The audience in the live broadcast room instantly became interested:

"What's going on! Is Mr. Ye going to sing?"

"Why a guitar? What song does Mr. Ye want to sing?"

"Wow! Mr. Ye can also play guitar!"

"What instrument can he play? Mr. Ye can play many instruments besides piano!"

"I particularly like Mr. Ye’s piano playing. I wonder how he plays other musical instruments?"

"What song is Mr. Ye going to sing?"

"Wow! I'm so happy to hear my idol sing again!"

"I haven’t taken out Dahua’s guitar for several years!"

"Wow! Is Dahua's guitar still there? Mushroom House is so nostalgic!"


Ye Fang's action made Zhang Zifeng's chubby face full of doubts. Does Mr. Ye want to play?

Redina was very curious. She had seen how skilled Ye Fang was when playing the piano, and she didn't know how he played the guitar.

Any instrument is fine. Mr. Ye said it with a big tone, but he said it so naturally, without any intention of pretending. The princess couldn't help but be curious, slightly sideways, with a little expectation in her eyes.

Chen Yixun knew that Ye Fang wrote songs well and played the piano even better. Is he also good at guitar?

Mr. Ye is still so young, and it is already amazing to have such a musical talent and super high piano level.

But people's time and energy are limited after all.

With Mr. Ye's achievements in music and piano, it is enough for him to spend more than 20 years practicing, right?

It is estimated that he only knows a little about guitar. After all, learning guitar is mostly just to be able to quickly play the melody that jumps out of his mind when improvising.

So it is also convenient to record it.

Everyone thinks so, not caring much about how well Ye Fang can play the guitar, but what song he wants to sing.

Guan Tong'er didn't quite understand Mr. Ye's sudden idea, but just watched curiously.

Soon, a guitar covered with a lot of dust was delivered to Ye Fang.

When Mr. Huang saw the guitar, he thought of Dahua who hadn't been home for a long time, and looked regretful:"Mr. Ye can also play the guitar?"

"Yes, I learned it in school before."Ye Fang nodded and answered

"I haven't heard guitar music for a long time...."Teacher He also fell into nostalgia.

It is now the fourth season of Longing, and only he and Lao Huang have persisted. They can't help but miss the scenes in the first season.

As people get older, they will become more nostalgic.

Ye Fang lowered her head and adjusted the sound of the guitar.

The guitar is a good guitar, but it has not been used for too long and the tone is not accurate.

But after a good adjustment, it can still be used.

Ye Fang looked up and looked at Guan Tong'er who was looking at her with curiosity. The eye contact made Guan Tong'er look slightly stunned, and her cheeks turned light pink.

A smiling voice slowly said:"I am not good at taking care of children, but I know that Tiantian likes to sing, so I will give her a song as a gift."

A song as a gift, and this song sung by Ye Fang, this gold content is not low!

Especially from the lazy expression next to the princess, but the face is undisguised to show envy, and Chen Yixun who also has an envious expression, it can be seen.

Even the Queen's sister and brother are envious, which shows how important Ye Fang's gift is.

This shocked Guan Tong'er, Mr. Ye is serious about this!

Guan Tiantian blinked her big eyes, her dark pupils were full of anticipation.

It was the song her dad gave her~

Guan Tiantian loved the song"Listen to Dad" yesterday, what song will her dad sing for her today?

The faces of Liu Youyou and the other two were full of envy, and their hearts were filled with sourness.

Tiantian is so happy!

Dad not only took the initiative to acknowledge that she is his daughter, but also wanted to give her a song to dispel Guan Tiantian's sister's concerns.

No matter what the song is like, the fact that Dad can do this for Tiantian, whom he met by chance, moved the four little ones very much.

""Wow, it would be great if dad could write scripts, I want to get a gift from dad too!" There was sourness in Liu Youyou's clear voice.

Yang Anan looked at Liu Youyou in confusion:"Didn't you pay attention to the information about dad that I dug out?"

"My dad studied directing and even directed a movie and won an award!"

"The script of that movie was written by my father himself."

Yang Anan's reminder quickly brought back Liu Youyou's memories. Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she held Yang Anan's little face and kissed her crazily.、

"My dear An An, you are so nice, you are so great!"

Because of Yang An An's hacking skills, she had already hacked a series of systems related to Ye Fang.

Except for Ye Fang's own computer, which Yang An An couldn't crack, she knew everything Ye Fang had created before.

Liu You You was very excited that her father could write scripts.

When that movie was released, she was not even born!

Even though five or six years have passed, the reputation of that movie has always been very good, and it is even now paid to watch on a certain major video website!

Because of the good reputation, because of the high box office, and because many people like it, it is paid to watch!

The audience in the live broadcast room was so excited:

"Mr. Ye is so sincere!"

"Wow! Why do I suddenly envy a five-year-old child?"

"This is so happy! This song was written by Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye, I will marry you, and you should write a song for me!"

"Look at the envious eyes of the Queen and Yixun, hahaha!"

"What kind of godly dad is this!"

"Looking forward to it! I can hear my idol’s new song again!"

"Can I say that this moment is what I look forward to most every day?"........

After Ye Fang tuned the guitar, he gently plucked the strings. He sat on a high stool, lowered his eyes slightly, and the guitar rested on his chest.

As soon as the rhythmic prelude came out, Teacher Huang couldn't help but sway his body gently to the rhythm.

Teacher He stared at Ye Fang with a sharp eye, looking forward to his new song.

The princess tilted her head slightly, took a sip from the teacup in her hand, and showed an expression of listening.

Zhang Zifeng supported her cheek with her little hand. After listening to Mr. Ye's song yesterday, she couldn't forget it. I didn't expect to hear his new song again so soon!

Listening to the prelude, it feels very suitable for Tiantian's age and personality.

Redina's beautiful eyes watched quietly, looking forward to it.

Chen Yixun could hear that this was a song suitable for children, but he couldn't stop envying her in his heart.

Guan Tong'er couldn't take his eyes off Ye Fang at this moment. No matter where this man stood, he was like the brightest star in the night, emitting a gentle, natural, and irresistible light.

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