"Who will come here?"

Already in his practice room, Cao Gong lay on the floor.

He was really looking forward to his teammates today. Who will they be?

"Where are the 11 teammates? A blind guess is that my brother-in-law should be one of them."

Cao Gong looked at the camera and expressed his guess.

Cao Gong's brother-in-law? Is there any other answer? It must be Fan Chengcheng.

On the show, Fan Chengcheng often said that he would introduce his sister to Cao Gong.

And in this show, Cao Gong also called Fan Chengcheng his brother-in-law.

Fan Chengcheng was not polite and called Cao Gong his brother-in-law.

Although this is not really the relationship, young people are very casual about such titles.

As long as they are happy, it doesn't matter.

"Hahahaha~" Fan Chengcheng pushed open the door and laughed when he saw Cao Gong lying on the floor.

"I told you, my brother-in-law must be one of them." Without turning around, Cao Gong knew it was Fan Chengcheng.

"How did you know I was here?" Fan Chengcheng, who had come over, asked Cao Ze.

"Can I still say that? Most of the people who watch the show are girls."

"There are many girls, so they like to randomly pair up with each other. There are all kinds of weird CPs."

"Especially many girls like to read BL novels, which are about two handsome guys falling in love.、"

"Based on our relationship in this training camp, you wanted to introduce your sister to me and become my brother-in-law; based on our relationship, the national producers will definitely like to see us work together again."

"So this time, one of my 11 teammates must be you."

Cao Gong's analysis really left Fan Chengcheng speechless.

But soon, he followed Cao Gong's example and lay down on the floor.

When Fan Chengcheng lay down, two men over 180cm tall lay down without any image.

"Well, brother-in-law"

"Ah." Fan Chengcheng, who was lying on the side, answered him lazily.

"What does my dad like to do? Does he smoke? Does he drink alcohol? Or does he drink tea?"

"I'm going to marry your sister, do you want me to bring some gifts to our dad?" Cao Gong deliberately made trouble. Fan

Chengcheng was used to this kind of joke and said,"The best gift you can give my dad is to take good care of my dad's son. This is the best gift for my dad."

Fan Chengcheng said such shameless words.

The audience watching the show were also amused by this couple.

Langjiu CP is the abbreviation of the relationship between brother-in-law and brother-in-law.

"Don't laugh, I'm serious, my parents are watching this on TV right now"

"You have to perform well and write an album for me."Fan Chengcheng said without hesitation.

"Fuck you." This kid really has the nerve to speak like that?

"I haven't even started dating your sister yet, but I have to write an album for you to please your brother-in-law."

"Since I'm dating your sister, I have to help you buy a record label, right?"

"If I marry you, I will help you dominate the Chinese music scene, right?"

Cao Gong's complaints made Fan Chengcheng, who was very conspicuous, say bluntly:"Isn't this what I should do?"

But soon, Cao Gong suddenly realized something:"That's not right."

"What's wrong?" The charming and conspicuous bag Fan Chengcheng asked him what he wanted to say

"Look, you want to match me up with your sister, right?"

"Yes, if you weren’t my brother-in-law, I would never agree to my sister getting married." Fan Chengcheng said

"That's right, that's where the problem lies"

"What do you mean? Explain it clearly!"Fan Chengcheng asked him to explain the matter clearly.

"Look, your sister Mi Lengleng acted in the movie"New Shaolin Temple" with my father Liu Dehua in 2010. They played a couple in the movie."

"What should I do? I really got together with your sister, and this gets out.…"

"The daughter-in-law and the husband are acting as a couple, this, this...isn't it a mess?!"

"Hahaha~" Fan Chengcheng, who understood, lay on the floor and laughed out loud.

The audience watching the show were the same, and they were all amused by Cao Zei's reminder.

It would have been better if he hadn't said it. After he said it, everyone reacted.

Yes,"New Shaolin Temple" was filmed in 2010, when Mi Lengleng was 26 years old, and then the movie was released in 2011, which was 5 years ago.

But who would have thought that five years later, Liu Dehua's son would meet Mi Lengleng's brother.

The two of them even made a brother-in-law CP.

Fan Chengcheng also wanted Cao Gong to be his brother-in-law, but the unfortunate thing was that

Fan Chengcheng's sister Mi Lengleng had also played a couple with Cao Gong's biological father Liu Dehua.

This is a mess.

"Hahaha~ I am dying of laughter, these two conspicuous bags"

"The father-in-law and daughter-in-law played husband and wife, now it's fun"

"Is there a kissing scene? I forgot if there is a kissing scene in this movie"

"Hahaha~ I knew there would be something funny when these two were in the same frame, and sure enough"

"I wonder how Mi Lengleng would feel when she sees this?"

"If that were the case, it would be embarrassing."


"No, I can't sit still."While lying down, Cao Gong said that he couldn't sit still.

Fan Chengcheng was the same, he was unconsciously led.

Originally, they were waiting here for the next trainee to come in.

But, they couldn't sit still, so they just stood up and danced, which was also good, not wasting time

"Let's start. You wrote this song, so show me the dance."

Fan Chengcheng also thought it would be better to practice quickly, after all, there were only two weeks left.

