, entertainment companies need to conduct “project bidding”!

To put it simply, the format of the program is left to the entertainment companies to develop, and the review is conducted by Lin Gu and the officials.

As long as you pass it, then any type of program your entertainment company wants is fine.

As long as you abide by the following principles: do good things for the poor, make the process open and transparent, and do practical things for the poor.

Lin Gu preliminarily estimated that with his own popularity and traffic, as long as he is sure that there will be a large number of fans pouring into this website, it is impossible for entertainment companies to give up this opportunity.

Even in the early stages, you can definitely find more than five entertainment companies that “work hard without complaining”!

After all, if this website really takes shape, it basically means that it can become a truly closed-loop capital breeding base!

Even for this “big pie”, those entertainment companies will not be stingy with the initial investment.

After this step is done.

Capital begins to enter the market!

What Lin Gu wants to do is of course not pure entertainment.

The plans made by those entertainment companies must include steps to truly do practical things for the poor!

And this step is when capital enters the market!For example, if an entertainment company wants to make a program like Mushroom House, then capital needs sponsorship, and it needs to really help those poor people build tourist bases, build roads, and lead people out of poverty and become rich.

During this process, Lin Gu will not let the capital gain nothing.

Except for being stuck on the step of “doing practical things for the people” and not letting the capital get any flesh and blood.

For the other parts, the capital can play at will!

Lin Gu is very sure that even if it’s just to improve the brand effect, capital will definitely enter the market!

With the joint cooperation of entertainment companies and capital, the practical problems of the people have been resolved, and the entertainment of the audience has also been resolved!

And as long as the official government grasps the website as a gateway to the audience, it will definitely be able to make the entire link transparent.

If you are not transparent and public, then I will not let you go to this website!

When traffic is caught in the hands of the authorities, capital will also bow its head!

Of course, Lin Gu’s “insurance” for this website is of course not only the fact that the website itself was caught in the hands of the authorities.

He will also let charities enter the venue!

Charity organizations are responsible for the last “mile” from capital to people!

To put it simply, Lin Gu will not allow capital to truly reach the people.

In other words, it’s not that they are not allowed to really contact the people, but that their power is not allowed to penetrate so deeply into the grassroots!

To put it simply, facing the steps of those poor households, capital definitely has no way to intervene and does not want to intervene.

This step is the time for charities to enter the market!

Capital provides funds and programs for charities, and charities play the role of “leaders” in the process of implementation

Work is done by capital;

The money is taken by the poor.

Charities will not get any benefits, but their original mission is to do charity

What Lin Gu can give to these charities is only enough exposure!

For capital, exposing the filth is an unspeakable thing.

But for charities, as long as there is nothing dirty, exposure is a good thing for them!

Whether it’s the affirmation of the audience, or more donations after the popularity has increased.

This is what charities like most.

So, so far, a closed loop has appeared!

What the impoverished households need is welfare and help – charities will help them;

Charities need money – capital will help them;

The capital needs to make money and reputation, as well as a stable channel and future – the website will give them, and after the traffic and popularity increase, for the capital, it is a deal that they can invest money at will and never lose money;

And what the website needs is continuous popularity and traffic – the audience will give them;

What the audience needs is entertainment and a sense of accomplishment – the entertainment company will give them these;

Entertainment companies are similar to capital, what they need is to make money and fame, and it also involves cultivating new artists – all of these, the website can achieve their goals!

It can be said that in this process, whether it is capital, entertainment companies, or charitable organizations, they all got what they wanted.

Even the audience got what they wanted!

Not to mention the poor people, the whole closed loop is for them! !

Under this complete 1.9 closed loop, what Lin Gu has to do is to provide open and transparent exposure!

The purpose of these open and transparent exposures is to keep capital from being greedy, to make charities more motivated, to stabilize the “sense of justice” of the audience, and to allow the poor to truly receive benefits!

As for the official, it is true that from beginning to end, every link needs to come forward!

But, isn’t this exactly what the officials want to do?

And when looking back at this majestic plan.

will find out.

Among them, Lin Gu, who looks the most inconspicuous and has no sense of presence, is actually the most important one! ! !

Without Lin Gu, this website would not have traffic!

Without Lin Gu, the official will not end!

Without Lin Gu, the audience’s trust in this website would not be high enough!

Without Lin Gu, the capital would not be subject to strict supervision!

Without Lin Gu, the capital and entertainment companies would not even see the possibility of this project’s success!

in short

It was Lin Gu who made all of this possible to succeed! .

Chapter 198: Difficult, why don’t you do it? !

Chapter 198

198: Difficult, why not do it? !

However, Lin Gu didn’t take the credit.

Giving this plan to anyone will not have the desired effect.

It can be said that now Lin Gu is the only artist in the entertainment industry who cannot be manipulated by capital.

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