over, he will organize people and organize the hunting this afternoon.

Let's start with some pheasants, rabbits, birds, foxes, wolves and so on. It would be great if we could get a wild boar.

However, during this season, there is a lot of food in the mountains, and wild boars rarely come down from the mountains. In spring and before winter, wild boars can occasionally be seen descending in the fields.

Luo Cheng's requirements are not high, just two to three hundred kilograms of goods a month. There are mountains in Longjin Town. They are not small hills. It is not difficult to organize people to go into the mountains and carry hundreds of kilograms of stuff.

"Captain Liu, I salute you. The one who organized people to go into the mountain is troublesome to you."

"You're welcome, I don't know how to hunt, so I just want to organize it. But didn't you say you also want fish? I'm from Liujiagou. If you don't want much, I can arrange for a few people to go to the reservoir. Let me catch you some fish. The water level in the reservoir has dropped a lot recently, so it’s easier to catch fish.”

"Yes, but the fish is not easy to transport, and the weather will stink quickly if you kill it. If you want to kill the prey, you can take the shuttle bus to the city on the same day. As for the fish, I will get a small amount first. I will see if the factory can arrange it after I go back. ."

"Well, unless water is released from the reservoir, you won't be able to catch much if you rely on people to fish it out."

Luo Cheng nodded. He originally wanted to get the prey first and then study the matter of getting some fish later. Unexpectedly, the deputy captain took the initiative to talk about fish. It seemed that the drink was really not in vain.

The matter was basically settled in this way, and no one was petty, and only wanted some extra benefits to do this for Luo Cheng.

As long as there are no violations of the rules and discipline, and there is a banquet, this easy matter can be considered completed.

In the end, not a single piece of pork head meat was left. As for the roast duck, as long as the bones were not very hard, they were eaten into the stomach. There was also not a single peanut left. As for the wine, it was more than a kilogram per person on average, so it was nothing. It's just that Luo Cheng was the one who was averaged today. He just drank a bowl without adding any wine while others did.

Accountant Zhao also drank a lot. He was drunk or not, but he still didn't want to send the dishes and chopsticks from the canteen back. If I fall down on the road, I still have to accompany him. Just ask Zhao Qian to clean up and send the dishes and chopsticks.

The deputy captain can drink, and more than a kilogram of wine is no big deal to him. When leaving, he told Luo Cheng that he would go hunting this afternoon. Those who have guys at home should try to go hunting in the mountains tomorrow. After hearing this, if he went to the mountains for hunting tomorrow, Luo Cheng asked the deputy captain to inform him that he had a rifle at home, and he could follow him.

There was no way, Luo Cheng actually wanted to play with his wife giving birth to babies day and night at home. But she was a little reluctant during the day. Last time Luo Cheng had to go to the city, she took the initiative to cooperate in the morning.

In rural towns, if they don't work during the day and the couple stays at home and do that, if others find out, they will laugh to death.

Luo Cheng had nothing to do, and Zhao Qian had something to do, such as washing clothes, tidying up the house, and sewing. She was going to live in the city, and she had to think about what to bring with her. The remaining rice and flour at home must be packed in something.

At noon, the weather was too hot, so Luo Cheng took a nap. I got up in the afternoon, thinking that if I could go hunting in the mountains tomorrow, I would need a gun. He played with a rifle all afternoon again, thinking that even if he didn't organize an expedition into the mountains tomorrow, he would go find Chen Lezi and see where he was patrolling, so he could go and have some fun, even if it meant shooting a few birds.

Luo Cheng and his wife went to the cafeteria for dinner. Except for peanuts and cantaloupe, everything Luo Cheng brought was gone.

"Luo Cheng, why do you always look at me?"

"I'll help you take a bath today."

"don't want."

One sentence made Zhao Qian blush. She was not shy about being naked with Luo Cheng now. It's just that Luo Cheng doesn't know how to give her a proper bath at all. He just washes her wherever he wants. When Luo Cheng was asked to help her take a bath, her legs felt weak and she couldn't even stand.

How could Luo Cheng let Zhao Qian go with just "no"? He now understood why many people had so many children in their lives. It gets dark as soon as it gets dark, which is better in summer. It doesn't get dark until after seven o'clock, but it gets dark at five o'clock in winter.

There was no electricity at home, so early in the morning, even if the two of them were chatting in the room, there would not be so many topics to talk about. As long as you have some energy, it's not just making a baby.

Anyway, Luo Cheng didn't let Zhao Qian go, and made her shout that she couldn't do it many times. But~~.

"Luo Cheng, it's very late, you still want it. If you don't want me, just go to bed."

"Go to sleep, it's quite late."

"Luo Cheng, if you still want it, I can go to bed later~~"

"Go to sleep, I'm afraid of damaging your body."



‘Didi~~Didi~~. ’

The alarm clock on my mobile phone rang. I was not living in a construction site. After getting used to traveling between two eras, the novelty of changing time and space was gone, and it would not be very early when I woke up.

The air conditioner is comfortable, and I feel like I want to lie down and play with the air conditioner while playing with my mobile phone without going to the construction site to start work. But it’s stopped raining for takeout, and it’s time to go to the construction site to move bricks.

But before going to the construction site, Luo Cheng checked the information on barreled bulk wine. Many people advise you not to buy bulk wine in barrels from supermarkets. Even if you do, try to buy branded products.

If it is not a brand name, it is difficult to guarantee the quality. You may buy wine that is blended with alcohol and flavors.

"Brand, the wine I bought doesn't seem to have a brand. It seems that I won't be able to buy cheap wine randomly in the future."

After getting up and getting dressed, Luo Cheng went out after briefly washing up. There was no movement in the room next door. Nowadays, young people don't go to work and some of them don't sleep until six o'clock.

After riding a bicycle to the construction site, I found that there were puddles in many places on the construction site. After all, the main body had not been completed yet and the roads could not be paved.

Today is considered normal work, but some people say that the rainy days have not passed yet, and there may be another sudden rain for a day or two.

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