Time goes back to the early morning, the sky is just getting light, and at the airport in Xishuangbanna, a plane from Jingnan slowly landed.

Among the passengers getting off the plane, there was an old man in a long black suit, wearing a black soft top hat on his head, exuding a calm atmosphere.

He raised his head and revealed his face. He was about sixty years old, with gray hair and a short beard.

This old man was extraordinary, and everyone who passed by couldn't help but take a second look.

Mr. Lu raised his hand, looked at the time on his watch, and walked out.

He was invited by his old friend's children to rest in Manyuan Village, Xishuangbanna for two days.

The fresh air of Xishuangbanna came over, making Mr. Lu feel much better.

A few days ago, he passed by a painting he liked very much at an auction.

This made Mr. Lu feel a little depressed. When chatting with his old friend, he suggested that he wanted to go to a place with a comfortable environment for a walk.

The old friend remembered that his son was recording a program in the beautiful Manyuan Village in Xishuangbanna.

So he suggested to Mr. Lu that they go there for a walk and relax.

Mr. Lu wanted to refuse, but the old friend was very enthusiastic. He called his son directly to make an appointment for the guest and even bought the plane ticket for Mr. Lu.

Mr. Lu had no choice but to take this flight to Manyuan Village.

Patting the dust off his black suit, Mr. Lu coughed twice.

His expression was calm but a little depressed:"I really made a bad friend. He bought me such an early flight. I had to travel all the way before dawn."

""Ahem." After coughing twice, Mr. Lu showed a faint smile on his face.

Originally, the old friend's child wanted to send someone to pick him up, but Mr. Lu refused.

He wanted to go to Manyuan Village quietly by himself, slowly and leisurely, and enjoy the scenery along the way.

He was old and couldn't be as anxious as the young people.

It happened that there was a taxi driver soliciting passengers outside the airport. The price was a bit high, but Mr. Lu didn't care and agreed without bargaining.

However, he made a request to the driver that he wanted to stop occasionally on the way to enjoy the scenery.

The old man was straightforward, and the taxi driver was also enthusiastic and generous, and agreed with a smile.

Along the way, they stopped several times, and Mr. Lu After getting off the car, I enjoyed the fresh air, took some photos with my mobile phone, got back in the car, and continued to head towards Manyuan Village.

In the car, I chatted slowly with the taxi driver about the topic of Xishuangbanna, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

The taxi driver also deliberately slowed down, because he liked getting along with such an elegant old man.

Suddenly, on the street, I met a little person covered in dust, cute but pitiful, walking out along the road.

She looked no more than five or six years old, just walking forward step by step, with no adults around her.

When Mr. Lu's car passed the little girl, Mr. Lu saw her dirty little face, burying her head and walking forward with a huff.

"Master, please stop.、"Mr. Lu called out, and the taxi stopped by the roadside, and Mr. Lu got out.

The little girl was still trying hard to move forward, and her little shoes were torn, which made Mr. Lu feel a little distressed.

"Little girl, why are you here alone? Where are your parents?"Mr. Lu walked over, slowly squatted down his already osteoporotic body, and asked

"I..."The little girl raised her head, and was about to speak, but stopped herself, and finally closed her mouth tightly, refusing to say anything.

Mr. Lu knew that the little girl was very vigilant and not as easy to trust as other children.

He smiled helplessly and said,"Little girl, grandpa doesn't look like a bad person, does he?"

The little girl pushed the thick, dusty glasses, looked at him carefully with her big eyes, and said:

"Like! Like a killer!"


Mr. Lu didn't know what to say.

How could he kill someone with his old arms and legs?

But the girl's active thinking made him laugh, and a sincere smile appeared on his old face.

Seeing this smile, the girl's expression changed slightly, and her vigilance gradually dropped.

"Little girl, where are you going?"Mr. Lu didn't ask too much, but was concerned about her safety.

After all, she was a five-year-old child. It was too unsafe for her to walk alone on this rugged mountain road.

There were many bends and vehicles here, and it was easy to be careless when driving in the blind spot, which could hurt the child.

"I'm going to Manyuan Village." The little girl pushed her thick glasses and answered

"That's just right!" Mr. Lu smiled and said,"I'm going to Manyuan Village too. How about I give you a ride?"

He pointed to the taxi in front and said,"There are surveillance cameras in taxis, so don't worry."

The little girl hesitated for a few moments, nodded her head, and followed Mr. Lu into the taxi.

"Mr. Lu, whose child is this?" The taxi driver frowned as he looked at the gray-looking child. He always felt that children picked up from the roadside were difficult to deal with.

He was not worried that Mr. Lu was trafficking children, but was worried that the child would extort money.

This place was full of ordinary farmers, some of whom had difficulties in life. What if they met those who tried to cheat money?

Mr. Lu didn't care at all, and smiled and said,"I don't know, maybe a lost child. If you're going to Manyuan Village, just stop by."

The taxi driver opened his mouth to say something, but when he saw the loving look in Mr. Lu's eyes as he looked at the little girl, he chose to shut up.

He and Mr. Lu were only employers, and his mission would be over after he sent the other party to Manyuan Village.

There was no need to care so much.

However, Mr. Lu was still kind-hearted!

Sighing in his heart, the taxi driver started the taxi and drove towards Manyuan Village again.

In the car, Mr. Lu smiled at the little girl, and after careful observation, he found that the little girl was actually very pretty.

Big eyes, a small nose, and a round and chubby little face.

Mr. Lu's memory suddenly flew back to decades ago, when he was an eight-year-old child and met an arrogant five-year-old kid.

The kid was wearing a princess dress, his skin was white and rosy, and he was as pink as a doll.

At that glance, Mr. Lu was destined to never forget that kid for the rest of his life.

Later, the two grew up, got married, and had children...

"Grandpa, I'm hungry."The cute voice interrupted Mr. Lu's memories. He turned his head and looked at the expressionless little girl, shook his head and smiled.

It has been many years since I recalled my childhood.

However, this child is really similar to her.

"What do you want to eat?"

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