Netizens who read this couldn't help but breathe heavier, and their eyes showed heartache.

God is unfair, letting such a loving couple face the separation of life and death.

And such a painful way of parting!

If Yuge had died suddenly due to an accident, perhaps Mr. Ye would feel a little better, right?

After all, who can watch the healthy person they love the most being destroyed by the disease bit by bit?

A beautiful, delicate, and lively girl gradually lost her hair, became so thin that she was unrecognizable, and had a pale face.

For a woman who is born to love beauty, what kind of torture is this.

What's more, it is accompanied by various adverse reactions after chemotherapy.

How bad this process is can only be described in one side of the article, but netizens who read the article feel heartache just by imagining it.

But as the person who endured the pain and torture, Lan Yuge.

They had never met, never known each other, and only knew this girl through simple words.

So strong.

Afraid of bringing negative emotions to people around her, she forced herself to smile and gossip.

Even though she was so sick, she could still think about others, which shows how kind she is!

No wonder! No wonder Mr. Ye, who is talented, good-looking, and pursued by countless girls from the same school, loves his girlfriend so much.

This couple with excellent character is so cute.

What a trick of fate.

Those female netizens whose fantasies had just been fulfilled were instantly teary-eyed.

"Why is it happening like that!"

"I thought the two of them would live happily ever after!"

"Although I knew that Mr. Ye’s girlfriend had passed away, I didn’t expect this to happen."

"Yuge, although I don't know her, she is a good girl, it's a pity1"

"Oh my God, can't you open your eyes!"

"I feel sorry for Yu Ge. You must have had a very painful time in your last days. But you are very strong!"

"Both of them felt uncomfortable, but they didn't want the other to see how uncomfortable they were!"

"Seeing Mr. Ye wiping tears outside the ward, I started to cry too."

"Seeing Mr. Ye, who is always gentle and smiling, I never knew his story. Now I finally know why he is so sad when he mentions his girlfriend."

"At this moment, when I listen to the song"No Man's Island" again, I can understand its meaning."

"Yu Ge went to"No Man's Island", and no one knew about Mr. Ye's pain."

"The above understanding is correct!".....

Gradually, the comments of the haters and keyboard warriors were overwhelmed by the thousands of comments that were touching. They were drowned in the ocean of information.

Teacher He's eyes moistened. He could imagine the scene at that time through the words.

He was a person who was easily moved. Like Guan Tiantian, he could easily feel his nose sore and his eyes moistened.

He secretly wiped away his tears and was relieved when he saw that no one noticed him.

Continue reading

"After the funeral, Brother Ye disappeared, as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth."

"He didn't even come to collect his diploma, and I didn't see any news about him anywhere."

"Until, I watched my favorite show, Yearning, and saw a small yard full of sunflowers. I remember that Sister Lan’s favorite was sunflowers, because she said that sunflowers grow towards the sun and strive to grow upward, just like her personality."

"There is also a swing in the yard, which should have been made for Senior Sister Lan."

"The small courtyard of Manyuan Village is full of traces of Senior Sister Lan."

"It can be seen from this that Brother Ye has never forgotten Sister Lan. He is a person who loves Sister Lan all his life."

"For five years, he locked himself up in Manyuan Village. How could a person like him care about fame and fortune and take this opportunity to gain popularity? ?"

"So, please stop bashing him if you misunderstand him on the Internet"

"Don’t criticize others without experiencing their suffering!".......

At this moment, Redina, who was eating and browsing her phone, saw this passage.

Her nose was sore and her eyes were red. She turned her head slightly and looked at Ye Fang, who had a gentle smile and a warm temperament.

It turned out that this was the story of Mr. Ye and his girlfriend.

Redina knew that Ye Fang had not forgotten his deceased girlfriend, but she didn't know that there were so many stories behind it.

The ending of this story is not what everyone wants to see.

It's so sad!

Think about it, with Mr. Ye's various talents, if his girlfriend hadn't passed away, he would probably have developed very well in the entertainment industry.

Become a popular director, singer, and so on.

And if Yu Ge was there, she should have become a well-known actor.

After all, she is also a talented school beauty with good looks, character, and talent.

Alas! It's a pity that such a thing happened, breaking all the perfect tracks.

The dead cannot be resurrected, I just hope that Mr. Ye can get out of it as soon as possible....

Redina glanced at the description of Lan Yuge's hospitalization again, and her heart ached. She felt sorry for Ye Fang and Lan Yuge.

But there was one thing that made Redina feel strange.

Why did the article of Mr. Ye's junior sister from the same school suddenly become a hot search?

Although Xiangwang and Mr. Ye are very popular, the article was posted by a new account without any certification.

If there is no one behind the scenes to fan the flames and do marketing, it would be impossible to become a hot search in just a few hours!

Who is it?

Redina couldn't think of it, but she only hoped that the other party did not have any ill will towards Mr. Ye.......

In an office building located in the busiest area of Shanghai, in the chairman's office, a well-dressed woman with black hair tied up behind her head with a jade hairpin, revealing her swan-like white neck, sat in the boss's chair. She was elegantly dressed and looked low-key, but in fact, every detail was very impressive.���It is a limited edition with a high price.

Her eyes were so deep that they could not be seen, but they were also extremely sharp.

The sharpness was hidden in her eyes, and she calmly looked at the interface of the ultra-thin laptop in front of her.

On the Weibo webpage, she was browsing an article about Ye Fang's story.

Her eyes were as calm as water, but a hint of touch emerged.

Wen Xue read the whole article to the end, witnessed Ye Fang's story, and also understood her daughter Yaoyao's biological father better.

During this period, she was too busy, busy developing new projects, and flying back and forth at home and abroad.

This project was very important to her. When she learned that Yaoyao was missing, she did not panic and immediately dropped the project on hand and searched all over the world.

Instead, she handed the task of finding Yaoyao to her assistant, and she continued to be busy with this important project.

There was no way, her group needed her anytime and anywhere.

After learning that Yaoyao went to find her biological father, Wen Xue was angry, but she analyzed it calmly.

She did not send someone to find her daughter immediately like other mothers.

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