Zhang Zifeng heard the piano and took a few steps forward so that he could get closer and hear more clearly.

The sun shone in the yard of this family, giving the scenery in front of them a layer of golden light.

Teacher He, Teacher Huang and others also leaned forward and looked at the source of the piano sound.

In the corner of the yard where the flowers were crowded, there was a black piano. The piano reflected the light in the sun, and it looked majestic and noble.

Obviously, this piano is worth a lot of money.

But the most eye-catching thing is not the piano, but the tall back sitting in front of the piano with his back to the camera.

Because of the angle of his back, his face could not be seen clearly.

The light sunlight just sprinkled on him, and he sometimes lowered his eyes and closed them, and sometimes looked up at the sky. The slender ten fingers kept tapping the black and white keys, and the beautiful music poured out.

Butterflies surrounded him, adding a bit of dreamy feeling.

The scene looked so beautiful and unreal, as if it should be a scene in a dream.

So when Mr. Huang and others approached, their footsteps were very light, for fear of breaking the scene in front of them.

If it was broken, would the person playing the piano be blown away by the wind?

Zhang Zifeng stared at the tall back and felt an indescribable sense of loneliness.

Mr. Huang was amazed at how well the piano was played. Zhang Zifeng leaned against the fence, closed his eyes, and listened quietly.

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed:

"Oh my god, is this the male protagonist from the comics?"

"You play the guitar really well, such a professional!"

"Nice! Nice!"

"The piano level is very strong! As an instrumental music major, it means he is a big shot!"

"I wonder what this figure looks like from behind!"

"From the back I think he is a handsome guy!!"

"listen well!!!!!"

"What song? I haven't heard it before!".....

Yang Anan supported her little head with her palms and listened attentively. She was not in a hurry to find her father at the moment. She would listen to it first! Yaoyao tilted her head and listened quietly. It sounded better than the world-class piano performances her mother had brought her to!

Although she didn't know piano, she had been following her mother with elegant tastes since she was a child, and she had a very high appreciation ability.

Only Guan Tiantian, who was raised as the inheritor of Guan family's folk art, had a different brilliance in her eyes! She has been exposed to folk art since she can remember. Her amazing musical talent allowed her to learn many kinds of musical instruments, piano being one of them.

This year, she just passed the ninth-level exam at the China Conservatory of Music and was the youngest examinee.

In her ears, she could clearly judge that the other party's piano level was very, very high.

This made her very curious about the person in front of her, and she listened attentively.

He suddenly began to sing:

"Behind the black is the dawn.

I think there is a long time to come, so don't wake up the dream.

Time continues to fly. I will hug your back outside the airport at the next stop.

Behind the blue is purity.

I lower my head and look down at the eyes I miss on the land.

There are some things in life that have no reason to explain the silence of a moment.

His voice is low and magnetic. The melody is very simple, but it highlights his singing skills.

He sang in a low voice, as if he was expressing his longing for someone.

Even though it was a hot day with a temperature of nearly 40 degrees, Zhang Zifeng still felt his hair stand on end. He just felt that his singing...So charming!

Who is this person? Is he a local villager of Manyuan Village?

He seems to be integrated with Manyuan Village, but he also seems to be out of place. With such a voice and such emotions, most people present are not professionals, but they can also hear his extraordinary qualities.

Guan Tiantian's little body trembled slightly, her eyes widened, and she was amazed in her heart.

This uncle sings so well...

But as he listened, his big eyes were soaked with mist, as if he understood the sadness in the lyrics.

Such a song makes people curious, what kind of story does he have?

The song is so sad.

Teacher Huang and Teacher He wanted to exclaim, but everyone forgot the words.

Listening quietly.

The audience in the live broadcast room listened carefully, with only a few scattered comments floating:

"You sing so well!"

"I always feel that there is a special meaning in this lyrics"

"Wow! This voice is as good as that of a professional singer!"

"He plays the piano well and sings well, awesome!"

"Could this be a special guest invited by the program crew?"

"Why does it make me want to cry?"

"Why haven't I heard of this? Who sang this song originally?"

"Sounds good!!!".......

The author of this song once explained that this song was written for a missing plane.

Is there another possibility for the missing person?

And in the heart of Ye Fang, who was singing and playing the song, there was also a hope that there could be another possibility, someone who had never been lost.

A youthful smiling face appeared in front of him.

Ye Fang's eyes were a little moist, missing the girl who had been with him and promised to be with him forever.

But she is no longer in this world.

I don't know if she has gone to that uninhabited island.

But he hoped that she was just missing, rather than seeing with his own eyes that she was tortured by illness and her vitality was gradually draining away until the moment of her life.

She slowly closed her eyes with a pale face on the hospital bed.

Five years, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-eight days.....

I still can't forget you...

Rain Song....

She was once the driving force behind his efforts. He had no family, only this girl who loved him wholeheartedly.

He worked hard and made progress, hoping to give her a better life.

But she was just a flash in the pan in his life, and no one came to him from then on.

He bought the land in Manyuan Village and built a pastoral home that he and she had imagined, but it eventually became an uninhabited island.

Just like his empty heart, it was dead silent and desolate.

Recalling everything, the force of the knocking in his hands increased, and Ye Fang's tone rose, with a slight tremor.

"If the clouds are a letter from the sky

, can I listen to your voice again

? Even if it's just for fun, I won't blame you for traveling to an uninhabited island with Peter Pan. The sky is endless, it's the reflection of the ocean, the blue is endless, where is my you? If I get lost, I must remember

���) Put your thoughts into a drifting bottle

(Remember) Send it to me quickly so as not to make people worry"


Big, crystal tears fell, Guan Tiantian's small shoulders swayed slightly, and the tip of her nose turned red.

""Tiantian, why are you crying?" Yang Anan, who was standing by, exclaimed and quickly handed a tissue to her sister to wipe her tears.

Zhang Zifeng's eyes were also blurred with tears.

Girls are naturally emotional, and there is so much emotion in his voice!

It was enough to make Zhang Zifeng's eyes red.

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