"Dad is more childish than Tiantian!" Looking at Ye Fang with a flushed face, Guan Tiantian angrily patted Ye Fang's chest, with a tone of grievance and complaint.

Wen Yaoyao stood up, ran to the bathroom with her short legs, got a basin of clean water and a towel, and wiped her father's face and hands.

She thought that her father would be more comfortable this way.

Yang Anan helped to unbutton two buttons for her father so that he could breathe.

Liu Youyou helped Wen Yaoyao. When she wiped her hands, Liu Youyou raised her hands. When she wiped her face, Liu Youyou brushed her father's hair. The four little ones are always busy.

Four five-year-old children, such actions are beyond ordinary children, even beyond adults.

Not only can they take care of themselves, but they can also take good care of the drunk Ye Fang.

Seeing these four well-behaved children, the audience in the live broadcast room were moved:

"Ah! It turns out that daughters are all sweet little cotton-padded jackets. Mr. Ye now has four!"

"This is the rhythm that makes me have to give birth to a daughter!"

"These four little ones are so well behaved!"

"I envy Mr. Ye so much!"

"I didn't want to have a second child, but now I want to have one."

"I want to say, I can give birth, I can still give birth!!!!"

"I looked at my brat and kicked him out."

"This is so cute!"

"Oh my god, this is so heartwarming!"

"Mr. Ye took care of them during meals, and now they take care of Mr. Ye!"


This scene touched countless people, and also touched the people who were sitting outside and saw this scene through the window.

The princess couldn't help but think that Mr. Ye had lost his beloved, but he had several little angels around him.

Maybe this is another kind of compensation?

It is said that a daughter is a father's little lover in his previous life.

Mr. Ye had quite a lot of little lovers in his previous life.

But at the same time, he was confused.

Guan Tiantian and Yang Anan are Mr. Ye's blood daughters. It is normal for them to be nervous about Mr. Ye, but why are Liu Youyou and Wen Yaoyao?

Only Redina and Guan Tong'er know this question.

The two girls looked at this scene with a touching smile on their faces.

An'an, this little guy, can take care of herself in her daily life, and takes good care of herself. Unexpectedly, she can also take care of adults.

Redina smiled with relief and watched.

Guan Tong'er was surprised. In her eyes, Tiantian is a little princess spoiled by the whole family.

When it is her turn to take care of others, the whole family will revolve around her.

But now, she will also wipe people's bodies intimately and worry about the safety of others.

This must be his biological father!

But seeing this, Guan Tong'er became even more jealous.

This is her most beloved sister who grew up under her watch, and she has never enjoyed such treatment from Guan Tiantian!

The food on the table had already gone cold, and Teacher Huang got up and took the dishes into the kitchen:"I'll heat up the food."

Everyone had no appetite to eat just now, but now they felt hungry, so they helped to serve the dishes, heat up the dishes early, and fill their stomachs.

Although they were very worried about Ye Fang's situation, they still had to fill their stomachs.

After the food was heated, everyone ate it up, but they had no interest in chatting at all.

Teacher He saw that it was getting late, so he asked everyone to rest early, and everyone nodded in response.

"Zi Feng, take the four little ones to rest first. Teacher Huang said, looking at the four little guys guarding like that, it was not a big deal.

""Okay." Zhang Zifeng nodded, and waited until everyone went back to their rooms to rest before going into the bedroom.

""Tiantian, you guys should go and have a rest early. Leave this to me, okay?"

Zhang Zifeng's words actually contained a little selfishness.

She wanted to be closer to Mr. Ye, even if it was just a distance.

She didn't want to own anything, but just wanted this opportunity to quietly look at the person she liked.

Guan Tiantian had been very sleepy for a long time, her eyelids were fighting, she rubbed her eyes with her white and tender hands, and shook her head:"No, Tiantian has to stay with daddy!"

"Youyou wants to stay here!"

"An An too!"

"I'm worried about my dad being alone." Wen Yaoyao's tone was childish but steady as she refused directly.

She knew that although the four little ones were still children, they were very stubborn.

They just didn't want to, so Zhang Zifeng could only sigh and smile helplessly:"Then can I accompany you?"

"Good~" Guan Tiantian happily threw herself into Zhang Zifeng's arms and kissed her on the cheek

""Thank you, Sister Zifeng." Wen Yaoyao smiled on her tense little face and thanked him.

No one wants to waste their time on unnecessary things.

Sister Zifeng has to review her homework every day, but she is willing to spend her precious time with them.

Wen Yaoyao was very grateful.

After a while, Redina also came in:"Why don't you go to bed yet?"

"They want to stay here and guard it, so I will accompany them." Zhang Zifeng explained.

Hiding his little selfishness

"So that's it...."Redina thought about it and said with a smile:"Then I will stay too! Mr. Ye has helped me a lot."

She was referring to the fact that Ye Fang promised to take care of An An.

That was the task assigned to her by Sister Mi. She actually did a very bad job and almost ruined it.

But Mr. Ye promised to take care of her, which helped her complete the task and get the vacation.

Redina was very grateful to Ye Fang for this. Of course, she was also worried about the four children and Zifeng staying here alone.

As for why she was worried, probably only she knew.

Zhang Zifeng opened his mouth to say something, but swallowed it back.

He couldn't stop it, otherwise it would expose something.

In the end, the four children, Redina, and Zhang Zifeng stayed by the bed for a night.

In the middle of the night, except for Wen Yaoyao's three children who were not strong enough and dozed off, Redina and Zhang Zifeng covered the three children with quilts and patted their backs so that they could sleep peacefully.

In the second half of the night, Redina also fell asleep leaning against the bed.

In the dark night, Zhang Zifeng stared at Ye Fang's sleeping face with sparkling eyes.

Finally, I have time to be alone with you.

Mr. Ye.

The princess and Chen Yixun couldn't sleep all night.

Half of them were excited to get the good song that belonged to them, and the other half were shocked, with their moods fluctuating.

If Mr. Ye had not experienced what happened before, and had been developing in the Chinese music scene for five years, I'm afraid his status would have surpassed them long ago.

Even, he could have approached the position of the king!

Today, they really saw what a musical demon is.

It's scary!

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