Cao Gong didn't say much, and performed the dance of this song under Fan Chengcheng's gaze.

During the performance, Fan Chengcheng was stunned.

"Damn, you really don’t consider our strength?"

"You can do this dance, but we may not be able to do it."

After watching the complete dance of this song, Fan Chengcheng couldn't help himself.

This bastard is real, why did he make the dance so difficult?

After dancing this dance, Cao Gong said easily:"I think it's okay."

"What the hell, you think it's okay, but I don't think it's okay, it's too difficult"

"You are trying to kill me."When Fan Chengcheng was complaining, the second teammate came.

"Yeah haha~" Zhu Zhengting came in and jumped up excitedly and hugged Fan Chengcheng.

But soon, Justin Minghao also came in.

But after the two of them came in, Cao Gong also performed the dance of this song

"Wow~" After watching it, Huang Minghao sighed helplessly:"Lao Cao, you are serious, the dance is getting harder and harder. It took two weeks to complete this dance?"

"Yes, your dance is too good."Zhu Zhengting, who was not here last time, also felt the pressure.

During the chat, Bi Wenjun also came, who had worked with him before.

"No, how come all the people here are from Lehua Seven?"

Seeing these four, they all seemed to be members of Lehua Seven, and I don't know if it was intentional. What happened next did not disappoint him, the remaining three members of Lehua Seven also came.

Ding Ze Ren, Li Quanzhe, and Huang Xinchun all came.

In this way, there are eight people in their group.

Cai Xukun was not selected to this group, and even Chen Li was not here.

Instead, Cao Gong noticed that there were three people who could debut here. Among the Lehua Seven, only Zhu Zhengting, Fan Chengcheng, and Huang Minghao can finally debut here.

The other four cannot debut, especially Ding Ze Ren who is very strong in dancing.

Ding Ze Ren is a weirdo in particular.

Cao Gong still remembers that this big brother directly sued his big fan.

It was because the other party stopped being a fan that this big brother sued her.

Cao Gong does not need such a person in his team, so he will definitely drive Ding Ze Ren away at that time.

The success of this time The selection of trainees is voted by fans, and Cao Gong has no choice.

But Cao Gong knows that after a trainee leaves midway, in order to balance the personnel of the five groups, they will definitely have to be replaced.

For example, eight out of the 12 people in one of the songs are eliminated.

At that time, there will be only four people left in this song, and there will not be enough people.

If there are more than 7 members in a certain song, the extra trainees will be voted out and then classified into other songs.

Cao Gong doesn't care whether all the 12 trainees including himself in his song are eliminated in the 60 to 35 elimination.

In the end, there can only be seven people in their song, and 5 people still have to be voted out.

Cao Gong dare not lead this big brother. If he does, who knows what he will become. He can even sue his own fans for quitting. This kind of big brother, Cao Gong can't afford to offend.

But���, Cao Gong hasn't shown anything yet, we can just vote when the time comes

".Okay, now that all the personnel have been assigned, it's time for you to practice."

"The 60 to 35 will be announced in three days."Dilreba announced this.

The elimination will be announced in three days, which means they have to practice well in these three days.

Although they don't know if they will be eliminated, they still have to practice.


"How should we distribute the lyrics?"

Holding the lyrics, Zhu Zhengting asked Cao Gong, the composer of the song.

Cao Gong, on the other hand, gestured with them with a pen.

"First of all, we all know that only seven people can perform this song on stage, right?"

Fan Chengcheng and the others all nodded. There is no doubt about this. This is the rule.

"Since 7 people have been confirmed to perform on stage, then the lyrics will only be distributed to seven people. But we don’t know whether our group will be eliminated in the end?"

"Even if they were not eliminated, five people would be voted out in the end, right?"

They didn't want to admit what Cao Gong said, but there was nothing they could do. That was the fact.

Because only seven people could perform on stage.

"In this case, the lyrics will be distributed among seven people, so let’s not write anyone’s name for now." (To read the novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Just mark them according to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven."

"Except for the chorus part of the song, the rest of the lyrics are distributed according to numbers."

"But this song has high notes, so of course, who among you thinks you can sing the high notes, or wants to challenge yourself, can I assign this part of the lyrics to him?"

Speaking of high notes, it must be Cao Gong who does it, this is the best.

Cao Gong is definitely capable, but he also said, is there anyone who wants to challenge it?

"I decided not to challenge it, right? After all, every stage now is crucial and can't afford to be careless, so those who are competent should do it. Otherwise, if others challenge it and make mistakes, resulting in poor performance, it will put the group in a passive position."Zhu Zhengting expressed his opinion

"That's right, then you, brother-in-law, will be responsible for the high notes."Fan Chengcheng also thinks so.

""Okay." Cao Gong circled the high notes and wrote his name on them. Then they discussed and assigned the lyrics. When they contacted each other, two people were responsible for one part of the lyrics. For example, the lyrics for part 3 were written by Fan Chengcheng and Huang Minghao. When the final 7 people were decided, the lyrics would be adjusted again.

Cao Gong also had his ideal 7 people, but he couldn't say it now.

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