“Xiaoyang, who are these two!?”

A gray-haired old man on crutches walked into the cave.

His eyes kept staring at Gu Lin and Reba, as if he was examining the two.

Zheng Xiaoyang immediately greeted him, “Grandpa, why are you here again?” ”

The old man said angrily: “I have spent most of my life in this Mogao Grotto, and this place is like my home.” I can’t come yet? -”

Zheng Xiaoyang was helpless: “You have said this sentence thousands of times.” But the doctor asked you to take good care of your body, so don’t run around if you’re fine. ”

The old man seemed to know his own reason, and stopped continuing the topic, and asked instead: “You haven’t told me yet, what is the situation of these two people?” You’re not taking tourists into the cave privately, are you? ”

Zheng Xiaoyang sighed, “Will I commit such a problem of principle? People are stars who come to experience the work of our mural restorers. ”

Hearing this, the hostility towards Gu Lin and the two in the old man’s eyes eased a little.

“Well, anyway, you must not let non-professionals touch the mural, got it?”

The old man instructed.

Zheng Xiaoyang nodded repeatedly, “Understood.” ”

“I’ll supervise their work, you’re busy with yours.”

With that, the old man walked straight out of the cave.

When he came to the place where the restorer worked, he began to point: “Xiaojiang, it has been said that the small area of empty drum of the mural does not need so much adhesive, why are you wrong again.” ”

In fact, there is no flaw in the restoration work under his hands.

After criticizing Xiaojiang, the old man looked at another restorer, and he was counted again.

“Master Zheng, who is this old man?”

Reba stepped forward and asked curiously.

Zheng Xiaoyang sighed, “My grandfather.” ”

Reba asked again: “Is he also a restorer?” It feels like everyone listens to him. ”

Zheng Xiaoyang said, “My grandfather was the first restorer of the Mogao Grottoes. He stayed here for sixty-six years. All restorers, including me, are his apprentices. ”

“Sixty-six years!”

Reba was shocked.

From the perspective of ordinary people, it is indeed difficult to understand that a person can stick to a year for a career,

“So he’s a senior this year?” Reba then asked.

“It’s almost ninety.”

At the mention of this, Zheng Xiaoyang sighed again and continued:

Reba nodded, “It’s normal that he still has an obsession with this job.” ”

“I can understand his feelings, but he’s really not in good health now, and he can’t afford to go back and forth every day.” I persuaded countless times, it was useless! ”

Zheng Xiaoyang shrugged helplessly.

Reba immediately looked at Gu Lin behind him and said, “Gu Lin, aren’t you sharp-mouthed?” Or do you want to persuade Grandpa Zheng? ”

Gu Lin chuckled, “How can I persuade? This old man is stubborn at first glance and cannot be persuaded. ”

Zheng Xiaoyang hurriedly said: “Oh, look at me, why did I pour bitter water with you?” Let’s go ahead and I’ll teach you how to copy a mural. ”

Whether it is learning to fire blue and white porcelain or learning to make rice paper, other guests can at least practice it themselves.

But mural restoration, without years of study, can not be practiced at all.

Mural copying is one of them.

Many murals are missing due to their age.

At this time, the restorer needs to make up the mural.

And to repaint, you must have a sufficient understanding of the painting technique of the mural.

Copying practice becomes an essential part.

At this point,

Zheng Xiaoyang brought a bucket of yellow mud and said, “This is Dunhuang soil, we need to use this as a clay board later.” ”

Reba was puzzled, “Why use clay tablets?” ”

Zheng Xiaoyang explained: “Clay tablet copying can better restore the real mural, I will teach you to make clay tablets now.” ”

Next, he began to teach board by board.

Reba listened carefully, Zheng Xiaoyang said a step, and she followed suit.

And Gu Lin knows more or less about this knowledge.

Plus he’s an impatient.

Therefore, he always completed the process mentioned by Zheng Xiaoyang one step ahead.

Zheng Xiaoyang thought at first that he would come again.

But upon closer inspection, his steps were exactly the same.

The complicated procedures of mixing coarse mud layer, fine mud grass layer, painting pure mud layer, and finally applying protective medium have all been done by Gu Lin, and they have done it very well.

Zheng Xiaoyang was stunned for a while.

