“How much?”

“Modutai 2.8, Lantai 2.7, Sujiangtai 1.4”

“Su Jiangtai is so low?!”

“No way, the three TV stations premiered simultaneously, the early drainage of the magic capital station did a good job, and relying on Li Kun’s previous dramas, accumulated a group of loyal idol drama users, the blue station has relied on several popular variety shows in recent years, the audience base is second only to our mango station in the provincial satellite TV, Sujiang TV did not do a good job of traffic guidance in the early stage, and the audience in the later stage is accustomed to the magic capital station and blue station chasing.”

“Well… How much does it add up?! ”

“The peak is 6.9, and in the same period of ratings, Modutai, Lantai, and Sujiangtai are the first, second, and third respectively, and we are squeezed into the fourth.”

“Shhh!! 6.9?! Did I make a mistake?! ”

“Absolutely nothing!! If it weren’t for our station broadcasting “In the Name of the People” half a year, the peak rating of “Ghost” would be the highest in ten years!! ”

“What about average ratings?”

“As of now, 2.96%.”

“Not broken 3? Didn’t the three TV stations combined for 3.8%? ”

“The follow-up pulled down a little.”

“That’s fine…”

01 “Of the TV series broadcast in ten years, only “In the Name of the People” and “The Temptation to Go Home” have higher average ratings than “Ghost”, and according to the current popularity of “Ghost”, the following episodes are likely to pull the average rating to break 3. ”


“And “Ghost” is the one with the fewest episodes among the top five or even top ten hit dramas in the ratings, if “Ghost” has fifty or sixty episodes, the average rating can surpass “The Temptation to Go Home” even if it is not surpassed “In the Name of the People”.


“And compared with TV stations, the network popularity of “Ghost” is higher, and the three Aiyuteng companies have each achieved a profit of 200 million yuan by relying on this drama.”


“It is said that Ma Tuo Film and Television is already negotiating with the stick and neon TV stations, and it is likely that it will be introduced to these two countries and broadcast in prime time…”


“This drama on the Taiguo side has also been on the hot search several times, many Taiguo netizens are looking for pirated copies to watch, Netflix’s Yaozhou regional president, yesterday went to Ma Tuo Film and Television, should be the fastest efficiency into “Ghost Landing Dongyao”.

“When did Netflix pay so much attention to Chinese dramas?”

“”Ghost” has broken the circle in other countries in Yaozhou on a small scale, and according to the response of overseas networks, this drama will inevitably be a hit in other markets in Yaozhou.”

“You just said that our Mango TV didn’t win this drama, how much did we lose?!”

“Three hundred million?”

“Three hundred million ?!!!”

“If Mango TV won the online broadcasting rights, it would be equivalent to our Mango department exclusively broadcasting “Ghost”, in this way, it will more than double!”

Bang bang bang!!

Mango Terrace’s Grand Leadership Office.

There was a violent sound of slapping on the table.

Then came a voice mixed with anger:

“Go and call me Zeng Ling, who is in charge of purchasing the film.”

“I’m going to ask—”

“Why not buy Ghost!!”

Strong as a mango table.

I can’t help but regret the original “tsundere”.

If you bought the premiere rights to “Ghost”.

Can lower the figure.

Buy with other TV stations.

Follow the basic dish of the mango table.

The ratings of “Ghost” can be even higher.

The mango table can also make a lot of money from this…

It is a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world!!

Although Zeng Ling, who was in charge of purchasing films on Mango TV, also asked the big leader for this, the big leader heard that it was not Mango TV alone, and decisively said not to buy it.

But leadership can be capricious.

But the pot must have a hand to carry it.

Zeng Ling, who was responsible for the purchase of the film.

Undoubtedly became the unlucky bastard this time!!


Mango TV missed the hit “Ghost”.

But it did not damage Li Kun’s relationship with them.

On the contrary, because “Ghost” is too hot.

Mango TV raised its attention to Li Kun.

Once again, he sent Li Kun an invitation letter for the Golden Eagle Award.

