The princess could see that Ye Fang was not very interested in cooperating, which was consistent with his usual style.

But she had to turn down all the work, and she only had two days left. She would fly back tomorrow.

Success or failure depended on tonight, and the princess didn't want to make a wasted trip!

If she could get the first cooperation, then the chances of wanting to cooperate in the future would naturally be much greater.

"Mr. Ye, I have always liked your songs. I hope you can consider it.、"

Chen Yixun also sensed the intention of his senior sister, and stood up sideways, not wanting to be outdone:"Mr. Ye, I flew back from abroad as soon as I heard the news about you. I believe you can also feel my sincerity!"

The princess gave him a glare:"First come, first served, don't you understand, junior brother?"

"I have been waiting for the opportunity to cooperate for five years. Senior sister, you are not older than me, shouldn't you let me have the chance?"

Chen Yixun's words pierced the princess' heart. Age is always a secret that women cannot tell.

"Let me go first!"

"It should be me!"

In the end, the two of them didn't care about their image and started arguing directly.

These are the senior and junior sisters of the Queen! They didn't care about their image and argued directly in front of the camera about who would cooperate first, and neither of them would admit defeat.

Wen Yaoyao couldn't help but support her forehead as she watched, feeling a headache for her father.

These two uncles and aunts are usually quite normal people, how come they become more childish than her when they are drunk?

Guan Tiantian giggled and found it very interesting.

Yang Anan and Liu Youyou were also very interested in watching the fun.

The others were dumbfounded.

Is this still the appearance of a top singer? In order to cooperate with Ye Fang, they actually started a fight?

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more confused.

"Oh my god, they’re arguing again!"

"They quarreled even more fiercely after getting drunk!"

"Hahahaha! How can she look like a diva at all?"

"It’s hard to believe, is this still the demeanor of a top singer?"

"Hahahaha, I laughed insincerely."

"Mr. Ye must be having a headache now!"

"If it weren't for Mr. Ye, we would never have seen this scene."

"It's all because Mr. Ye is so talented."

"Even the queen has her moments of losing her composure!"......

At this moment, when she had time to open the live broadcast room and wanted to check on her two senior sisters and brothers, she saw the scene of the dispute.

The manager Jiaying widened her eyes:"Oh my God, what are the two little ancestors doing?"

The two of them usually have a good relationship and often talk about music and life together, and they are very harmonious.

Why did they argue so hard that their faces turned red in Manyuan Village?

Especially Feifei, who shocked Jiaying.

Is this still the queen Feifei in her family who is calm and indifferent to the world?

She is actually so down-to-earth and childish.....

Sister Jiaying was a little amused and had a headache. The two of them were going to quarrel over Mr. Ye! She had never thought that Ye Fang was so important to them.


Seeing that the dispute between the two was about to escalate, Teacher He also wanted to persuade them, but found that he could not get a word in.

The two were drunk and wanted to cooperate with Ye Fang. They did n't care where the upper body was. Is this a good idea?

Just when the situation was getting out of control, Ye Fang, with a dazed look in his eyes, suddenly said:

"You two, please stop arguing. Isn't it better to live in harmony?"

"You two want songs, right? Don't worry, we have as many as you want."

After saying that, he suddenly stood up and walked into the mushroom house with a somewhat messy step, as if he was looking for something.

This action made everyone confused, and Teacher He immediately followed him.

Ye Fang was seen rummaging around in the house, but he didn't seem to find what he wanted, and wandered around the house.

He looked obviously drunk, and Teacher He was worried that he would do something strange after being drunk like the princess and her brother, so he hurried over and asked with concern:

"Ye Fang, what do you want?"

""Paper and pen!" Ye Fang looked at Teacher He and said slowly with a smile.

Teacher He didn't know what he was going to do, but he immediately told the staff to find white paper and ballpoint pens.

Director Lao Wang was very smart. He provided whatever Ye Fang wanted.

After getting the white paper and ballpoint pen, Ye Fang walked back to the yard slowly.

He found his seat and sat down slowly. Wen Yaoyao and the other two immediately raised their lotus hands and used their strength to support their father.

Ye Fang put the white paper on the table with a dazed look in his eyes, and then shook it again. You opened the pen cap.

Seeing Ye Fang's posture, several people were full of question marks, looking at each other, saying that they didn't understand.

What is Mr. Ye going to do?

The princess realized something, and she was expecting and looking forward to it. Sure enough, Ye Fang held the pen and slowly wrote on the white paper.

Is he going to write a song?

Teacher Huang and the others held their breath nervously.

No one dared to speak loudly, for fear of interrupting Ye Fang's inspiration at the moment.

I saw his slender five fingers holding the pen, writing freely and unrestrainedly on the white paper, obviously bursting with inspiration.

4 And his whole temperament also changed dramatically all of a sudden.

He has the aura of a famous artist.

In the eyes of others, he exudes a breathtaking light!

Everyone seemed to see the ancient poets who were drunk, holding brushes and creating freely on rice paper.

At this moment, Ye Fang really has the demeanor of a master!

This made Mr. Huang, Mr. He and others' hearts pounding nervously.

It was not the first time that Ye Fang created in front of the program group. After all, he had sung several new songs in a row.

But it was the first time to see the birth of a song with his own eyes!

What's more, this is a song written for the Queen Sister and Brother! These two people play an important role in the Chinese music scene. Writing songs for them is a big deal!

And���This incident happened in the Mushroom House again, which added a lot of attention to the show.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also nervous:

"Huhuhuhu, so nervous!"

"It turns out that this is what idols look like when they are created!"

"So looking forward to it!!!!"

"The idol looks so cool and free and easy when writing songs!"

"I seem to see the momentum of the great writer when he was creating!"

"I’m so nervous, this is a song dedicated to my fellow diva sisters and brothers!"

"Who is this song for?"

"So excited!"

"My heart is pounding!"

"Mr. Ye’s current momentum is so shocking!".........

Director Lao Wang was so excited that he felt the highlight was coming! He immediately asked all the photographers to focus their cameras on Ye Fang.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, a few minutes later, Ye Fang's hand suddenly stopped and he threw the pen in his hand. He stared at his work with his almond-shaped eyes, and slowly, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Others also looked over with excitement....

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