Is this to learn, or is it to smash the field?

The audience also watched and talked about it.

——[Although it is not difficult to watch, he will even be too outrageous of this.] 】

——[I can’t remember the first time I was shocked by Brother Lin Zi. 】

——[Regular operation, get used to it.] 】

——[I feel more and more that it is too unfair when Nuwa pinches people! ] 】


Gu Lin quickly made the clay board needed to copy,

It was sent to the sun outside the cave to dry.

Seeing this, Zheng Xiaoyang shook his head and smiled, “It seems that my teacher is unnecessary.” Then I won’t bother you. ”

He is well aware that the essence of the show is romance.

Since Gu Lin understood it, he didn’t use this light bulb at all.

“Huh, Master Zheng, how much do you have to add to this pure latex?”

Reba still has questions.

“Miss Reba, if you don’t understand anything, just ask Mr. Gu, he should be sure.”

Zheng Xiaoyang waved his hand and walked towards the cave.

At this time, Gu Lin also walked back from outside, “Old Zheng is gone?” ”

Reba said, “He said you will, let you teach me.” ”

Gu Lin smiled, “This old Zheng is really accurate in looking at people.” ”

Reba looked at him suspiciously, “You really will? ”

“I don’t know how I make clay tablets?”

“Then you teach me how much pure latex you have to add to this fine layer of mud and grass.”

Gu Lin was embarrassed, “You just got to this point?” ”

Reba pouted, “Learn slowly, what’s the way.” ”

“Then don’t learn, let’s copy a clay tablet later.”

Gu Lin directly lay down on the chair and rested.

Reba was still a little unhappy for a while, “Are you too lazy to teach me?” ”

Gu Lin said, “Aren’t we together?” Copying a slate is not considered to complete the task. The program team didn’t ask us to complete it separately? ”

Hearing this, Reba immediately smiled, “That’s right, then we’ll copy it together.” ”

The kind of words that Gu Lin said inadvertently were equivalent to love words to her.

An hour passed.

Under the sun’s exposure, the clay tablets finally dried completely.

The mural copy experienced by the two is a simple version.

After the clay plate is formed, it is only necessary to rub the paper with the mural pattern on the clay board, and then stroke and color.

At this time, Reba was choosing the pattern he liked from the drawing paper left by Zheng Xiaoyang.

“How, nothing like it?” Gu Lin asked.

Reba smacked her lips, “It’s all Buddha statues, I don’t like them very much.” ”

“So what do you like.”

“Just this one on the wall.”

Reba said, pointing to the murals in the cave.

What she pointed to was the flying fairy diagram of morphological drift.

“Simple, I’ll draw it for you.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Gu Lin held the stone slab in one hand, grabbed the brush with the other, and came to the mural.

I saw that he took a simple measure with his hand, and then began to paint.

Reba said happily: “Yes, I forgot that you can draw.” ”

Gu Lin said with a smile: “Let me be original, I may not be able to draw well, but follow the painting, just have hands.” ”

“Anyway, I’ll draw the outline and color it later, so that you can also feel a little involved.”

Reba smiled and nodded, “Well, remember to rest when you are tired of painting.” ”

——[Rik, this pair is getting sweeter. 】

——[Brother Lin Zi is also wrong, why is he gentle? ] 】

– [Love has made him unrecognizable. 】

– [Mom, I believe in love again.] 】


Gu Lin drew the outline of the image of the flying fairy onto the clay tablet.


All you need is hot ba to color.

With an outline, coloring is simple, no different from children’s coloring games.

And Gu Lin was chattering on the side for guidance.

“How can this piece be colored in stone blue? Red with green racing, haven’t you heard? ”

“Your aesthetic level is still too advanced for current human beings.”

“Let me color, my good masterpiece is about to be destroyed by you.”

Reba had a cold face, and her heart was full of resentment.

This guy talks so much.

Just a little touched, now,

It’s all gone!

——[Hahaha, I take back what I just said, Brother Lin Zi still hasn’t changed. 】

– [He would be perfect without that mouth, 2333…”

——[But I still like to see him like this, he is really uncomfortable with being gentle.] 】


Under the command of Gu Lin’s mother, Reba barely completed the coloring work.