Li Kun looked at the second invitation in his hand.

A playful smile on his face.

Zhang Jiani was surprised: “You just received the invitation to the Golden Eagle Award now?!” ”

The Golden Eagle Award will generally send invitations to stars 3~6 months in advance.

Zhang Jiani was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at this year’s Golden Eagle Awards for the second actress He Yimei in “Why Sheng Xiao Mo”.

The invitation was received as early as four months ago. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Li Kun put away the invitation and said lightly: “This is the second copy sent by the Mango Desk.” ”

“Second copy?”

Zhang Jiani was stunned, and then suddenly, “Congratulations, you are going to take the Golden Eagle Emperor…”

Zhao Yunmai asked dumbly, “Isn’t the Golden Eagle Award held next month?” How did the uncle become an emperor? ”

Zhang Jiani knew the relationship between Zhao Yunmai and Li Kun, and did not hide it, “Sending the second invitation letter not only represents the organizer’s attention to the guests, but also has a hint that his work will win awards.” ”

“Ah, the award will be told to the guests in advance?!” Zhao Yunmai was unbelievable.

Li Kun smiled, “It’s normal, this set of rules is not unique to the Golden Eagle Award, the Hong Kong Island Golden Melody Awards in the eighties and nineties were played like this, Zhang Guorong also directly broke the news when he was interviewed, the singer already knew in his heart whether he won the award before the award ceremony began.” ”

“But when I see others receiving awards, they are dazed and surprised?” Zhao Yunmai still found it hard to believe.

Zhang Jiani gently nodded her head, “Silly Nizi, we are actors, can we win the emperor or the best supporting role, even if there is moisture, at least the acting foundation is first-class, is it difficult to improvise for a period of shock or dazedness?” There are many award-winning stars who cry on stage. ”

Zhao feels that his outlook on life has been subverted.

She debuted as a child star.

But I just came of age this year.

Although he has acted in several dramas before.

But then.

Also wandering outside the entertainment industry.

Filming only occupies a small part of her life.

She spends most of her time studying at school.

I have never felt the many latent rules of the entertainment industry.

This is the first time she has experienced the “darkness” of the entertainment industry so positively.

All right.

In fact, this is not dark.

It’s just a bit unexpected…

Li Kun rubbed her head, “If I told you that I didn’t win the Golden Eagle Award because of how good my acting skills are, wouldn’t you be more surprised?” ”

Zhao Yunmai nodded and shook his head, “But I think Uncle 730, your acting skills are very good~”

“Haha, thanks for the compliment.”

Li Kun is neither humble nor proud, “My acting skills, taking an ordinary emperor trophy, is not a shady scene, but this year’s Golden Eagle Award has a lot of strong dramas, Zhang Yi of “Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky”, Zhang Jiayi of “White Deer Plain”, Yu Hewei of “Military and Master Alliance”, the performance is no worse than me, and the theme of the drama they perform is more pleasing and the content is more deep. ”

Zhao Yunmai was silent…

Zhang Jiani analyzed: “According to the previous urine nature of the Golden Eagle Award, the probability is double egg yolk, you win the award by popularity, and another relies on acting skills and theme.” ”

Li Kun nodded, “I guess it will be Zhang Yi.” ”

Previously, the Magnolia Award Zhang Yi had won the emperor with “Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky”.

And his performance in this drama has been widely acclaimed.

The Golden Eagle Award though likes to make flowers work.

But it won’t be stupid enough not to give Zhang Yi an award…

Of course.

Li Kun was also not afraid that he would cause controversy if he took the emperor.

Because the Golden Eagle Award selects “the actor loved by the audience”.

And not “Best Actor”.

What does the audience love?

Just look at Li Kun’s popularity on the Internet at this time.

The first top stream in the country.

The existence of a broken hierarchy…

After “Ghost”.

Lu Han, who was able to wrestle with him before.

Not an opponent at all!!

It’s September soon!!

Ask for data!!

Monthly passes, flowers, and evaluation tickets are all smashed!。

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