A lifelike flying mural is completed.

When the pigment was dry, Gu Lin picked up sandpaper and polished it.

Reba was puzzled: “What are you doing?” ”

Gu Lin smiled and said, “Old!” When I finish polishing, I will do some processing, and I will ensure that it is like an old object, and if you take it to Pan’s homeland, you may be able to deceive people.” ”

Reba was embarrassed, “You will have so many things!” ”

“If you don’t learn well at a young age, you want to swagger?”

An old voice suddenly came from behind him.

Gu Lin looked back and saw that it was Zheng Xiaoyang’s grandfather.

Gu Lin smiled, “Just kidding, don’t take it seriously, old man.” ”

Reba immediately got up and gave up his chair, “Grandpa Zheng, you sit.” ”

The old man did not hurry to sit down, but carefully admired the copied clay wall paintings.

“You drew this?” The old man looked at Gu Lin in surprise.

Gu Lin nodded, “Yes.” ”

The old man was amazed: “The painting is good, and there is really a bit of the style of Dunhuang murals.” Studied Dunhuang murals before? ”

“I haven’t studied it, but I just painted it.” Gu Lin told the truth.

The old man bowed his head slightly, “Not bad, not bad.” ”

“Old man, I haven’t asked what your name is?”

Gu Lin asked as he moved a chair over.

“Jung Tae-ho.”

The old man sat down.

Gu Lin pulled another chair and sat down opposite him, “I heard your grandson say that you have been working in the Mogao Grottoes for sixty-six years?” ”

Zheng Taihe pinched his fingers and calculated, “It’s been so many years. ”

“Grandpa Zheng, can you tell us your story?” Reba asked.

Zheng Taihe shook his head and said, “There’s nothing to talk about, it’s not worth mentioning.” ”

Gu Lin immediately changed his question: “Old man, aren’t you bored when you do one thing in sixty-six years?” ”

Zheng Taihe smiled heartily, “It’s not boring!” How can it be boring. These are the treasures that our ancestors left us with great effort. ”

“As long as I can fix it, it will live two more years.”

Reba asked again: “Was the previous job very hard?” ”

Zheng Taihe replied: “Of course it is difficult, at that time the Mogao Grottoes were still the Gobi Desert, and there was no people. ”


“I was very uncomfortable that our country’s cultural relics need foreigners to preserve.”

“So I made up my mind that even if I use soil methods, I will study the restoration technology.”

Reba suddenly praised: “Grandpa Zheng, you are really powerful!” ”

Zheng Taihe laughed loudly: “I don’t know if it’s powerful or not.” Anyway, what I do is worthy of my ancestors and descendants. ”

Gu Lin gave a thumbs up, “Admiration!” ”

——[I just got to Baidu, Zheng Tai and the old man restored more than 4,000 square meters of murals in their lifetime. 】

– [It’s admirable to do only one thing in your life. 】

——[I hope that the old gentleman will live a long life and pass on the concept of protecting cultural relics to the next generation.] 】

– [This is a man of faith!] 】

——[Hats off to the obscure older generation of workers!] 】


“Old man, now there are more and more young people engaged in this industry, you can’t run to the front line every day, give yourself a vacation.”

Gu Lin said.

He also remembered that Reba had asked him to persuade Jung Tae-ho before.

Zheng Taihe shook his head and smiled: “No, I can’t rest assured of you young people.” ”

Gu Lin smiled and said, “Then let’s make a bet?” ”

Zheng Taihe was stunned, “What to bet?” ”

“If I can learn to repair murals, you can retire and recuperate, and leave this business to young people.”

Gu Lin said.

Zheng Taihe laughed, “Young man, this is not a one-day work. Even if you say you have learned, I dare not experiment with you with this thousand-year-old mural. ”

At this time, Zheng Xiaoyang came.

To be precise, he was always nearby.

Just didn’t come to disturb the chat of the three.

He also hoped that Gu Lin could persuade the stubborn grandfather.

“Grandpa, there is a way to complete your gambling contract.” Zheng Xiaoyang said.

“What way?” Gu Lin immediately asked.

Zheng Xiaoyang said: “Recently, there is a national cultural relics industry professional competition in Dunhuang, and Mr. Gu can go to try nine. “。

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